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Déjà vu in spiritism? Find out what it is!

Have you ever wondered what déjà vu is in spiritism? The feeling that something has already happened, but you can’t remember exactly where it is, is much more common than you might think.

To give you a little idea, a study by American psychologist Alan Brown indicated that at least two-thirds of all people in the world have reported having had déjà vu at some point in their lives.

Want to find out what spiritism says about this phenomenon or how past life déjà vu can affect your present? Then read on as we explain it all to you in this article!

After all, what is déjà vu?

Déjà vu (the correct pronunciation is déjà saw) is a term of French origin that means something like “already seen” coined by researcher Emile Boirac.

Therefore, it is used, basically, to describe the feeling we sometimes have of meeting a person, having gone to a certain place or done something before, but never actually having done them.

Scientific articles and the most skeptical treat this as a small “bug”, which makes the brain understand something as having already happened.

The phenomenon, however, may be linked to past life memories and is studied by various faiths around the world.

What is déjà vu in spiritism?

The feeling of déjà vu in spiritism, as we mentioned earlier, can be linked to past lives and some memories that we can remember throughout our current life.

This is because, in this belief, the human soul reincarnates. That is, it returns to the earth plane, several times, in succession. Therefore, some memories and other information can be stored in the unconscious and manifest in the present time.

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It doesn’t even have to be clear memories, but a smell or taste that is familiar and you’re not sure where you felt it.

Spiritism also believes that having this feeling often can be a sign that your mediumship is out in the open.

Another possibility for déjà vu in spiritism are experiences that our souls can have while we sleep. In other words, our spirit could travel and meet people on the other side of the world, even if you never left your homeland.

How do you know if you’ve really had déjà vu?

You’ve seen what déjà vu is in spiritism, but how to identify if you’ve had one? You can stay calm, it’s even quite easy to recognize him. The main signs are:

  • you feel that you know a person, even though you have never seen them in person;
  • recognize the best paths in a city, or country, that you have never visited;
  • has memories of aromas or flavors. It could be when going somewhere for the first time.

There are also some signs that may indicate that the déjà vu you have may be directly related to past memories. The most common are:

  • have them quite often;
  • they become realistic. That is, it is not just a vague feeling that something has already happened;
  • you recognize people, or feel that you know them well, when you meet them for the first time;
  • déjà vu influences some important decision in your life. For example, closing a large contract.

How can past life déjà vu influence your present?

The déjà vu of past lives can influence many aspects of your present. This is because some of the decisions may be based on past events, which have been stored in your subconscious.

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The result is that you choose something without even knowing why. For example, the styles of clothing that most identify, the way to decorate the house and even the favorite food.

This influence, however, can go further and affect decisions in your personal life. Like choosing to trust a person, because you feel like you know them, or going down a path that you usually wouldn’t, because of an intuition.

Other points are:

  • feeling attracted to a culture or historical period;
  • liking a genre of music;
  • have a talent for something, or learn very quickly, even though you’ve never tried it before;
  • having fears or phobias that seem to have no rational explanation;
  • people you choose to hang out with.

How can past life memories arise?

Past life memories don’t always take the form of déjà vu. This is mainly because each person is different.

In addition to this sensation, some of the most common forms are:

  • through trauma: fears and phobias, which have a spiritual origin, can be caused by past events that were so impactful that they were marked;
  • through dreams: dreams are very important and can also be memories, which your subconscious is trying to bring up.

How to access past life memories?

As déjà vu in spiritism has a connection with past lives, the question may arise: “how to access these memories?”

The good news, if you have become interested in this topic and want to seek self-knowledge, is that regression exists.

This is basically a type of therapy in which a practitioner uses techniques to reach those memories and bring them to the surface. The methods are various, such as hypnosis, Induced Progressive Relaxation and even shamanism.

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However, the technique does not matter. This process must be done under the supervision of a professional. He will guide, to avoid accessing traumatic memories, and guide the patient to deal with new information.

If you want to know more and try to find out what your déjà vus mean, you can make an appointment with one of our experts in mediumship. We have more than 100 experts, with a great reputation in the market for you to choose from and all of them are prepared to accompany you through the entire process in a safe way.

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