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8 Sympathies of Onion: in the Freezer, Sewer and Olive Oil –

The power of sympathies is impressive. Thus, spiritual rituals serve to bring a person closer to what he wants.

The objectives can be the most varied, making the sympathies very comprehensive. A good example of this can be seen with the sympathies of the onion.

These rituals serve to attract love, to remove unwanted people and even to separate two people who are in a relationship. The rituals involving the onion, therefore, are very strong.

They are sympathies that manage to attract the what’s more powerful in the world for your order. To perform onion spells, find a quiet spot in your home.

Do everything in a calm environment, where you can carry out actions with peace of mind. Your concentration must be maximum, focusing on doing the step by step carefully.

Onion sympathies, therefore, function as a means to walk away from what is not worth it. At the same time, you will be able to attract what you want for the future.

Next, follow more about onion sympathies and see how these rituals can open your paths. By performing the ceremonies with attention and dedication, everything can come out according to what you want.

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1) Spell of the onion with a nail to tie a man

2) Spell of the onion in the freezer for him to want me

3) Onion spell to dominate a person’s mind

4) Spell of the onion in the pit to drive someone away

5) Spell with onion and olive oil

6) Spell with onion to separate friends

7) Spell with onion and pepper to separate someone

8) Purple onion spell for enemy to go far away

final words

1) Spell of the onion with a nail to tie a man

The spell of the onion with a nail serves to tie a man. Thus, it is directed to the conquest of a person you love. As simple as it is, it is a ritual that has enormous strength. Therefore, it must be done with attention and delivery.

You have to give your all for what you want. By doing this, the spell to tie a man will put him in the right direction. If you want to attract the best vibes, give yourself everything. Your future could be grand.

Necessary materials:

Onion.Nail.Red paper.

To start, peel the onion. Then place the nail across that onion. It should be a new nail big enough to stick out through the other side of the food.

Then wrap everything in a red paper. take to the door of a church and leave the onion there.

But before you go, say:

Saint Anthony miracle worker, Saint Anthony protector, Saint Anthony delivers me from all evil and brings my love”.

That’s it, just go away and wait for the effects of the ritual. This spell works by placing the onion in any church, so there is no need for it to be in a Saint Anthony church.

Furthermore, your faith will move the ritual. Therefore, faithfully believe in what you do. With this, you can achieve impressive results in your love life.

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2) Spell of the onion in the freezer for him to want me

The spell of the onion in the freezer works for him to want you. Therefore, there is an incredible power. This spiritual procedure serves to put you in line with the best vibrations in the world. This is a very positive thing for love.

The best thing to do, regarding this ritual, is to do it with intensity. Give all of yourself for what you want. Well, that way, you will put yourself in a situation of good vibes. A better life is on your way.

Necessary materials:


Write the name of the loved one on the paper. Then try to put the onion inside the paper, creating a wrapper. Done that, take it to the freezer and leave it there for 12 hours.

Then remove the wrapper with the onion and bury it somewhere in the woods. After burying, Make your wish to the universe and wait for the effects.

Spell is quite simple, but it works. Therefore, dedicate yourself with everything to this ritual. With this, the effects will be the best.

3) Onion spell to dominate a person’s mind

On the other hand, the onion’s ability to dominate a person’s mind is different. Even so, it is quite efficient. For those who want to dominate another person, this is the indicated spell. Thus, it is interesting to make the request with faith.

You have to give your all spiritually to get what you want. With that, you can attract high quality vibes. In the face of this whole scenario, see below how to perform the spell step by step to control a person’s mind.

Necessary materials:

Chopped onion.Paper.Pen.Honey.

Write the full name of the loved one on the paper. Then put the chopped onion in there. add yet a spoonful of honey.

In this way, you can close this part of the ritual. Wrap everything in paper and take it to the beach. Once there, say the Our Father prayer and then throw everything into the sea. Ready, spell will be done.

The person in question will start thinking about you in an intense way. Soon, you won’t be able to get your image out of her mind. Your goal with the ritual will be accomplished.

4) Spell of the onion in the pit to drive someone away

The charm of the onion in the pit to drive someone away is straightforward. So it has a lot of strength. When it comes to removing a person from your life, it is a ritual that succeeds pave an incredible path to the future. Good things will come.

