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50 perfect phrases for baby photo caption

The arrival of a baby transforms the lives of parents and everyone around them. It brings more happiness, more complicity and also more responsibility. But who can resist the cute little face of a baby and a little smile when he hears the voices of dads? If you recently had a baby or arrived in your family, see perfect phrases for photo captions on social media and declare yourself.

Short phrases for caption

  1. I love you to the moon back.
  2. Fairy tales can come true.
  3. You are My Sunshine.
  4. You are so perfect for me.
  5. I’m the luckiest to have you.
  6. You are my definition of perfection.
  7. The best gift God has given me.
  8. My heart out of body.
  9. Without you, I’m nobody.
  10. We have you, we have everything.
  11. Without you our family is incomplete.
  12. I didn’t believe in angels until I saw you.
  13. You came like a sunrise.
  14. We made a wish and you came true.
  15. A great miracle in such a small person..
  16. Thank you for choosing me to be your mother.
  17. When she’s sleeping and yawns, my heart melts.
  18. He stole my sleep, he stole my bed and also my heart.

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Cute baby photo caption phrases

  1. When you take your first step into this world, I just want to be with you in that moment.
  2. I don’t need anyone in this world except you, if you’re with me then I can fight anyone.
  3. I wonder if you’ll understand how much of me belongs to you.
  4. When I hold you in my arms, it’s like I hold the world in my hands.
  5. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most space in your heart.
  6. I have no words to describe how I feel when I look at you
  7. Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hands of God.
  8. Just when you think you know love, someone small comes along to remind you how big it really is.
  9. Having a baby is like having a piece of heaven right here on earth.
  10. I have a new hobby, it’s called watching my baby sleep.
  11. Your little hands stole my heart. His little feet ran away with him.
  12. You are loved for the boy you are, the man you will become and the son you will always be.
  13. Sometimes, when I need a miracle, I look into my son’s eyes and realize I’ve already created one.
  14. A girl’s smile is like a flower that blooms for the rest of her life.
  15. A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.
  16. Every child is an angel sent by God to make life on earth more beautiful.
  17. I could spend eternity holding you in my arms.
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Caption for baby smiling photo

  1. Happiness is your baby’s first toothless smile.
  2. A baby’s smile helps him go further.
  3. The best feeling in the world is knowing that you were the one who made the baby smile.
  4. What can a baby’s laugh do? It can cleanse your soul and spread a smile in your heart.
  5. A baby’s smile is a gift from God.
  6. A baby’s smile is like a diamond in the rough, perfectly shaped, untouched by the cruelties of the world.
  7. A baby’s smile is a bit of sunlight wrapped around its arms.
  8. Okay, little friend, we’re done, keep smiling and I’ll keep trying to make you happy.
  9. You can resist everything in the world except a baby’s smile.
  10. A happy, smiling child is worth more than all the money in the world.
  11. A baby’s smile teaches us to be happy for no reason.
  12. It feels like the heavens are calling for you when a baby smiles at you.
  13. A smile is a language that even a baby understands.
  14. Your smile is all I need.
  15. Babies smile in their sleep because they are listening to the whispering of angels.

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