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The best phrases from painting artists. Memorable!

Art is a mechanism with which human beings have been communicating and expressing themselves for centuries. That is why an entire tradition and a portfolio of established artists have been created who have contributed to the history of art with their paintings and pictorial contributions. The world of painting is very complex and full of nuances and the best way to understand it is by reading its authors.

In this article we wanted to make a compilation of phrases from painting artists, so you can choose the one you like the most and share with your friends and favorite people.

Quotes from famous artists about art

Art has always moved people to have great reflections on how it should be interpreted, valued and developed. Over the centuries, different trends have made artists understand their talent in different ways. To understand this world a little better, here we leave you some phrases from famous artists about art.

A work of art is never finished, only abandoned.

The painter is the artist who makes the most decisions per minute while working.

Antonio Saura

Art is a line around your thoughts.

Gustav Klimt

Art is what you let out.

Andy Warhol

I don’t believe in art. I believe in artists.

Marcel Duchamp

Art has nothing to do with taste. Art is not there to be tasted.

Max Ernst

Art has the beautiful habit of ruining all artistic theories.

Marcel Duchamp

Beauty perishes in life, but is immortal in art.

Leonardo da Vinci

This is one of the phrases from famous artists about art. Artists began to develop their art as a way to make immortal the moments they saw with their eyes and that they were not able to retain. Discover more phrases like these, in this selection of Phrases about colors that we at leave for you.

It is not necessary to believe in what an artist says, but in what he does.

David Hockney

Nature is not only everything that is visible to the eyes… It also includes internal images of the soul.

Edvard Munch

Regularity, order and the desire for perfection destroy the soul. Irregularity is the basis of all art.

Auguste Renoir

Trends and avant-garde have made art look different as the years go by; In some times perfectionism was valued and in others irregularity. If you like this phrase from painting artists, we know that the following selection of Spring Phrases will catch your attention.

He who seeks beauty in truth is a thinker, he who seeks truth in beauty is an artist.

Jose de Diego

Phrases from artists about drawing

Every great artist worth their salt, before starting to create a work on canvas, has started by making their first sketches on paper, reproducing the techniques they have learned over the years. Practice makes perfect and that is why many artists always reflect on it. Next, we leave you artist phrases about drawing.

It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child.

Without atmosphere a painting is nothing.

Art is stronger than nature.

The act of painting is about one heart telling another heart where it found its salvation.

When you start a painting it is something that is outside of you. When you finish it, it seems like you have settled inside it.

The art of painting consists of lightening and darkening tones without decorating them. My job is to paint what I see, not what I know.

With this artists phrase about drawing We see that before photography existed, artists had to be able with their talent to reproduce in the most faithful way what reality was like. In the following article you will see some photo phrases that will be ideal to share.

In painting, as in the other arts, there is no single process, no matter how insignificant, that can be reasonable in a formula.

Telling a painter that nature must be captured as it is is equivalent to telling a pianist that he can sit on the piano.

I believe there is no better artist than the wall painter. What I like the most is when they make the plaster.

The position of the artist is humble. It is essentially a channel.

There is no self-portrait of myself.

Motivating phrases from painting artists

Belonging to the painters’ guild is not as simple as it seems; it requires a lot of effort, talent and dedication to be able to stand out. However, being able to work as an artist can be very rewarding and for this it is always worth being able to rely on great references. In this section, we wanted to compile the best Motivating phrases from painting artists.

Art is about celebrating, singing and performing beauty.

A drawing is simply a line that goes for a walk.

Every painting is a fact: paintings are charged with their own presence.

The painter pursues line and color, but his goal is poetry.

A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.

Within the phrases from painting artists, this is one of the ones we like the most. When your art and your canvases are able to be inspiration for others, your career in the art world has reached the top. Also take a look at these inspiring art phrases.

The artist is like an abuser of everything: the image, the story, and other people.

I would rather be the number one painter of common things than the second of the highest art.

I will accept criticism as a painter, but those will accept that they will not be able to make a work exactly the same.

Art is life, life is art.

Once an object has been incorporated into a painting, it has a new destination.

I declare the independence of the imagination and the right of man to his own madness.

I put my heart and soul into my work, and I’ve lost my mind in the process.

I paint because the spirits whisper madly inside my head.

Beautiful phrases from feminist artists

Throughout history the work of men in the art world has always been reflected. However, today great female references are coming to light who had great significance in their time and avant-garde. Artists like Freda Kahlo and other paintings have put women on the artistic scene and that is why we are going to review some beautiful phrases from feminist artists.

Passion is the bridge that takes you from pain to change.

Sometimes you have to mess up the painting a little to be able to finish it.

Things are not difficult to do, what is difficult is putting yourself in a position to do them.

What moves men of genius, what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but the obsessive idea that everything they have said is not enough.

I paint self-portraits because I am alone a lot. I paint myself because I am the one I know best.

One of the phrases from famous artists which is inspiring. Finally, painting is a very intimate exercise in which you end up getting personally involved and that is why many people turn to self-portraits. Take a look at this selection of motivational good morning phrases that will make you smile.

The most important part of the body is the brain. I like my eyebrows and my eyes on my face.

The most powerful art in life is to make pain a talisman that heals, a butterfly that is reborn blooming in a festival of colors.

Pain, pleasure and death are nothing more than the process of existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is an open door to intelligence.

I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.

Surrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion inside a closet, where you are sure to find shirts.

I paint flowers so they don’t die.

Our passage through this world is so absurd and fleeting that the only thing that leaves me calm is knowing that I have been authentic, that I have managed to be the closest thing to myself.

I paint because others couldn’t do it.

If you want to read more articles similar to Phrases from painting artistswe recommend that you enter our Other phrases category.

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