Home » Quotes & Messages » +70 Phrases for Grandparents ➨ Beautiful Phrases to Thank and Reflect

+70 Phrases for Grandparents ➨ Beautiful Phrases to Thank and Reflect

The love that grandparents give us is incomparable, and the phrases that we present below are proof of this.

If you want to dedicate a beautiful phrase or poem to your grandfather or grandmother to show them how much you love and admire them, below you will find ideal phrases that will enchant you, move you and inspire you: +70 phrases for beautiful grandparents and grandmothersfunny phrases about grandparents, short phrases to dedicate and phrases for deceased grandparents that will help you express that you will always carry their memory in your heart.

Beautiful phrases for grandparents

We start with a selection of some of our favorite phrases for grandparents. Famous quotes from grandparents and beautiful phrases to dedicate to him that will make him smile… and a couple of tears! Choose a beautiful phrase for grandparents and dedicate a message of love to them.

Grandpa, you are like the light of a landscape. You are always in the right place, at the right time, ready to help me when I need it.

If he has silver in his hair and gold in his heart, there is no doubt… he is a grandfather.

It was you, grandpa, who taught me the meaning of true love.

One of the most beautiful phrases for grandparents inspiring and exciting, because it shows that few loves are as pure as the love between grandchildren and grandparents; two generations distant but at the same time intimate.

Discover, in this article of short beautiful and cute phrases, more options that you will love.

There are parents who do not love their children, but there is not a single grandfather who does not adore his grandson.

Victor Hugo

No one can do for children what their grandparents do… because grandparents are those who sprinkle star dust on the lives of little children.

Alex Haley

Every time I think of the person who has inspired me the most in the world, I think of my grandfather.

James Earl Jones

Now that I’m older, I realize what it really means to have a best friend. And I realize, too, that mine was my grandfather.

When I look into your eyes I see wisdom, compassion and the purest love in the world.

What I remember most fondly from my training as a human was without a doubt what my grandparents taught me.

Carlos Romero

Grandchildren are the wonderful compensation that God gives us for being old.

Mary H. Waldrip

From my parents I received ethical, practical and academic training; but from my grandparents I learned to love and be loved.

Carlos Romero

Phrases for deceased grandparents

Unfortunately, grandpas and grandmas leave too soon. But this does not mean that we forget them or that they stop being important in our daily life.

With these phrases for deceased grandparents and deceased grandmothers you will be able to better express the feeling of eternal love and sadness and you will understand that despite the distance and time, nothing can take you away from your grandparents.

One day you will wake up and there will no longer be time to do the things you have always wanted to do, so do them now.

Paulo Coelho

I know that wherever you are, I will never lack your protection; You are my guardian angel.

A grandmother is a bit of a mother, a bit of a teacher and a bit of a best friend. You were everything to me, Grandma.

As long as you have lived, you have always made sure that I never lacked a smile. Now that you are gone, I will continue to smile to make you happy.

You will always be my role model in life, grandpa.

Phrases for deceased grandparents are always difficult to accept and appreciate, but the truth is that they are words that perfectly express the difficulty of saying goodbye. In this case, it is a phrase for grandparents that shows that despite the distance, the lessons that your grandparent gave you will always remain with you.

In the following article we propose more Farewell Phrases that can help you express this difficult feeling in words.

Only you have known how to transform the worst situations into unforgettable moments.

I wish you could escape from heaven for a while and come hug me.

I will spend the rest of my days missing you, but knowing that I made the best of you.

You deserved more than what you got; With you we never lacked anything.

Now that you are no longer among us, I hope that in heaven they know how to value your kindness and your smile.

Funny grandparents phrases

The best thing about grandparents is being able to share really fun moments together. So that you remember them, we present a selection of the most interesting and humorous funny phrases from grandparents.

They are beautiful phrases to reflect on, typical phrases from grandmother or grandfather and funny quotes from grandparents that will remind you of some of the best moments with them. Tell us what typical phrase your grandfather said!

If grandparents and grandchildren get along so well, it is because they have a common enemy.

Sam Levenson

When grandparents walk through the door, discipline goes out the window.

Ogden Nash

Each generation rebels against its parents… and becomes friends with its grandparents!

Lewis Mumford

I want to die pleasantly, just like my grandfather. Not screaming and crying like those who were in the car with him.

Wil Shriner

Bring a cardigan in case it gets cold.

In addition to being one of the most popular funny grandparent phrases, we all have at least one memory of our grandmother or our grandmother telling us this. Few famous phrases are so typical of grandparents!

