{"id":41379,"date":"2023-03-26T18:50:37","date_gmt":"2023-03-27T01:50:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/aphrodisiac-foods-myth-or-truth\/"},"modified":"2023-03-26T18:50:37","modified_gmt":"2023-03-27T01:50:37","slug":"aphrodisiac-foods-myth-or-truth","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/aphrodisiac-foods-myth-or-truth\/","title":{"rendered":"Aphrodisiac foods: myth or truth?"},"content":{"rendered":"

For millennia, people have been talking, thinking and discussing about aphrodisiac foods<\/strong>. Men and women seek miracles in so-called special and sensual foods for arouse sexual appetite<\/strong> and make the moment for two more \u201ccaliente\u201d.<\/p>\n

Is it myth or truth?<\/p>\n

The power of aphrodisiac foods (or not)<\/h2>\n

Food plays a fundamental role in our life and in our health. It is believed that one low libido is linked to a lack of vitamins<\/strong> and some minerals, such as vitamin E, zinc and selenium, but also food has the power to give a special spice and make each moment unique.<\/p>\n

Vitamin E is present in eggs and vegetable oils; selenium is found in Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, tuna, sunflower seeds, whole wheat and fish; and the greatest sources of Zinc are animal proteins, milk and derivatives, and crustaceans, and can also be found in cereals, nuts and peanuts.<\/p>\n

Seafood, especially oysters and mussels, are champions among aphrodisiac foods<\/strong>. In addition, they are light foods, important in a romantic dinner. After all, feijoada and seduction do not go together.<\/p>\n

Peanuts, ginger and pepper are also part of the group. The spicier the food, the spicier the lover… Spices such as cloves and cinnamon, due to their aroma and heat, are stimulating.<\/p>\n

Fruits such as strawberries, cherries and grapes are stimulating because of their color (red releases adrenaline in the body) and also because of their shape. The color red is always exciting!<\/p>\n

Curiosity about aphrodisiac foods<\/h2>\n

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, emerged from the ocean in a shell and abandoned the sea on the beaches of Cyprus, and where her feet touched the ground a plant was born. And the first of these was the pomegranate.<\/p>\n

These plants came to be venerated as Aphrodite’s gifts to men and known as aphrodisiac species.<\/p>\n

However, according to science, few species can really be considered aphrodisiacs, but the caveat is that seduction must also be imaginary, right?<\/p>\n

Therefore, the term aphrodisiac derives from Aphrodite<\/strong>, who is the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. Aphrodisiac is any substance or activity that awaken the love desire<\/strong>\u2026<\/p>\n

Among drinks, champagne or sparkling wines always accompany special moments. Strawberry and champagne are directly linked to aphrodisiac and passionate moments!<\/p>\n

Red wine is a wonderful option, it is a vasodilator, it activates circulation and stimulates the color and flavor.<\/p>\n

Many other foods offer aphrodisiac properties.<\/strong> Some people believe in eggnog, others in quail eggs or catuaba.<\/p>\n

What really matters is how much fantasy we put into food, how much we believe in it, because the mind is the greatest aphrodisiac, it can do anything…<\/p>\n

It is also fundamental how much emotion we put into what we prepare: the affection, the music, the candles, a deep look, everything helps to make the moment seductive.<\/p>\n

List of aphrodisiac foods<\/h2>\n


Contains high nitrite content (substance present in soil, water and plants and therefore distributed in food of plant and animal origin).<\/p>\n

This substance, when it comes into contact with the human body, is transformed into nitrate (a process called nitration), which changes to nitric oxide.<\/p>\n

This process improves the absorption of nutrients into the muscle, helps generate more energy, eliminates toxins from the body and maintains more efficient use of oxygen.<\/p>\n

That’s because nitric oxide helps keep blood vessels dilated (which has to do with exercise capacity) and also improves energy, performance, and power.<\/p>\n


It produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has several functions on sleep, mood and is mainly responsible for the feeling of pleasure. Legend has it that the seductive Don Juan de Marco was a great drinker of \u201chot chocolate\u201d.<\/p>\n


This delicate fruit, with an intense color, is a fundamental presence in seduction rituals \u2013 even better if accompanied by champagne. In addition, the red of the fruit releases adrenaline in the body and the strawberry is \u201cfleshy\u201d.<\/p>\n


