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Discover the most jealous zodiac signs – Blog

All signs have positive and negative characteristics. Libra, for example, is elegant, romantic, but very indecisive and gets carried away by the opinion of others. The advantages of knowing some of these personality points is that we can prevent ourselves in some situations. For example, it’s great to know the most jealous signs.

When we are talking about a love relationship, jealousy is a feeling that can end any passion. See below the most jealous signs of the zodiac and find out if your partner fits any profile.

Discover the most jealous signs

Cancer – the most jealous sign
The Cancer man is very affectionate and likes stable relationships. When he doesn’t feel safe or thinks he’s giving more than his partner to the relationship, they start to have bouts of jealousy. By being sentimental, Cancers manage to make the other feel guilty and use all their charm to win the fight. Another characteristic of this sign is the fact that it is spiteful. What hurts you today can come back to an argument down the road, so be prepared for some drama.

Scorpio – the most jealous sign
This sign is managed by pluto, which makes power an important part of your life. Scorpio man is proud and suspicious. He doesn’t think it’s funny that you’re still talking to an ex-boyfriend or close friend. It is important for him to be sure of exclusivity. In order not to give too much flag that he is jealous, Scorpio is usually cynical and even a little rude when he feels threatened.

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Capricorn – the most jealous sign
It doesn’t look like it, but this sign is quite jealous. As he is practical, he does not usually have tantrums or fight a lot because of this feeling. What he does is prevent himself: he likes to control his partner’s every move and every day asks for a detailed report of what the loved one did, where she went and with whom she spoke. If they are at an impasse or having doubts about what to do, his way will always prevail. He should be especially careful in the beginning, as Capricorn takes time to fully trust a person.

Taurus – most jealous sign
Taurus is possessive and sometimes shows insecurity. If we put these two characteristics together, we have a very jealous man. He needs security and making sure his love is returned in order to be safe and trust your faithfulness. The big problem with the Taurus man is that, if he feels threatened, he can have fits of rage and have real attacks, reaching violence, but only the less balanced men.

Aries – Least Jealous Sign
Ruled by Mars, this sign is impulsive and explosive. Any fight is reason to be jealous. Aries is a conqueror and needs to feel at the center of his partner’s attention. As he values ​​his freedom, he is also not one to demand satisfaction, but he doesn’t disappear for a long time. The Aries native fights first and then thinks, so he can realize on his own that he had no reason to be jealous of a situation, but this can happen only after the fight. Don’t get into the war energy and everything will be fine.

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To know more characteristics about the sign of your loved one, make an appointment with our astrologers and get to know your love synastry!

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