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How to Discover My Animal Archetype – 4 Sure Steps

Nowadays, archetypes have gained a lot of popularity over the internet, and so many people are looking to find out what the archetypes are. animal archetype that you are experiencing in your life.

As we know, the archetypes are the primordial energies of the universe, that is, before the whole universe existed there was an archetypal planning.

The perfect businessman, the perfect teacher, the perfect chair, the perfect house… everything that exists in the universe has an archetype that is pure perfection.

In this way, animals are the universe’s archetypal ways of expressing certain qualities.

Each animal is the archetypal perfection in a certain area, in such a way, each person experiences a certain animal archetype in his life.

In this article, we will help you with some valuable tips to identify the animal archetype you are currently experiencing.

With this, you will discover your archetype, and if you wish, activate some other specific archetype in your life.

Step 1 – What animal archetype do you feel more affinity with at the moment?

One of the ways to find out what your animal archetype is is to observe the animal you currently have the most affinity with.

So, observe in your life which animal you have the most resemblance to.

It can be the Eagle, the Lion, the Wolf, the Owl, the Butterfly, the Tiger, the Dolphin, the Cat…

Pay attention to which animal gives you the most sense of power and strength.

That way, you’ll find out what your animal archetype is at the moment.

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Step 2 – Perform a Meditation

Another way to find out what your animal archetype is is to do a meditation and ask your “higher self” that shows you which archetype you are experiencing at the moment.

To accomplish this, take time out of your day and do some deep meditation.

When you are in a meditative state, ask yourhigher self”: What animal archetype am I experiencing?

The answer can come through an image, a sound, a dream… just be aware of the answer that will come over time.

Step 3 – Analyze the decoration of your home and work environment

One of the ways to find out which animal archetype is influencing you is to look at the decor in your home and work environment.

What are the archetypes that are exposed in your home decor?

Pay attention and observe, you have weak decoration archetypes like: cows, chickens, turtles, skulls and others.

If so, this will have a negative effect on you, and consequently you will experience weak archetypes in your life.

On the contrary, if you have strong archetypes in your life such as: eagles, hawks, owls, tigers, horses, dolphins, cats, wolves and others, it will have a positive effect on your life.

Therefore, pay attention to the decoration of your home and your work environment.

If you find any negative archetypes, replace them with a positive archetype immediately.

Step 4 – Ask someone to watch you

One way to discover which archetype you are experiencing is to ask someone to observe you closely and describe what your behaviors, actions and attitudes are.

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This is important to realize, because according to scientific research we have a different self-image than people think of us.

With that, we think we are experiencing a certain archetype of power, however, our attitudes indicate that we are experiencing another archetype.

And sometimes, only other people get to observe these details.

With that, choose someone and tell them to observe you and describe what their behaviors, attitudes, acts, actions, way of speaking, way of walking…

Thus, you will have an image of which animal archetype you are experiencing.

In this way, you can change your attitudes to embody the animal archetype you wish to experience.

How to Activate an Animal Archetype in Your Life

As we know, all archetypes can be activated in our lives at any time.

Therefore, you can activate a specific archetype to achieve a certain goal, overcome a difficulty and even live a happy and confident life.

To do this, choose the animal archetype that you want to activate in your life, for example: The Eagle, The Owl, The Wolf, The Tiger, The Lion, The Cat, The Jaguar, The Butterfly…

Once the archetype is defined, study all its positive and negative qualities and check if the archetype is in line with what you want for your life.

Then include that archetype through pictures, figurines, images, sounds, posters, stories, and other forms.

Thus, every time you are exposed to the archetype, your brain will capture this information, producing the responsible neurotransmitters that will help with the change.

Discovering which archetype we are experiencing is a very important task.

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In this way, we can very well change this archetype, and with that, experience the animal archetype that we desire.

Having more quality of life and energy to achieve our life goals.

Going a little further…

The archetypes are responsible for governing and organizing the world, the mind and also the behavior of beings, bringing real transformations to our lives.

If you want to change your Life and benefit from the energy of the Archetypes, I recommend that you get to know Practical Archetype Training.

Our training addresses archetypes through a Real, Practical approach teaching you how to use these strengths in order to effect profound changes in your life.

Are you prepared to have huge transformations? If yes, Click here or image below…

Are You Ready to Discover Your Twin Flame?

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