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Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 with Brendan Orin

We are in a time of a lot of communication, transmutation, thirst for novelty and mental stimuli. This is all happening because the Sun is in Gemini and will stay that way for a while longer. In addition, a series of astrological movements influence the way we are feeling and the attitudes we are thinking of taking. To help you understand this a little better, Brendan Orin presents us with the monthly horoscope for June 2021. Check it out:

Monthly Horoscope for June 2021

Aries (3/21 to 4/20)

This month things start to get a little quieter for Aries. Because? Your ruling planet will pass through the sign of Leo on June 11th. In addition to Mars transmitting these Leo energies that represent success and self-esteem, it will also trine your natal Sun bringing vitality to Aries. However, not everything is rosy throughout the month. On June 2, Venus enters Cancer making relationships stickier. It will be a time to enjoy more at home for two, make more plans, enjoy each other’s company and everything else. It will be a more homely moment. For single natives, it will be a phase where the need will increase. Until June 12th (Valentine’s Day), the planet remains in Cancer.

On June 21st, the Sun enters Cancer. Until that happens, it means the Sun is still in Gemini – making the world more mental and communicative. In general, it’s a good thing. Already at the moment of transition, this speed becomes an inner gaze. The period can be more balanced. On June 27th, Venus enters Leo. Ego and dispute become more existent in relationships. On the other hand, it will also be time to declare and have an attitude to show your feelings for the other. It’s a drama but filled with love.

When Mars enters Leo, people who have Saturn in Aquarius will suffer a little. This is because we will have an opposition of these two planets by the trine that will be formed. A few weeks before and a few weeks later it will be possible to feel this energy. Aries will feel a lot of weight: burden of collection, responsibility and so on. Beware of stress.

Taurus (21/04 to 20/05)

The last month has brought Taureans a lot of social movement and a lot of things happening at once, now it’s time to see everything improve. In June, Venus transits into Cancer making things lighter. This movement will make relationships more enjoyable, it will be easier to enjoy the house and the heart will be calmer. For those who have anxiety, it will be a great time because it will give you a break.

On June 27th, Venus moves into the sign of Leo and this will bring a moment of more self-care, even a little selfishness to see yourself better. Taureans just have to be careful not to get lost because this movement will square the natal Sun. Be careful not to let the ego speak louder in relationships. Focusing on yourself is good but it is necessary to have limits.

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Also, on June 11, Mars leaves Cancer and goes to Leo. This input can be stressful, but in general, the solutions to problems will become clearer and more direct. For Taurus natives, it’s nice because they like to be direct. On June 21, the world slows down. That’s because the Sun will leave Gemini and move into Cancer.

On June 3, the Moon is waning. The request is to take care of yourself and collect yourself, your emotional may need more attention than your spiritual one. The next phase of the Moon will be on June 10th, it will become new and eclipse the Sun. As much as this eclipse cannot be seen from Brazil, the energy will be felt. All this will happen in Gemini and what we will feel is a desire to put emotion before reason. In general, this is not good. The Crescent Moon has been improving in this period, it happens on June 18 in the sign of Virgo. On June 24, the Moon is full in Capricorn improving the environment at work and helping with long-term decision making.

Gemini (21/05 to 20/06)

Gemini, get ready. The month of June is going to be a little confusing for you. That’s because Mercury, your ruling planet, has been retrograde since late March and the Sun is in Gemini. That is, Mercury walking backwards in your sign. Too many ideas and events at once can make you lose your focus. Your mind slows down a bit and you can lose control of things a little bit. This will run until the 22nd of June. Coincidentally, at the same time the Sun goes into Cancer.

By May, Venus was bringing Gemini a lot of mental, sexual, and even social activity. On June 2nd, Venus moves into the sign of Cancer, changing this scenario a little. You may lose some of this activity energy, but what will be most affected will be the field of relationships. The moment will ask for more affection, stick, affection and sweetness. On the planet Mars, it leaves Cancer on June 11 and goes to Leo. This is good because our way of solving problems becomes more authoritative. The knife and the cheese will be in your hand.

On June 27th, Venus also walks into Leo. On the bad side, everything will get more egoic and people will look more at “their own belly button”. On the positive side, evidence of love and willingness to have an attitude become more active. For those who are already in a relationship or want to start one, this is a great time.

