Home » Dreams & Meanings » Letter 3 – The Gypsy Deck Ship: messages, combinations and more!

Letter 3 – The Gypsy Deck Ship: messages, combinations and more!

The Ship is the third card in the gypsy deck and represents the path between life and death. Thus, when it appears in a reading it works as an indication of the positive changes that will happen in the consultant’s life, increasing their wisdom and self-knowledge.

In addition, the card asks those who find it to allow themselves to live, be it new experiences or different emotions. Giving vent to curiosity is very important and helps with questions of personal growth linked to the messages of the O Navio card.

Throughout the article, more details about the messages of this card and the gypsy deck itself will be discussed. To find out more, continue reading!

The Gypsy deck is derived from the Tarot de Marseille, the most traditional version with 78 cards. However, the differences begin exactly at this point, since the gypsy deck has only 36 cards.

Also known as Tarot de Lenomand, it originated from the gypsy people, who were fascinated by the traditional tarot and decided to use it for another mystical practice common to their culture: palm reading. Thus, it was adapted for this context.

Next, more details about the history and importance of the Gypsy deck will be discussed. To learn more about this, continue reading the article.

The gypsy deck originated from Anne Marie Adelaide Lenomand, a gypsy, astrologer and fortune teller who created this reading format inspired by the tarot of Marseille. The purpose of the changes was to adapt the deck to the reality of the gypsy people, especially regarding the number of figures present.

Thus, the images present in the gypsy tarot are relevant to the context of this people and the figures are part of their reality, which facilitated the interpretation at the time that the practice emerged.

The gypsy deck brings the main benefit of targeting self-knowledge. Thus, its readings offer punctual answers to the queries of the client and indicate the best path to follow in order to be able to understand one’s own reality.

Therefore, in moments when someone feels limited and does not know what to do, this oracle can bring important revelations and help consultants to have greater clarity of reasoning about the obstacles of their daily life in areas such as family, love and career. .

There are several methods of drawing the gypsy deck of cards and the choice will depend on the querent’s questions and the fortune teller’s preference. For example, to talk about the near future, the most indicated is the circulation of 7 pairs, which talks about events in a range of up to 3 months.

This strip is organized in the form of a semicircle. The deck needs to be cut, shuffled and then the cards are removed and placed. The remainder must be shuffled again and another seven cards will be drawn. Then, the reading is done in pairs.

The Ship is a card from the suit of spades and when it appears in a gypsy deck reading it talks about the course of life. It is illustrated by a boat and highlights aspects of the journey of self-knowledge and wisdom that people need to follow.

Therefore, it is a card linked to the idea of ​​movement and suggests that it can come from both the querent’s interior and external events. What matters is that these changes will soon reach the lives of those who encounter O Navio and will arouse curiosity.

Next, more details about letter 3 will be discussed. To learn more about it, read on!

The suit of spades is the ruler of card 3 of the gypsy deck. He is linked to the air element, so his cards talk about the logical and rational side of people much more than their material side. Therefore, this dialogues with the meaning of the card The Ship.

This card suggests the changes that a person needs to experience throughout their life in order to reach their truth and self-knowledge. Due to the idea of ​​fighting present in the suit, this is not always peaceful.

Card 3 has the image of a ship in a calm and blue sea. It seems to run its course without any major problems. Thus, the representation is linked to the idea that the querent must throw himself into new experiences without fear of the consequences because this is part of the journey.

It is worth mentioning that the sky shown in the image has some darker clouds, indicating the possibility that the changes predicted by the card are not exactly peaceful. But they will be necessary for personal growth.

Card 3 suggests that the journey may be uncertain, but it should be done by the querent who finds The Ship because he will end the process feeling rejuvenated. His spirit will be renewed and he will feel that his duty has been duly performed.

Therefore, this aspect of change is the main positive meaning of card 3. There is nothing worse than leading a monotonous life and with the impression that there is nothing new to be discovered.

When looked at from the negative side, card 3 highlights instability. They are associated with the emotional state of the consultant, who feels insecure in the face of changes and faces this phase with uncertainty. The new possibilities presented are seen with the fear that any novelty tends to provoke.

The ship’s new horizons, instead of becoming an encouraging prospect, become something that intimidates the client and makes him afraid to walk his new path.

When the querent is willing to remain open to possibilities, The Ship is a positive love card. People who are committed tend to go through a phase in which they can communicate better with their partners thanks to self-knowledge.

This greater awareness of their own desires also benefits singles, who begin to accept less than what they believe they deserve from people. However, you need to open up to the changes in card 3 to be able to live love that way.

It is possible to say that card 3 has a direct connection with finances and work. Therefore, among the changes suggested by her, there are also some that are directly related to these sectors. In general, the messages are positive for this area of ​​life.

People who encounter O Navio in their gypsy deck games are living a moment in which they can do good business and sign agreements that will prove positive in the long term. There is the possibility of international travel.

The Ship brings positive messages about health. However, this depends on how the querent decides to face the changes that are taking place. If he just follows the natural course of things respecting his own pace, there will be no major problems in this sector.

However, if the changes cause stress and anxiety, there is a chance of some obstacles related to mental health. They should be looked at carefully as they can get in the way of the positivity of the moment. So when any such symptoms present themselves, do not be negligent.

In some tarot reading models, the cards are read together. In other words, they work in pairs. Thus, even when the message of a certain card may undergo some changes due to its companion.

In the case of O Navio, there are cards capable of amplifying their positive meanings and directing them to specific spheres of the querent’s life, something that can be very productive to answer both long and short term questions.

Next, more details about some of the main positive combinations for card 3 will be discussed. To learn more about this, continue reading the article.

When combined with Os Caminhos, O Navio talks about the proximity of a journey that will open some very positive paths in the consultant’s life. They can be both professional and personal and the game doesn’t really specify that.

In addition, the duo talks about changes that are about to happen. However, it does not highlight whether they will be positive or negative since this depends on the other cards involved in the game to be accurately determined.

The duo O Navio and A Cegonha talk about a physical change. That is, the querent must leave the house he currently occupies in the near future. However, there is a possibility that this change goes beyond these issues and whoever finds this pair of cards will have the opportunity to change countries.

On the other hand, change can also be associated with a return. On that occasion, an important person for the consultant who was living abroad may decide to return to the country and change the course of his life.

People who encounter The Ship and The Bouquet are receiving a message about a journey that will bring joy. It may be aimed at leisure at first, but things will unfold in an unexpected way and some positive surprises await the consultant.

These changes will be responsible for bringing balance to life. The trip will work as a journey of self-knowledge and will make you think of new paths and new goals to pursue.

As with positive combinations, The Ship can also find itself with some cards that accentuate its negative side, making the consultant feel afraid of the changes that are to come and fight against them.

Therefore, these pairs of cards reveal some uncomfortable situations that will be generated by the predicted movement on the card. When this scenario presents itself, the consultant needs to be careful to ensure that he can reverse the process.

Next, the main combinations for card 3 of the gypsy deck will be discussed. If you want to know more about it, continue reading the article.

When The Ship combines with The Rats, it indicates wear and tear. It will happen during the consultant’s trip and there are possibilities that they are associated with thefts that will make him/her have to go through a series of unforeseen situations.

In addition, this pair of cards also talks about a change that is already underway. There is nothing else the consultant can do to prevent it from happening and this change in his routine will also be exhausting for him.

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