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How to make a love spell for my ex to come back to me

You’re lucky! Here, you will learn everything related to love spells, what they are, exactly in which cases you should use them, which spells work best, exactly how they can help you, and you will also be able to know when they are released. effect these love spells.

Undoubtedly, humans feel appreciation and love for other people, and we are attracted to living as a couple for most of our lives. Frequently we start a relationship with a lot of love and more than anything with a lot of security, but little by little we realize that the relationship is not like before.

What are these love spells really?

“Love spells are special rituals with which you can open the eyes of your loved one so that they realize that the path to you is their best option. Being only viable to make the mooring of love when there are still mutual feelings “

Love spells are exactly to revitalize and give power to those relationships that are at their worst moments, or at the moment when your loved one has already left you.

8 Love spells that can bring you back to the love of your life

There are times when we have tried everything by our means, but nothing has worked for us, then it is the moment in which the use of love spells makes sense.

Love spell to make your ex come back

To perform this spell correctly, pay close attention, as it must be performed on a Wednesday. When the day in question comes, light a white candle on a saucer and say the following words. Guardian angel, make my love come back to me, I love you very much.

After saying these words with confidence and faith, say an Our Father to your loved one’s guardian angel. He waits for the candle to finish burning, and when it does, he throws your remains in the trash. The plate, after washing it, can be used normally.

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Tie to bring love back today

You will need 2 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a piece of paper. Bring the water together with the sugar to a boil. After it starts to boil, drop the paper with your love’s name on it, into the water.

Let it boil for about 10 minutes, and after that time, let the water cool down. This water will have to be poured into a place with a lot of mud. Throughout this process, you will need to think about your loved one coming back to you and that you both live happily together.

Love spell of the three roses to recover love in three days

In addition to the number of roses that this spell contains, it also promises to bring your ex back in the same time, that is, three days. To make it, you will need three roses of different colors, one white, one red and one pink.

To get started, take a container and fill it halfway with water. Remove all the petals from the three roses and leave them in the water for 30 minutes. After doing this, fill the container with lukewarm water. Use this mixture to take a bath.

Pass the water through your body, and while you do it, try to fill yourself with energy with the strength of the three roses. Also, while taking a shower, imagine your ex coming back to you.

Love spell to get your ex back in a week

This mooring requires a little more materials, and with that it can end up giving you a little more work. However, it promises that you will get your ex back in a week, so it doesn’t hurt to give it a try.

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You will need 1 photo of your ex, 1 white rose, 1 red bow, 1 lavender perfume and 1 gift box. First take the photo, the rose, the ribbon and the perfume, and put them inside the gift box. Make a very pretty wrapper.

After doing this, on a full moon night, place the box under your bed, and leave it there for 7 consecutive nights. It is essential that during this period you do not touch the box. When the 7 days have passed, open the gift box, and return each object to its place of origin.

Love spell with stone so that love returns quickly

To do this spell the right way, you’ll need to get a brush and some red acrylic paint. With your brush and ink in hand, write your initials and your ex’s on a stone.

Around the letters, draw three more circles. When you do this, imagine your ex coming back to you and both of you living happily. Next, she wraps the stone in a piece of velvet cloth, also red. After that, she puts a few drops of rose oil in the packet.

To finish the mooring, you must bury the package in a pot with plants. Warning. You will absolutely not be able to tell anyone that you made this mooring because that could spoil everything.

Tie the rings to recover love

You must tie a ribbon with your name and the name of your love, in the two rings that you like the most. Then place them on a white saucer with red rose petals.

Place your hands on the rings and say, merciful God, You created love to give it to people. Don’t let my broken heart suffer again. Take care of me and all those who suffer for someone. Bring my love back, even more passionate, so that we can be happily ever after.

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As soon as you finish saying these words, throw the petals in the trash along with the tape. Your rings and saucer can be used again, no problem.

Tie with grain of rice to return love

Rice is also a highly requested ingredient when it comes to love spells. So, you will need 1 pen, 1 sheet of white paper, never used before, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of rice, and 1 bowl.

To begin with, mentalize the face of your love with a lot of affection and passion. Think of yourself returning to a relationship free of fights and disagreements. After doing that, write your loved one’s full name on the paper, using a red pen.

Then say the following words. (Name of the loved one) I wash you, I eliminate everything that stands in the way to recover your love. And put the glass of water in the basin.

(Name of your beloved) I sweeten you. And place the glass with the sugar in the basin. (Name of your beloved) I multiply your love for me. And finally put the cup with rice in the bowl. Finally, put your right hand in the water and imagine yourself and your love together, smiling, happy. In the end, throw it all away.

Initially, write the name of your love on a white piece of paper. Fold it into quarters and place it in a pot simmering on the fire. As you do this, say the following words. (Name of your beloved), just as this water boils, so will your head boil. You will only think of me, and you will come running to look for me.

This prayer must be said three times in a row, after that, pour the water into the sink. The paper should be thrown away. The pan, after washing, can be used normally.

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