On June 2nd, the Moon is new in a square in the sign of Pisces and you may feel like enjoying your home more. Already on June 10, the Moon becomes new in Gemini and will eclipse the Sun. That could be good but it won’t be. You may feel like putting emotions first. This energy is strong and dangerous. Be careful not to get in the way, deal with your emotions and issues in the best way.

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Cancer (21/06 to 22/07)

Things can be a little tense but June is going to be all the best for Cancerians. Several planets will transit to your sign this month bringing a list of delicious energies. It all starts on June 2nd, Venus passes into the sign of Cancer, leaving feelings more harmonious, calm, demure, empathetic and with great respect. For natives of this sign, take good care of self-esteem because it’s your time. Something there is going to be different and can bring looks. On the 11th, the planet Mars transits from Cancer to Leo – the feeling of this movement will be relief. Mars alone already conveys a problem solving energy and this will pass. Entering Leo, you will find yourself wanting your problems more in the authority that invests you with personal power. Just be careful not to let it turn into arrogance.

Until June 21st, the Sun will be in Gemini. People will be winged, creative and very communicative. After that, the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer. In other words, the days are yours. You will start to bring the focus into the house, being together with the ones we love and everything else. It will be a gas of vitality in the heart of Cancer.

On June 27, Venus leaves the sign of Cancer and moves into Leo. Relationships that were clingy become more selfish. It is common to have a small dispute for space. On the other hand, it’s a great time to show your feelings to people. Make that great gesture of love. Finally, on June 2nd, the Moon wanes in Pisces, giving you the opportunity to cleanse feelings that are bothering you, for example, stress.

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

You and everyone else have problems, but for Leos the month of June will have several advantages. On June 2nd, Venus moves into the sign of Cancer. The reflection of this will be more mellow, sugary relationships, but dengo and more tact. It’s that classic of enjoying time together. On June 11, Mars enters Leo. This will be very important for you natives. It will be an injection of strength and claw to solve everything you need! Let your physique vent this energy so it doesn’t turn into stress. On June 21st, the Sun enters Cancer. Personal energy will go more towards family and those we love.

On the 27th, Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo – this is the moment when you will be able to look in the mirror and say “nobody can hold me”. Normally, Leos already have a very strong personal magnetism and cause wherever they go, whether for beauty or smile. This will only increase at the end of the month. Another reflection of this planetary movement will be to guide people towards the best decisions. We can even say that this is a Leo burden because they are natural rulers.

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On June 14th, there will be a square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus that will increase polarization and debate between people. They are two different signs, one thinks about tomorrow and the other thinks about today. It will be conservatism against progress. To help at this time, Mars will be opposite Saturn on June 26th in the sign of Leo. In other words, this whole path to “improvement” will be even more demanding. On the 28th, Mars will arrive at an opposition angle that will further influence this square and generate even more problems.

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

That last one you felt like you couldn’t organize things, huh, Virgo? It is necessary to pay attention to have everything you like, but calm down that the stars will favor your side in June. On June 2nd, Venus moved out of Gemini and into Cancer. Her emotional will be more touched, be careful not to close yourself in on it and end up showing yourself to be a very cold person.

On June 11th, Venus moves into the sign of Leo. If before, when the planet was in Cancer, you were solving your problems by eating more around the edges and doing everything very slowly that changes. With the movement in Leo, people will feel more ego and authority to take ownership of what they say. It will be great to work things out. It’s a good placement for Virgos.

On the 21st, the Sun leaves Gemini and moves to Cancer. Everyone will feel a little more mellow, peaceful and homey. This energy in the sign of Cancer won’t bother you, but it can bother you, due to the high level of sentimentality – things you’re not a big fan of. On June 27th, Venus leaves Cancer and moves to Leo. The result will be an increase in the desire to express feelings in a more exaggerated way. As you Virgos are more reserved and “elegant”, the tip is: be patient and remember that it’s just a demonstration. Don’t get excited, try to understand.

Lb (23/09 to 22/10)

June will be a little complicated month for Libras. However, your ruling planet will position itself in a way that will bring about a certain harmony. Venus leaves Gemini and moves into the sign of Cancer. That is, it goes from light and fun communication within relationships to something sweeter, sweeter and more delicious. This happens from the 2nd of June. Get ready to feel like enjoying your home more, doing movie marathons and…

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