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Sympathize very carefully. Because that way you will avoid mistakes. Also, focus on attracting good energies in order to have what you want. Your reality can be what you really want.

Necessary materials:

Onion. Cooking salt.

Take the onion and make a hole with a knife. In that space, put a little table salt. Then take everything to a pit.

Once there, mentalize the person you want to keep away from you. Think intensely about this person so that the image is clear in your mind.

So, repeat:

Go away now, (person’s name). I don’t want you here, I don’t want you near me. Let me be happy”.

After that, throw the onion in the pit. Soon, the ritual will be finished. From that moment on, the unwanted person will leave your life.

Remember to perform the spell with great faith. Believe in what you do and, step by step, get closer to great results with the ritual.

5) Spell with onion and olive oil

This is a spell with onions and olive oil. Thus, it serves to protect your soul. In that sense, it’s powerful. When the theme is to ward off heavy energies, this ritual can open your ways very intensely.

Therefore, the best thing to do is to approach the superior forces with positivity. To this end, the ritual in question will serve as a bridge to this communication. Next, see how to follow the spell instructions.

Necessary materials:

Onion.Olive oil.Empty glass.Your photo.

Cut the onion into pieces and place in the empty glass. After that, add a spoonful of olive oil to the glass.

Place your photograph on top, directing the ritual towards you. Close your eyes and ask the universe for the ritual to bear fruit.

Make a powerful connection with the superior forces and call for more positivity on your path. Made the request to the universe, leave the glass under your bed for two nights.

After the period, throw everything in the trash. The ritual it won’t take long to bear fruitmaking you a happier and more blessed person.

6) Spell with onion to separate friends

Onion spell to separate friends is objective. Therefore, it serves end a friendship. This is a simple procedure, but very strong at the same time. If you want to reach your goal quickly, it’s the right spell.

Do your best to get in touch with the best vibes. From there, take it a step further towards pushing the two people apart. Next, follow the necessary steps to carry out the ceremony.

Necessary materials:

Onion.Paper.Pen.Empty glass.Coarse salt.

Write the names of friends on paper. Done that, put the paper at the bottom of the cup. Then add the thick salt. Furthermore, put the onion on top.

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After this step, say:

May you, (people’s names), be separated in the name of Mama Oxum. Let them not look for each other any longer and leave now.”

After saying this, keep the glass behind your front door for two days. Spell will soon bear good fruit.

This is a simple ritual, but capable of attract the necessary power to give you what you want. Therefore, believe a lot in spell.

7) Spell with onion and pepper to separate someone

Spell with onion and pepper also to separate someone. In that case, it works for friendships or love relationships. Like this, it shows something very strong. If you really want to separate two people, it’s the right option. The ritual will point you in the right direction.

Therefore, it is a procedure that has a lot of power. When performing spell, try to give it your all. Concentrate as hard as you can and, step by step, get closer to what you want. See more about the onion and pepper ritual below.

Necessary materials:

Pepper. Onion. Dishcloth. Juice of one lemon.

Open the dish towel and place the chopped onion. Then add the chopped pepper. Once this is done, squeeze the juice of a lemon. about that dishtowel.

Close the cloth and take it to the door of one of the people you want to separate. Leave the tea towel in place and walk away without being seen.

Arriving at your home, make your wish to the universe hard. After asking for the intervention of superior energies, just be patient.

The ritual is direct and tends to work well. Therefore, put all your dedication into the execution of this procedure.

8) Purple onion spell for enemy to go far away

The spell of the purple onion is for the enemy to go far away. In this context, it is good to remove rivals from your life. Thus, the ritual serves to make room in your life for the best energies. The procedure is powerful.

As long as you have faith, you will proceed towards a lighter existence. With that, the spell of the red onion will deliver what you most desire. See more about the ritual below and learn how to do it step by step.

Necessary materials:

Chopped red onion.Coffee powder.Plate.Black candle.Paper.Pen.

The number of ingredients is high, but the ritual is simple. So, write the name of the enemy and put it on the plate. Then light a black candle on top.

Done that, put the red onion around. Also add the coffee powder, with both serving to ward off evil.

Leave the dish in your living room for three nights. After the period, play…

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