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How Long Does It Take for an Offer to Take Effect? Answered

Among the things that a lot is heard about, but few know what it really is about are the offerings. One of the biggest doubts is to know how long it takes for an offering to start to be done in the person’s life.

Thus, it is important to seek to understand a little more about this issue.

Knowing what the offerings are about can be interesting to be able to reflect on how you perceive them, whether you want to know more or is enough.

Even those who know the subject may have questions about it, such as how long it takes to work.

In this sense, it will be very useful to check the general understanding, clearing your doubts and understanding what they are about.

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What is an offering and how does it work?

How long does it take for an offer to take effect?

How do I know if my offer has been accepted?

Can an offering not work?

What can I do if the offering doesn’t work?

Last essential tips…

What is an offering and how does it work?

offering white candles

Offerings are an existing practice in Umbanda, which is done with the purpose of thanking or asking for something.

This practice is done with the aim of getting in touch with the Orixás or their guides, depending on the intention involved.

Making an offering can also have the intention of a greater connection with the spiritual world.

It is one of the most important actions within the Umbanda environment, given the possibility that it allows the faithful with their spirituality and with nature.

Although it seems something different, this practice is present in the lives of many people who make offerings even without knowing their meaning.

At the turn of the year, for example, it is very common for people to throw flowers into the sea, which is given as a form of offering to Iemanjá, Orixá in Umbanda.

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In that regard, the offering can be understood as a way of sending a gift to the spiritual worldasking for protection and a positive year ahead.

This is just a practice that facilitates the understanding of what the offering is, but it can be different, especially when done by someone who understands the subject and follows umbanda as a religious line.

The functioning of the offering is like a relationship of respect with the guides and orixás, representing equivalent and positive exchanges.

Requests are made to the spirit world, but thanks are also madeaiming to establish a good relationship with them.

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How long does it take for an offer to take effect?

The time for an offering to take effect is quite variable and there is no way to define it exactly.

When making an offering, people can confuse its preparation time with the effect time.

The process of offering something to the guides or orixás is usually done in seven days, respecting what is called the seven stages.

These steps are done based on the time of the earth plane, where we human beings are present.

Nonetheless, the offering is made in order to reach the spiritual world, where time passes differently than ours..

Thus, it is important to understand that finishing your offering in seven days does not mean that it will take effect right away.

It is necessary to be patient, allowing yourself to wait the necessary time for the result to emerge from the decisions of the spiritual world.

How do I know if my offer has been accepted?

The first step to know if your offer has been accepted is to do it the right way, respecting the seven steps.

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Once the process is done properly, it is time to wait a bit, waiting for the spiritual world to respond.

However, often there may be a rush or curiosity to know how your offering was received.

In these situations, you need to seek contact with the spiritual world in order to understand your situation and your offering.

Although this may seem complex, it is not a reason to worry about major preparations.

Connecting with the spiritual world requires, at its simplest level, seeking to use the oracle, commonly known as the game of cowries.

Can an offering not work?

Offerings made to give thanks do not involve this issue, since by doing them you are already fulfilling your purpose.

However, there are also those that are made with the aim of obtaining something, making specific requests to guides and orixás.

Since we live on a different plane than the entities to which offerings are made, our understanding of things may also be different.

The offering will not always work, occur in the expected way, if it is not something necessary to happen in your life at that moment.

The spirit world takes place in a different time than ours and has a different understanding of situations..

That way, the offering may have a response, but not necessarily in the way you’re looking for.

It is important to try to understand that at first it may seem that the offer does not work, but it just did not go as expected.

Being open to what the spirit world perceives as important in your life is indispensable when trying to deal with issues through offerings.

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What can I do if the offering doesn’t work?

If you did not notice the occurrence of the desired response after making the offering, it’s time to take some action.

The first step is to try to understand why it doesn’t work, remembering that guides and orixás observe your life differently.

An offering that does not work is not something negative, it is a response to what you are living and desiring.

If it is too difficult to do it alone, it might be interesting to discuss this with other people.

A session with the oracle, the shell game, can also be interesting, as it puts you in greater connection with the spiritual world.

That way, it will be easier to understand a little more what the response to your offer involved.

In that sense, note that offerings work, but it won’t always be the way you want, because maybe it’s not what you really need.

Last essential tips…

Offerings are actions that are often seen in a prejudiced way.

However, they are nothing more than one of the many ways for man to get in touch with the spiritual world.

Making an offering involves gratitude for something one has achieved or a desire for assistance.

The connection with nature is also present, considering the places and what is offered as an offer to guides and orixás.

Offering something is connecting to the spiritual world and being open to the connection that this builds between you and the entities.

And then, did you find out how long an offering takes to take effect and the importance of that time? Any additional questions, leave a short comment on this same article.

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