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60 QUOTES by NIETZSCHE – about friendship, death and love

Friedrich Nietzsche was a 19th century German philosopher, poet, musician and philologist and is considered one of the most important thinkers in Western culture. Due to the advanced ideas that he promoted already in his time, we can affirm that his work continues to exert a great influence today.

From Phrasess.net we wanted to collect 60 quotes from Nietzsche about love, Nietzsche phrases about life and the best Nietzsche aphorisms that you will find in his work. Take note!

Nietzsche quotes about love

We start with Nietzsche quotes about lovesince the philosopher did not leave anyone indifferent with his statements about one of the most universal and recurrent feelings among humanity.

What bothers me most is not that you lied to me, it’s that from now on I won’t be able to believe in you.

Trust is very difficult to achieve and very easy to lose. When someone lies to us, it is not about the deception itself, but about how complicated it is. trust that person again. If you want to be inspired by more Phrases about confidence, follow this link.

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes marriages unhappy.

Love for only one is barbaric, since it is practiced at the expense of all others. Also the love of God.

It is the desire, not the desired, that we love.

God also has his hell: it is his love for men.

Everything that is done for love is done beyond good and evil.

The demand to be loved is the greatest of all arrogant presumptions.

What is love if not understanding and being happy that another lives, acts and feels differently and opposite to ours?

Love means accept another as they arewith its defects and its virtues, although this way of being, loving and acting is not similar to ours.

We recommend you visit this other article of Phrases for the love of my life, where you will find beautiful, honest and romantic quotes perfect to dedicate.

Those who have loved man the most have always done him the most harm. They have demanded the impossible from him, like all his lovers.

When you get married, you should ask yourself if you will be able to converse with that person in your old age. Everything else in marriage is transitory.

Love is the state in which, most of the time, man sees things as they are not.

In love there is always some madness, but in madness there is always some reason.

An honest and romantic phrase that shows us that there is almost always something madness in love. This selection of Crazy Love Phrases proves it.

He who cannot give anything, cannot feel anything either.

Love is not consolation, it is light.

In revenge, as in love, women are more barbaric than men.

Where one cannot love more one must pass by.

Your love of your neighbor is your bad love of yourselves.

What does someone know about love who has not had to despise precisely what they loved most.

Love is blind, friendship closes its eyes.

Nietzsche quotes about death and life

It is no mystery that great thinkers have always reflected on the great questions of creation. The following Nietzsche quotes about life and death will help you understand the philosophy of the German thinker a little better.

The truth is that we love life, not because we are used to it, but because we are used to love.

I love those who do not know how to live in any other way than sinking into their twilight, because they are the ones who pass to the other side.

Art is the task of life.

Life itself is the will to dominate.

My doctrine is: live in such a way that you come to desire to live again, this is your duty, because you will revive anyway.

The great times of our lives are those in which we gather courage and rename the evil in us calling it our best good.

Only he who builds the future has the right to judge the past.

If your life always stays the same and you never do anything to change it, you can’t criticize a past you still live in, or even someone else’s. On the other hand, if you have achieved improve as a personyou have the right to look back and reflect on everything you have achieved…

The destiny of men is made of happy moments, all of life has them, but not of happy times.

There is no reason to seek suffering, but if it comes and tries to get into your life, do not fear; Look him in the face and with your forehead held high.

These phrases of strength will also help you go ahead when you feel that suffering scares you.

Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions to be destroyed.

If man is free, he will not adhere to any static way of understanding life.

Without music, life would be a mistake.

Man is defined as a being who evaluates, as a being who loves par excellence.

I still live, I still think: I still have to live, because I still have to think.

Lying is a condition of life.

You should die proudly when you can no longer live proudly.

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find something meaningful in suffering.

From the school of war of life. What does not kill me makes me stronger.

He who has a reason to live can endure almost any how.

If you have a purpose in life, if you set a goal, you will be able to do anything, because you will fight to get to that point, you will have reasons to continue. If, on the other hand, you have nothing to do it for, you will simply go through life like someone walking aimlessly…

Isn’t life a hundred times too short to be boring?

Nietzsche’s best aphorisms

The thought of this great philosopher established doctrine in many fields, which is why we could not miss the opportunity to teach you the best Nietzsche’s aphorismsquotes that will make you think and remind you why he is one of the greatest thinkers of all time.

Not only does he lie who speaks against what he knows, but also he who speaks against what he does not know.

All things are subject to interpretation. Whatever interpretation prevails at any given time is a function of power and not truth.

In other times you were a monkey, and now man is cuter than any monkey.

I can’t believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.

The greatness of man lies in being a bridge and not a goal: what you can love about man is that he is a transition and a decline.

We all need a sense of guilt, but no one needs to feel guilty.

In this world of images created by ourselves, we have invented ourselves as a unit, as that which remains constantly changing.

Being independent is something for a small minority, it is a privilege of the strong.

He who is able to live without following trends, doing what he really feels, letting himself be carried away by his own convictions and without allowing others to manipulate and control him, is the person who truly understood how to be happy. If you like this type of quotes, be sure to visit this article on Intelligent phrases to think about.

If you try, you will often be alone, and sometimes scared. But no price is too high for the privilege of being yourself.

The individual has always fought not to be absorbed by the tribe.

There are no moral phenomena, only a moral explanation of the phenomena.

You don’t hate yourself while you despise yourself. She does not hate herself more than her equal or her superior.

God is dead, God remains dead. And we have killed him.

Man, in his pride, created God in his image and likeness.

I show you the superman. Man is something that must be overcome.

Simplicity and naturalness are the supreme and last goal of culture.

Every conviction is a prison.

Nothing more hypocritical than the elimination of hypocrisy.

Politics is the field of work for certain mediocre brains.

Monkeys are too good for man to descend from them.

The more it wants to rise towards the height and towards the light, the more strongly its roots tend towards the earth, downwards, towards the dark, the deep, – towards evil.

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