{"id":48879,"date":"2023-07-13T09:09:59","date_gmt":"2023-07-13T16:09:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/are-you-very-tired-these-5-health-problems-could-be-why\/"},"modified":"2023-07-13T09:10:00","modified_gmt":"2023-07-13T16:10:00","slug":"are-you-very-tired-these-5-health-problems-could-be-why","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/are-you-very-tired-these-5-health-problems-could-be-why\/","title":{"rendered":"Are you very tired? These 5 Health Problems Could Be Why"},"content":{"rendered":"

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1. Anemia<\/h3>\n

This problem appears when there is a lack of iron in the body \u2013 whether due to low consumption of mineral sources<\/strong>either by excessive loss in menstruation<\/strong>. Anemics show pallor, drowsiness, headache, lack of concentration and\u2026 tiredness! As a result, climbing stairs, training and even cooking become almost impossible tasks.<\/p>\n

Read more: What to do tonight to exercise better tomorrow<\/strong><\/p>\n

2. Thyroid problems<\/h3>\n

When this gland, located at the base of the neck, starts to work too much or too little, the rhythm of metabolism is the first to suffer. Hyperthyroidism results in an exaggerated production of hormones, which causes fatigue, weight loss and weakness in the legs. Hypothyroidism, which slows down hormone production, generates, in addition to fatigue, muscle pain, water retention and weight gain. And amazingly: about 10% of adult women suffer from thyroid<\/strong> slow, according to Renato Zilli, an endocrinologist at Hospital S\u00edrio Liban\u00eas, in S\u00e3o Paulo.<\/p>\n

3. Diabetes<\/h3>\n

The disease hinders the body’s ability to use available sugar in the blood as a source of energy. \u201cAmong the symptoms of glucose shortage are constant tiredness, extreme thirst, hunger, blurred vision and irritability\u201d, lists Renato.<\/p>\n

Understand: Diabetes: 6 signs that you may have the disease<\/strong><\/p>\n

4. Depression<\/h3>\n

In addition to the difficulty in taking pleasure in activities that made you happy, deep sadness can compromise the willingness to perform simple tasks. If you notice that these symptoms are present for more than two weeks, consult a specialist.<\/p>\n

5. Sleep apnea<\/h3>\n

The problem is more common in those who are overweight and directly affects the quality of sleep, making you wake up tired, no matter how many hours you have slept. This happens due to brief interruptions in breathing that send an alert message to the brain for you to wake up and start breathing again – a process that can occur several times throughout the night.<\/p>\n

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