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Mercury in the 12th House: Meaning for Astrology, the Birth Chart, and More!

The 12th house is the house of spirituality and contact with the interior, as well as the space in which each native confronts his fears. When Mercury appears as an occupant of this space, it tends to make rationality a less pronounced feature.

Therefore, works of a more abstract nature are favored by astrological placement, something unusual for a planet that talks a lot about efficiency and values ​​issues such as practicality. In this way, Mercury in the 12th house makes people more idealistic.

Throughout the article, more details about Mercury in the 12th house will be explored. If you want to know more about it, continue reading.

Mercury’s presence in the astrological houses serves to highlight each person’s modes of expression. This planet is directly linked to communication and, therefore, issues such as speech and writing are directly impacted by it.

Depending on the house in which Mercury is positioned, these issues suffer more or less impact. Next, more details about Mercury and the astrological houses will be discussed. If you want to know more about it, continue reading the article.

Everything that is connected to the expression is shown in the birth chart through the placement of Mercury, which is the ruling planet of the signs of Virgo and Gemini. Thus, the way of speaking, writing and even gesturing of the natives is shown by this planet.

Also part of the things controlled by Mercury, the construction of logical reasoning and other mental processes of the natives. Therefore, its influence on people’s lives is quite significant, since communication is present in all daily activities in one way or another.

For Vedic astrology, Mercury is also known as Buddha and is seen as a very beneficial planet. Son of the Moon with the wife of Jupiter, he has an ambiguous and somewhat fickle nature, but which governs very important areas of human life, such as education and intelligence. He is also responsible for communication.

It is also worth mentioning that the planet is responsible for commanding some parts of the human body, such as the nervous system, lungs, intestines, and can be both a positive and negative influence, depending on the other details of the astral map.

Logic, communication skills and intelligence are the main characteristics of the Mercury archetype in mythology. He is considered the god of communication and the patron of thieves. In this way, he has a very dubious nature, capable of generating a series of misunderstandings.

Thus, thanks to the Mercury archetype, it is possible that people associated with the planet end up acquiring the reputation of gossips and find it easy to get involved in verbal conflicts. They are always looking for communication and do not shy away from a good debate, which contributes to this vision.

The astrological houses are spaces in the birth chart that speak about different areas of the native’s life, such as spirituality, love, family and the way he positions himself in society. In total there are 12 houses and each of them is occupied by a sign and a planet that are in their domicile when in this space.

However, this does not prevent other signs and planets from appearing in these houses. This placement is determined by the sky at the time of birth of each native and all signs can transit through all houses in the chart.

The astrological houses in Vedic astrology are known as bhavas and also serve to represent distinct areas of the natives’ lives. What differentiates them from Western houses is that, in addition to being associated with a sign and a planet, they are associated with a purpose in life, designated by the words artha, dharma, karma and moskha, which mean, respectively, wealth, purpose, desire and salvation.

Thus, the messages from the houses are connected with these purposes and speak about the spiritual life of the natives as much as about their earthly life.

The 12th house is a space in the birth chart that closes the collective houses and prepares the natives for a reunion with themselves, which is represented by the 1st house. from being directly influenced by Jupiter. Thus, the 12th house is a space that talks about everything that is beyond rational understanding.

Therefore, issues such as spirituality, lifelong challenges and the mission of each native are debated by this house. So, she brings together emotions, practical experiences and experiences in one place.

The presence of Mercury in the 12th house of the birth chart makes the planet put aside its rationality a little to take on more abstract thinking. Thus, the issues of the 12th house are favored by the native’s thinking and the idealism of the native becomes intensified, as well as his need to escape reality on some occasions.

Next, some questions about the placement of Mercury in the 12th house will be discussed. To learn more about this, continue reading the article.

Mercury’s exaltation sign is Gemini, of which he is also the ruling planet. So, when he is placed in the 12th house and it is occupied by this sign, it means that the native’s communicative abilities are on the rise. Thus, he is able to express himself with ease even about things that are beyond logic.

Therefore, the positioning is more favorable than ever for works of an abstract nature. Also, due to the Gemini energy, the will to learn will be higher than ever from this placement.

Mercury’s debilitating sign is Pisces, which finds its home in the 12th house. Therefore, some conflicts are foreseen from this shock. This is because Pisces is a sign that is very spiritual and more abstract, so they naturally like to think about what is hidden.

However, as Mercury is a planet with adaptability, it ends up adapting to these issues. In this sense, the main challenge for the native with this placement will be to learn to control the idealism he inherits from Pisces.

When Mercury is transiting the 12th house, it means that natives with this placement become more perceptive and receptive people. Thus, they end up being used as confidants by others, who easily tell them their secrets.

In addition, they become people who turn to fantasy and can end up running away from reality. The transit also makes the natives more closed and more reserved people, who end up not sharing as much as they could at other times. In addition, they are disconnected and shy.

A positive use of Mercury’s placement in the 12th house is learning to utilize the planet’s practicality in favor of more abstract tasks, a recurring theme in the 12th house. This can help to improve the efficiency of the natives, making them easier to understand of your mission in life.

In addition, grandiose ideas can also arise as a result of thoughts and they can be developed in a more universal and beneficial way for all people around.

When the use of Mercury in the 12th house is negative, the natives become very sensitive and fragile people, which can end up undermining the main attributes of the planets and causing them to be almost annulled. Therefore, this creates communication difficulties and makes people around the native unable to understand his reasoning.

In addition, the positioning makes the subjects that are hidden end up gaining focus and, therefore, people will feel more inclined to participate in surveys and other situations that lead them to discoveries.

Mercury’s placement in the 12th house can be a little unfavorable for love. This happens due to lack of clarity in communication. Therefore, conflicts with the partner may arise since the native will not be able to make himself understood easily, which tends to generate more and more frustrations.

Also, as he is overly sensitive, he needs to have someone who can understand this and deal with this side of his personality without judging it as over the top or dramatic, which can be a little tricky.

Mercury is not a planet very connected to sexuality. However, in the two signs ruled by him, this issue goes through a series of mental processes. So, when the planet is positioned in the 12th house, which also has to do with issues of this nature, sex can be an interesting area for anyone willing to explore.

This means that natives with Mercury in the 12th house may not manifest their sexual energy in a first contact, but it exists. Curious partners who are interested in less common practices have everything to get along with them.

Expression problems can also have a negative impact on the work of people who have Mercury in the 12th house. However, this will depend on the chosen career. Therefore, those who work in activities facing the public tend to feel this energy more acutely.

In addition, as they are servitude-oriented people, they can end up being exploited by ill-intentioned people. People with this placement are generous people who will always think of others’ needs before their own.

People with Mercury in the 12th house are influenced by the sign of Pisces and have a more attenuated logical thinking. As such, they are idealistic, servitude-oriented, and are concerned with making those around them happy.

It’s not uncommon for them to turn to the arts because they need ways to escape reality. Next, more details about individuals with Mercury in the 12th house will be discussed. If you want to know more about it, continue reading the article.

People with Mercury in the 12th house are sensitive and fragile, which makes them adopt a less logical posture than others who are directly influenced by this planet. They believe in promoting the well-being of others and do everything to see the people they love happy, and may even adopt subservient postures.

They like to get involved with work…

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