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60 PHRASES from PYTHAGORAS – Ideal for Reflection

Pythagoras of Samos was a philosopher and mathematician of Ancient Greece considered the first pure mathematician. Although hardly any data is preserved about his life and writings in his handwriting, The Pythagorean School and his followers nourished the authority of Pythagoras.

In any case, he is attributed a functional perspective of numbers in the immediate world and in music. His spiritual and scientific point of view make him one of the most interesting characters of the time. For this reason, we bring you from Phrasess.net the following Phrases of Pythagoras to reflect, on education and on mathematics.

Phrases from Pythagoras to reflect

Many of the quotes that once belonged to the philosophy of the Pythagorean School and Pythagoras of Samos are the reflection of meditations that encourage questioning and introspection. Are Phrases from Pythagoras to reflect of Phrasess.net They urge us to delve deeper into different aspects of existence.

You must help a man take up a burden, but you must not help him lay it aside.

Purify your heart before you allow love to settle in it, for the sweetest honey turns sour in a dirty glass.

Always choose the path that seems best to you, no matter how hard it may be; custom will soon make it easy and pleasant.

The experience of life in a finite and limited body is specifically for the purpose of discovering and manifesting supernatural existence.

Don’t be afraid to die. Death is nothing more than a stop.

Nothing perishes in the universe; everything that happens in it does not go beyond mere transformations.

Friendship is the bond of two virtuous souls.

Have only one wife and one friend. The forces of body and soul cannot tolerate any more.

The Phrases from Pythagoras to reflect like this they show us the sobriety and austerity of its philosophy, a way of valuing those around us with sufficient dedication. To discover other philosophical phrases, don’t miss this other article from .

Hatred and fear breed a poison in the blood, which if continued, affects the eyes, ears, nose and organs of digestion. Therefore, it is not wise to listen to and remember the unpleasant things that others may say about you.

Lust weakens both body and mind.

No one can be free if he is a slave to his passions and is governed by them.

Happiness consists of being able to unite the beginning with the end.

If there is light, there is darkness; if there is cold, heat; if there is height, depth; if it is solid, fluid; if it is hard, soft; if rough, smooth; if it is calm, a storm; if prosperous, adversity; If it is life, death.

Friends are like traveling companions, who must help each other to persevere on the path to a happier life.

Reason is immortal, everything else is mortal.

Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

A good soul has neither great joy nor great pain, because it rejoices in goodness and is saddened in evil. Therefore, when he sees all things and sees the good and the bad mixed together, he cannot be very happy, nor can he be afflicted with great sadness.

Truth is such a great perfection that if God made himself visible to men, he would choose light for his body and truth for his soul.

If your heart is hurt, touch it as little as you would a hurt eye. There are only two remedies for the suffering of the soul: hope and patience.

Hurry is rarely a good advisor. He development of patience It is one of the pending tasks of the West and for the new generations, since the truth is that only through it can we reach reap the fruits and savor them in all their splendor.

This is one of the Phrases of Pythagoras that we like the most, that is why we advise you to also visit these Phrases of patience.

Above all things, respect yourselves.

The love that shines from within cannot be obscured by the obstacles of the world of consequences.

The highest goal of music is to connect the soul with its divine nature, not entertainment.

Don’t promise big things; do great things.

Silence is better than meaningless words.

Don’t make your body the tomb of your soul.

You will see that men’s evils are the result of their choice; and that they seek the source of good far away, when they carry it within their heart.

The strength of the mind lies in sobriety; since this keeps your reason unobstructed by passion.

Phrases from Pythagoras about education

When we delve into the philosophy of their school we can see that many of the Pythagoras phrases about education They emphasize what today we could consider emotional intelligence and self-love. Advocating for him silence and the observationthe neatness and rectitude of the soul are aspects of great importance in his vision of human life.

Educate the children and there will be no need to punish the men.

Educating is not giving a career to live, but tempering the soul for the difficulties of life.

A reflection of the titulitis which has been questioned for a long time. And education covers a much broader field, including identification of emotions and its good management. This is one of the Pythagoras phrases about educationbecause it helps us reflect on what we should really learn and value.

If you want to delve deeper into this topic, you can’t miss these Phrases from Plato about education and life.

Listen and you will be wise. The beginning of wisdom is silence.

Don’t say a few things in many words, but many things in a few words.

Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light.

A beautiful old age is, ordinarily, the reward of a beautiful life.

If you suffer injustices, take comfort, because the true misfortune is to commit them.

You only have to wage war with five things: with the diseases of the body, the ignorance of the spirit, the passions of the body, the seditions of the city and the discords of families.

It is better to remain silent than to argue with the ignorant.

Do not despise anyone; an atom casts a shadow.

Practice justice in word and deed, and do not get used to acting without thinking about anything.

Don’t even think about doing what shouldn’t be done.

Anger begins in madness… and ends in regret.

He who speaks, sows. He who listens, collects.

Worry should lead us to action and not depression. No man is free if he cannot control himself.

With order and time is the secret to doing everything, and doing it well.

Don’t be ambitious and stingy; the right measure is excellent in such cases.

A man is never as great as when he gets down on his knees to help a child.

The modesty of the Phrases of Pythagoras about education as this is worthy of admiration. This is certainly a disconcerting quote in a society where hierarchies often have more power than the true desire to help, teach and liberate. It is also one of the most beautiful childhood phrases you will find.

Measure your desires, weigh your opinions, count your words.

Know yourself and you will know the universe.

As long as man remains the merciless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. As long as men slaughter animals, they will kill each other.

Write your friend’s defects in the sand.

Don’t try to cover your mistakes with false words. Correct them.

Practice restraint on the following: appetite, first, as well as sleep, lust, and anger.

Perfect equality does not exist except among the dead.

Phrases from Pythagoras about mathematics

For Pythagoras and his school, the meaning of mathematics consisted of understanding of numbers and the principle of these, as well as the nature of geometry itself. For them, the study of mathematics was not focused on problem solving. However, the figure is attributed to the Pythagorean School Tetraktysthe known Pythagoras theorem and the discovery of perfect numbers and friendly numbers. Take a look at the following Phrases from Pythagoras about mathematics.

Number rules the universe.

Geometry is the knowledge of the eternally existing.

The number is the interior of all things.

“Everything is number” was one of the main axioms of the Pythagoreans, since they considered that everything around us can explain through numbers.

Number is the ruler of forms and ideas, and the cause of gods and demons.

There is geometry in the hum of the strings, there is music in the separation of the spheres.

It is necessary to find the infinitely great in the infinitely small, to feel the presence of God.

The soul is a chord; the dissonance, its illness.

The beginning is half of the whole.

Don’t mess up my circles.

Mathematics is the basis of everything, and geometry is the highest form of mathematical studies. The physical world can be understood through mathematics.

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