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60 QUOTES from PABLO ESCOBAR – about life, success and luck

Pablo Escobar is the name of one of the most popular drug traffickers in history. Founder and leader of the Medellín Cartel, in Colombia, Escobar became one of the most wanted men in the world, and due to the multiple film productions that have been made to portray his life, the figure of this terrorist is far from disappearing from popular culture.

If you want to know this drug trafficker better, don’t miss the following 60 quotes from Pablo Escobarquotes said by himself or by those who have played him in both film and television.

Pablo Escobar quotes about life

Hated and repudiated by many but adored and exalted by others, there is something that cannot be denied about Pablo Escobar: he had experience in the school of life and in business.

The following Pablo Escobar quotes about life They show us…

Think like a poor person and you will live like a poor person.

Times change, my son. You may have nothing now and everything tomorrow.

Everything dangerous turns into silver.

The only sure thing one has is death, that’s why I don’t fear it.

One of the Pablo Escobar quotes more interesting, since he was undoubtedly a reckless man who for years cheated death…

If you don’t ask others what it should be, life will be what you want it to be.

Hints don’t work with me, you speak clearly to me and that’s it.

Faith moves mountains, but money makes the world tremble.

There can only be one king!

Sometimes I am God, if I say that a man dies, he dies the same day.

Don’t get into drugs.

One of the Pablo Escobar quotes This is, without a doubt, the most curious, since as we well know, he is responsible for one of the most important drug cartels of all time.

It is clear that quotes like this reveal Escobar’s irony and humor, as well as his wit. If you want to discover more funny sarcastic and ironic phrases, follow this link.

The mind is like a parachute, it is useless if it does not open.

Don’t confuse my kindness with weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is not kind to me, weakness is not what you will remember about me.

Poverty is something temporary, but humility must be eternal.

Don’t get used to anything, then you won’t need anything.

I didn’t change, I just learned, and learning is not changing, it is growing.

Life must be lived irresponsibly… but responsibly.

If you search Pablo Escobar quotes fun, this is one of our favorites; What was the leader of the Colombian cartel referring to here? You have to enjoy life, you have to live it to the fullest… but always being aware of what you do.

If you like Phrases of the soul to reflect, be sure to visit this other article.

Do you know why I’m doing well? Because I always have God close.

All empires are created with blood and fire.

I kill you, your father, your mother and even your grandmother, and if your grandmother is already dead, I will dig her up and kill her again.

Those who do not take great risks will never obtain great rewards.

Pablo Escobar’s phrases about love and friendship

Do you want to know what a leader like Pablo Escobar thought about friendship and love? In the following selection of quotes we show you… dedicate some of these Pablo Escobar quotes about love and friendship to those special people in your life who have a little sense of humor… take note!

Be careful who you trust and tell them your problems, not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

The only ones who do not abandon us when we are bad and we always count on them are our family, it is the most important thing in our life.

Keep your friends close… but your enemies closer.

You can have several, but love only one.

The family ends up being our Achilles heel.

The wise quotes from Pablo Escobar like this they leave us a lot to think about… the family, it is true, ends up being the weak point of all of us who love and trust our loved ones. The family is therefore what makes us human.

These united family phrases will help you find similar quotes…

I met María Victoria when I didn’t have a peso in my pocket, at that time she loved me poor and without money, and now rich and with problems she still loves me the same. That’s love.

Fake friends always call you to ask you for something, sincere friends do it to ask if you are okay.

For me, the most important things after my mother are money and women.

Millet, take care of what you can’t buy with money like a treasure.

The motivation to move forward is not who wants to see you succeed… it’s who wants to see you fall.

Today’s women want you to love them the old way and fuck them the modern way.

Where there is a car, motorcycle, money and designer clothes, there are a thousand women. But when you are poor you only have your mother, she is the one who really loves you.

Money doesn’t buy women, but it makes prostitutes fall in love.

A true sincere friend, he will always be a brother.

You have to have bad days to see who is family, who is friend and who are true loves.

If you are going to do surgery on your wife to make her look more beautiful, first do heart surgery to treat her better.

I have a thousand defects, yes, but falsehood is not one of them…

Know? It’s not enough to just be good friends.

In a world of hypocrites, the sincere ones are the bad ones.

More iconic Pablo Escobar quotes

If you want to continue thinking and laughing with the best Pablo Escobar quotesbelow we offer you some of the most popular and iconic words attributed to this leader.

I’d rather be in a grave in Colombia than in a jail cell in the United States.

One of the Pablo Escobar Quotes most popular is this; And the drug trafficker from Medellín was devoted to his country and reputed to the United States, where he was always accused and wanted for his crimes.

Why Bogotá? If Medellín has it all.

My back is not a voicemail. Whatever you want to say to me, do it to my face, please.

They have to kill me with a bullet and not from fear, with 30 bullets at a traffic light like a gangster has to die.

It is not the wiser who reads the most, but the one who understands best.

The day you are going to do something bad… do it well.

There are three ways to do things: good, bad, and how I do them.

I don’t trust anyone… even my nerves betray me.

They all have a price, the important thing is to discover what it is.

God rules in heaven, I rule in Colombia.

I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.

Good is never easy and easy is never good.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

The good things are remembered, the bad things are overcome.

With me things are clear: they ignore, I ignore. They speak ugly, I speak ugly. They demonstrate, I demonstrate. And that’s how simple it is.

He who laughs it to me, crying pays me back.

When you are going to do something, don’t say it… better do it.

Being poor does not make you humble, and being humble does not mean you are poor.

Expect from me what I receive from you.

It’s easy to criticize when the problem is not yours.

That’s why they don’t come out poor… because they’re afraid.

Well, if half the world wants to kill me, we will hire the other half the world to defend me.

If you want to read more articles similar to Pablo Escobar Quoteswe recommend that you enter our Author Phrases category.

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