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Strong Prayer to Santa Muerte to Attract Money

Do you desperately need money and don’t know what to do? if so… Don’t move from here, as I’m going to show you a effective prayer to Santa Muerte to attract fast money.

Surely, like me, you have heard that money is not the most important thing in life, but deep down everyone knows that in certain situations, without money. It is very difficult to be able to face many difficult situations that arise in life.

For this reason, it is necessary that you read these prayers and prayers with great faith so that your economy and solvency improve.

The holy death also called; It is known by its faithful for granting abundant favors when it comes to asking for money

If you need to receive money urgently, you should not hesitate to read each of these prayers carefully and you will see how soon your hopes come true.

supplication with care and attention and you will feel how your hopes have resumed their favorable course.

Prayer to Santa Muerte or white girl to have urgent money

We are close to 11/02 Day of the Dead, where they also celebrate and make offerings to Santa Muerte. I will leave here a very strong prayer for you who need to improve your financial situation, whatever the business!

The golden holy death brings financial peace of mind and good luck to your home and business like the rays of the sun every morning.

It is the ideal way to achieve economic power, success in any business and attract money. The Santa Muerte dressed in golden robes is ideal for companies, industries, projects, shops, etc.

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Prayer for money to come

Light a yellow or gold candle, print a picture or buy a picture, make a small altar and offer sweets and a glass of drink. Leave it for 7 days to throw away the drink and sweets, the altar until you want or need it again!

Prayer opens paths to holy death to attract money

Holy death of money, my protector, my golden angel, I come before you and seek your charity and your help.

I come before you to seek your help and ask a favor of you…

Holy death of money, I am having a very difficult time, support my home and my family

Unemployment, poverty and bad luck surround me and my family

I feel like a black cloud is hanging over my head and I need to open the doors that are closed to me, santa muerte

I have come to you to ask for your blessings and your protection.

My enemy wants to see me fall and suffer, they block the paths I need to get ahead in this life

I put all my faith and trust in your skinny hands, my lady, because I know that you will protect me and not abandon me.

Because there is nothing that you cannot overcome or conquer, there is no door or path that you cannot open for me.

I ask you holy death of money to break all the bad luck, salt and misfortune that follow me and surround me

That with your power, oh holy death, you break these supernatural forces that are working against me and reverse them to whoever sent them.

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Protect me and my home and loved ones from all crime, and wrong

Holy death of money I always carry a photo of your holy image in my pocket, not only to bless and protect my money, I carry it for your complete and total protection from all crime and harm

Holy death of money, please remove all negative and bad influences from my home and my family, protect us from the witch and the liar

Get us out of poverty, unemployment and bad luck and pour out on me and my house the powerful and far-reaching blessings of your right hand.

Bless us with an honest stable job, with which I can support my home and family and pay off my debts.

Bless me with good health, good luck, success, abundance, good fortune and prosperity.

Holy death of money I ask you to please always protect me, my home and family day and night 24 hours under your total protection and I promise that for your goodness, charity and the only protection I promise to honor you every day. Friday with a yellow candle and 3 coins and a ribbon that will guide me through the darkness and money for your altar

I promise before you to always honor and defend you and to witness your wonders and miracles.

I promise that I will always honor you with gifts from my heart on your altar.

Thanks to you always for your goodness, charity and total protection of me, my home and my family

so be it amen

Prayer to the holy death to attract urgent money

Repeat this prayer for 3 nights in a row to attract money:

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I spent sleepless nights looking for possible solutions. I had no intention of disturbing you, my patron. If I come to your altar to ask for your help, it is because I have no choice but to come to you.

I need (amount needed) to cover some expenses.

I am not asking for your help to pay for vanities, waste or addictions.

I commit myself to your infinite charity when I find myself in an emergency.

I need an emergency (amount of money) to cover some payments.

If you grant me the favor I ask of you, Santa Muerte.

I promise you (candles, flowers, chocolates) on your altar.

Very punctual I will pay the favor you grant me.

I promise I wouldn’t bother you if I could.

May your work manifest in the speed of your response.

Santa muerte, keep in mind that I need your desperate help, I have a very urgent situation.

I can’t get the money I need right now.

I redeem myself to your kindness.

Oh, great to be benevolent.


VIDEO prayer to the holy death for economic emergencies

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