If Funny Phrases are your thing, don’t miss this other article, where you will find a very entertaining selection with some of our favorite funny phrases.

Grandparents are just little kids…old.

What do you mean you don’t want another dish? But you haven’t eaten anything!

My grandchildren make me feel like I’m the oldest person in the world… after two hours with them, I think so too.

Gene Perret

When I was young… this was all countryside.

Oh, if I were your age again!

What happens at grandma’s house… stays at grandma’s house.

Phrases for my living grandfather

There are many people who want to dedicate short and beautiful phrases to your grandparents or grandmothers taking advantage of the fact that they can still enjoy their presence.

If you are one of those people and you think that any time is a good time to write a letter for a grandmother or poems for grandparents, don’t miss the following phrases.

Grandma, thank you for remembering all my achievements and forgetting my mistakes.

No one has ever made me as happy as you, thank you for your unconditional support, grandpa.

Grandpa, you always had time to talk and make me feel special; thank you for all those moments.

We should all have a person who knows how to bless us… even in the worst of times. For me, that person has always been my grandmother.

Phyllis Theroux

It is grandparents who make the world a little softer, a little kinder and a lot warmer.

The first time I wrapped my tiny hand around your finger, I knew I wanted to hold on to you forever.

Every home needs a good grandmother.

Louisa May Alcott

You are the Sun, grandmother, the sun that illuminates my life.

Kitty Tsui

A grandparent may look older, but the truth is that inside they are the youngest of all.

If nothing goes well… call your grandparent.

Poems for grandfathers and grandmothers

Few things can show love better than an honest poem. Throughout history, poems have been composed to express different types of love: platonic love, unrequited love, love between siblings, love of friends, etc.

If you are looking short, beautiful and meaningful poems for grandparentsdon’t miss the options we present below.

If you keep the best moments, you will never be apart. Keep his presence in your heart and thus make him live forever.

Memories in the Heart

Remember me when I am gone, when I am in a silent and distant land. When you can no longer hold my hand, when I have given up on the war.

Christina Rossetti

My grandmother Mariana doesn’t look like a grandmother, she seems like a fairy to me.

Gloria Fuertes

Gloria Fuertes is one of the most important Spanish poets of recent times, so if you are looking for poems for a grandfather or poems to dedicate to your grandmother, in Gloria Fuertes’ poetry you can find just what you are looking for.

Another great poet is Mario Benedetti, known mainly for his beautiful verses about love, life and forgiveness.

White hair is an endless memory of life. It is the shelter of a treasure of memory and wisdom.

Moses LN

When I have to leave you behind for a while. Don’t feel pain, don’t shed tears.

Helen Steiner Rice

Never, never fear death, because in heaven you will find me waiting for you.

Helen Steiner Rice

Dear grandfather: I carry your name, a name that I will always know how to respect in life.

Leobardo Cruz

The willows at home shake to say goodbye to you, they know that you are not coming back… and they cry, inconsolable, for your departure.

Dear grandfather

Letter to a grandmother

After the poems, the time has come to share some short and beautiful phrases for grandparents What you should include in a letter.

If you want to let your beloved grandfather know how much he means to you, feel free to share these quotes.

Being a grandmother must be wonderful; First you are just a mother and then you are a wise and loving person.

Pam Brown

Grandmas are like mothers but with extra sugar.

A grandmother will always love her grandchildren more than anyone can ever understand.

Karen Gibbs

“You are a very brave girl,” he told her. “I know,” the girl answered, “I learned it from you.”

James Patterson

As my grandmother says…if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

AJ Jacobs

A grandma always makes you feel like she’s been waiting for you all day, and now that she’s with you…everything is fine.

Do you know why children are always so full of energy? because they take them from their grandparents.

If you are thinking of writing a letter to a grandmother, this phrase can add a touch of humor and fun to the emotion of the text. Your grandma/or she will love it!

When you’re sad, the best place you can be is on your grandmother’s lap.

A grandmother is a safe paradise from which one never wants to leave.

I believe that one of the most satisfying experiences of a human being is becoming a grandchild and then a grandfather.

Donald A. Norberg

Sometimes, perfect love only comes with the first grandchild.

Phrases for grandparents – tattoos

We finish the article with a selection of phrases, words and designs wonderful things that you can get permanently on your body if you want to show love and admiration to your grandfather or grandmother.

You will also find phrases for deceased grandparents that you can insert into a beautiful design if after the death of your beloved grandparent you want to get a tattoo that will help you remember them forever. These are some of the phrases for grandparents and…

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