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Mars in the 7th House: retrograde, solar revolution and synastry. Check out!

The presence of Mars in the 7th house makes the natives generally have healthy relationships, especially marriages. However, due to the characteristics of the planet, such as aggressiveness and impulsiveness, the natives tend to want to give orders to their partners.

Also, they are prone to outbursts more regularly than other people because they need to find a way to express their emotions. Most of the time, they cannot control their anger.

Throughout the article, the characteristics of the placement of Mars in the 7th house will be discussed. To learn more about this, read on!

Mars is a planet associated with male sexuality. He is the ruler of the sign of Aries and co-ruler of Scorpio. Therefore, it has outstanding characteristics, such as strength and courage. Within mythology, he is often associated with war and aggression due to his history.

Therefore, leadership and competition are themes common to Mars. Next, more details about the meanings of Mars, both in astrology and mythology, will be explored. If you want to know more about it, read on!

In Greek mythology, Mars is the son of Jupiter and Juno. He has features that contrast with his sister, Minerva. Although both are gods of war, while Minerva adopts a conciliatory and fair posture, being considered a diplomat, Mars is the god of bloody conflict.

Thus, he is remembered for his violence and aggressiveness. Thanks to her disagreement with her sister, the two ended up acting on opposite sides during the Trojan War. So, while Minerva protected the Greeks, Mars allied with the Trojans.

When it comes to astrology, Mars is the ruler of the sign of Aries and the co-ruler of Scorpio. He is directly linked to male sexuality and is considered a kind of hero and symbol of virility. Also, the planet can be interpreted as a symbol of courage and strength.

Its energy makes natives always want to seek autonomy. In this way, they end up becoming competitive people with a very sharp sense of leadership. The strength of Mars makes them constantly on the move and always looking for victories.

The presence of Mars in the 7th house highlights people with a strong need for self-affirmation, especially in relation to others. This can happen both through direct confrontations and milder questioning. As the 7th house talks about love, there is a tendency for natives to get involved in arguments with their partners.

However, the positioning favors good marriages. Next, more details regarding the fundamentals of Mars in the 7th house will be discussed. To learn more about this, continue reading the article!

To find out where Mars was positioned at the time of your birth, you need to perform a full birth chart calculation. Only in this way, it is possible to determine which space the planet occupied at that time. This calculation is quite simple and depends on little information. Just have the date, place and time of birth.

The 7th house is the first above the horizon. This means that she is the first to talk about relationships and the way the native places himself in society. Thus, its main theme is love. However, it also addresses partnerships and the way people fit into groups.

In this way, any shared experience appears in the themes of the 7th house, which highlights the commitment and the way in which the natives face this issue. It is a space that aims at self-knowledge and understanding of the personality.

The presence of Mars in the birth chart serves to highlight how people deal with challenges. Due to the planet’s association with strength, this characteristic also appears to highlight what motivates people to move forward and put themselves before the world. Therefore, Mars also speaks about the expression of the point of view.

Thus, the strength expressed by the planet is also linked to health. Therefore, when Mars appears unbalanced in the birth chart, it can reveal individuals who are constantly experiencing problems related to health, whether due to the excesses they comment on or lack of care.

The presence of Mars in the 7th house reveals people who have a lot of energy. They are naturally courageous and capable of taking bravery actions. In addition, the presence of the sign in this space of the birth chart highlights intense and passionate people in their relationships.

In general, natives are very direct and are always willing to defend what they think tooth and nail. They are temperamental people who can end up getting into some fights. But they will never run away from them or any other kind of challenge that life puts in their way.

Mars in the 7th house of the natal chart reveals people who have great decision-making power. So, when they want something, they run after it until they get it and don’t rest until their goal is achieved. Once they decide they want something, nobody can change their minds.

These characteristics can have a positive side and a negative side. It all depends on how the native decides to channel them. For example, when thinking about marriage, this attitude can have negative impacts and make those with Mars in the 7th house make all the decisions alone.

In the annual chart, the presence of Mars in the 7th house highlights a good professional life. People who have this astrological placement have the necessary determination to reach leadership positions within their respective areas.

Even when they do not reach these positions, they manage to succeed in their careers. Therefore, the planet’s movement energy is on the rise with this placement, and the native seems to know no limits to his ability to go further and further.

The transit of Mars in the 7th house does not tend to be very positive for the natives. When it happens, people find themselves involved in fights and end up falling easily into provocations, especially with their partners. Thus, they have the idea that they are under constant threat and perceive enmities to the extent that they do not exist.

This period generates a lot of conflict, because the native cannot get along with other people, but does not want to be alone at all. Therefore, this ends up bringing a series of wear and tear to your life.

People with Mars in the 7th house are determined and focused. That way, they tend to do well in their careers and get far in this area of ​​life. However, they have an impressive ability to get involved in discussions or to become authoritarian people.

This can cause problems in your love relationships. Next, more details regarding the placement of Mars in the 7th house will be discussed. If you want to know more about it, continue reading the article!

Courage, energy and bravery are the main characteristics of people who have Mars in the 7th house. Thus, they are intense people who carry this characteristic into their love relationships, making them marked by a lot of passion. They are sincere and full of disposition, characteristics that set them in motion.

In addition, Mars in the 7th house highlights people who have great decision-making power. They are determined and have clear goals. When they want something, they go all the way and no one can make them give up.

The placement of Mars in the 7th house highlights natives who can easily get into fights. As they are argumentative and believe they are right, whenever they come into conflict, their arguments quickly become heated. All of this can end up being harmful to your love relationships and your partnerships.

Thus, fights tend to be even more constant when talking about closer people. This happens because they end up realizing that the native with Mars in the 7th house is a person who cares more about himself.

The relationships of those with Mars in the 7th house are marked by passion. This makes them very intense. However, this is not always positive. Due to his need for self-assertion in front of others, the native can end up picking a lot of fights with his partner and, if he is also argumentative, things can get a little out of control.

In other types of relationships, those with Mars in the 7th house like to take control. Its representatives are assertive people, who lead groups and manage to have deep bonds with co-workers.

A native who has Mars positioned in the 7th house of the birth chart does not go around talking. He is very clear about what he wants and exposes this desire in a very forceful way, leaving no doubt about his positions for the others. Therefore, this position represents sincere people who tend to be recognized by others for this characteristic.

Because of this, they may end up being perceived as unpleasant by others. They need to learn to contain this side of their personalities a little more, to avoid undesirable and unnecessary problems.

Movement is a constant thing in the lives of natives with Mars in the 7th house. They are people who always need to be doing some activity, especially the most dynamic ones possible. This makes them always create objectives and goals to pursue, especially at work.

Because of this trait, they can easily become the decision makers in all their relationships. In love, they always look for partners who share this need for movement, because they need to feel challenged and stimulated. They can become competitive if their energy within the relationship is not properly channeled.

The presence of Mars in the 7th house influences several areas of life. Although love is the main theme of the house and the family is also remembered at times, issues such as health and family are also directly impacted by this astrological placement.

Thus, throughout this section of the article, the general influence of Mars in the 7th house will be discussed. If you want to know more about it, read on!

Read Also:  7th House in Scorpio: Meaning for Astrology, the Birth Chart and More!

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