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Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype: All About That Powerful Union

O Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype they are very powerful and leave their marks wherever they go, being a great opportunity, but also a great responsibility to walk in this high frequency level.

Archetypes should be chosen according to the goals you want to achieve, so you shouldn’t go over anyone’s head, as each one has its own characteristics and needs.

If you identify with an archetype, then just study and understand how it can be useful to later activate it in you.

One way to enhance the results of an archetype is by adding another archetype, in order to gather a greater number of characteristics that you want to have, that is, to select the best of both worlds.

In this way, you can further enhance the power of each archetype and achieve the results you want even faster. Check now how to add the Mermaid and Cleopatra archetype. Know the benefit of this sum. Check out!

Combining the Two Archetypes: Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetypes

Many people activate only one archetype because they believe it is not possible to activate two or more archetypes simultaneously.

In case of Mermaid Archetype It’s from Cleopatra’s Archetype it is entirely possible to activate both, however, it is important to consider the power of each and its positive aspects, which can promote permanent benefits in anyone’s life.

However, that’s not all, as we know that archetypes also have their dark side. In this way, before carrying out the activation of an archetype, it is important to understand what changes can happen in your life.

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It is worth mentioning that the shadow side is necessary, as it provides the necessary confrontation for its growth, so that it should not be something avoided, but experienced and resolved.

Before performing the Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype Activation consider;

All light and dark aspects of each archetype; Understand if they complement each other; Check whether their connection will bring any harm; Learn how to use the shadow side of each one to your advantage; Check if they can act in balance.

This all has to be considered, because if the combination is not harmonious, it can generate a lot of confusion and cause problems.

The Light Side of the Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype Combination

power of seduction

Many people want to perform Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype Activation to enhance the power of seduction that each one possesses.

Attracting attention to you feeds vanity, which is part of every archetype. So, if you want to have a well-resolved self-esteem, these archetypes together will provide exactly what you need.

It is worth mentioning that these two archetypes are of very high frequency and very similar, for example, both Cleopatra and the Mermaid are extremely magnetic, they abuse the seduction they have, whether through behavior, gestures, smiles or looks, everything draws attention .

The mermaid is not as strategic, being more natural, never showing herself completely, which sharpens the mind of those who observe.

While Cleopatra already brings maturity and a more malicious seduction, being a perfect fusion for those looking for a more pretentious, intentional and mysterious seduction power.

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Vanity is part of Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetypebecause both have a vanity fueled by their achievements and knowledge, so if you are looking for a vanity that leads you to cultivate and develop your gifts even more, the fusion of these archetypes will make you even more determined.

Compliments and recognition are fuel for this archetype, which has the goal of always moving forward and achieving greater and greater conquests.


O Mermaid archetype and Cleopatra together, have a strong power of attraction.

The mermaid attracts everything she wants through her singing and magic, while Cleopatra has a strong magnetism that works through seduction. When both archetypes are activated, you will exert a strong attraction on what you want, attracting money, love, health and everything else you desire.

Remembering that for this you must be with the Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype well developed.


While the mermaid is guided by her emotions, after all, she is connected to the water element, which is closely related to emotions, Cleopatra is more rational, as she was a queen, commanding an entire nation.

In this way, the Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype end balancing yourself, you will not be guided by your emotions, nor will you put them aside at all times, you will continue to love, falling in love, however, in a more balanced way, not totally surrendered, that is, if you are a person who surrenders passions completely, she no longer does that, being cautious.

On the other hand, if you are a person who cannot fall in love with anyone, you are always too cold or too harsh, now you can give yourself the opportunity to be loved and to love. This balance is something very desired by many people, if this is your case, then the sum of the Mermaid and Cleopatra archetypes is ideal for you.

Final Considerations on the Union of the Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetypes

Both have very powerful energy, and care is needed. After all, the Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype they have a high frequency, so having both activated simultaneously is a great challenge, and it is necessary to know each other well before carrying out this action.

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The best thing is to use one at a time, and then activate both, because that way it will be more adapted to the light-shade side of the Mermaid and Cleopatra Archetype and you will know how to use them to achieve the goals you want.

It is recommended that you see the characteristics you want from each one and carry out the activation gradually, that is, one at a time, thus experiencing the benefits that these archetypes provide, as well as the manifestations of the shadow side.

The moment you feel comfortable and secure in dealing with the shadow side of both archetypes, then, enjoy the Mermaid Archetype and Cleopatra Archetype together.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility!

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