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Inverted candle spell to send back what they do to you – Witches of Love

In the same book from which I took the prayers of Saint Raphael for men and women, there is this charm of the turned candle, which I have known for a long time and I have seen other ways of doing it too, but I will post the one that came in the book.

Necessary Material for the Inverted Candle Sympathy

White Paper;Black Pencil;White Candle;Knife or Scissors.

How to do the Inverted Candle Sympathy

I’ve mentioned it to a few people who are looking forward to doing it, so here it is: It takes thought power, concentration to do it.

Take a blank piece of white paper, write in pencil the name of the person who wants to harm you or is already harming you (someone who is doing spiritual works to harm you).

Next to the paper, light an inverted white candle (as in the image above, you cut the original candle wick and make a new wick at the base, through which the candle will be lit). Then you call the person’s guardian angel, concentrate and ask that all the harm that he does to you be returned to him.

Important Information about the Inverted Candle Sympathy

You don’t need to place the candle in a high place and it can be lit indoors. There is no specific moon, but as it is to get rid of something bad, surely it should give better results if it is done on the waning moon.

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