It is fortifying the sexual organs.<\/p>\n


It is rich in vitamin B3 (which promotes vasodilation, improving circulation and penile erection) and in magnesium (important for the production of serotonin, the well-being hormone, which is essential for libido).<\/p>\n

The phallic shape of asparagus already induces malicious thoughts. Madame de Pompadour, mistress of King Louis XV, was famous for creating asparagus dishes.<\/p>\n


Because it is an oilseed, it is a highly energetic, high-calorie food. It also contains a large amount of vitamin B3, which contributes to blood vasodilation, which is why it is related to increased libido and sexual appetite.<\/p>\n


Contains zinc, which is related to testosterone production. The seductive Gi\u00e1como Casanova was a fan of the delicacy: he ate 50, every morning, in the bathtub, in the company of the woman he was interested in at the moment.<\/p>\n

There are foods that increase the production of both sperm and testosterone (a decisive hormone in libido) and vaginal lubricating secretion, further stimulating the sex life of couples.<\/p>\n

This is the case of fresh oysters, an energy food, which has phosphorus, iodine, zinc and little fat. This increases the mood for sex.<\/p>\n


This condiment is capable of promoting sexual performance. The effects caused after the ingestion of pepper cause physiological reactions in the body, such as increased heart rate and blood and sweating, very similar to the sensations experienced in the sexual act, making pepper one of the aphrodisiac foods.<\/p>\n

Quail egg<\/h3>\n

It is a food rich in proteins, has a large amount of vitamin B1 and B2, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus and calcium, in addition to a low cholesterol rate. But it does not have any substance that enhances sexual appetite.<\/p>\n

Ginger, cloves and cinnamon<\/h3>\n

Due to the aroma and heat they cause, they are stimulants.<\/p>\n


It is a vasodilator, activates circulation and stimulates by color and flavor.<\/p>\n


Considered exotic since ancient times due to its red and juicy pulp.<\/p>\n


It is considered a sensual fruit, mainly for its perfume, its smooth and juicy texture, and its color. The peach has its origin in China, where it has been cultivated for more than two thousand years. According to Feng Shui, the peach color stimulates the senses and the fruit, lust.<\/p>\n


It is a fruit associated with pleasure, fertility, Dionysus (Bacchus), Priapo and all the happy gods existing in all traditions. Dionysus was not only the god of wine, but also of fertility and procreation.<\/p>\n


Maximum symbol of temptation since Eve seduced Adam, it has stimulating properties. Its fame among erotic and seduction rituals is universal, as the apple was used in countless magic potions, love filters and enchantments.<\/p>\n

Peruvian stretcher<\/h3>\n

It is a tuber, i.e. a plant of underground growth, similar to turnip, cassava, etc.<\/p>\n

Originally from the central regions of Peru, it is traditionally used by the people of the region as a fundamental medicinal food in the diet in the treatment and prevention of diseases.<\/p>\n

Among the benefits promoted by maca, the main one is the increase in sexual capacity, mainly related to reproductive parameters, such as increased sperm production and fertility, also presenting an energetic effect, thus increasing erectile function and sexual satisfaction.<\/p>\n

It is used in the preparation of recipes (replacing part of the flour) and also sprinkled on fruits and vitamins.<\/p>\n

Women who use contraceptives and hormone replacements should not consume maca, as it interferes with the absorption of the synthetic hormone present in these medications.<\/p>\n

Penne Aphrodisiac (Recipe Amanda Regina)<\/h2>\n

Preparation: 15 minutes| Cooking: 11 min | Yield: 2 servings<\/strong><\/p>\n


200 grams of penne tricolori 200 grams of shrimp, already cleaned 2 tablespoons of sesame oil or olive oil Salt to taste 12 cherry tomatoes, cut in half Basil leaves 1 dessert spoon of grated ginger Pepper, to taste<\/p>\n

Method of preparation:<\/h3>\n

Cook the penne in boiling salted water for about 10 minutes or until \u201cal dente\u201d. Run and book.<\/p>\n

While the pasta is cooking, blanch the shrimp in a pan of boiling water until pink. Drain.<\/p>\n

In a non-stick frying pan, place a tablespoon of sesame oil or olive oil, add the pepper and shrimp, season with salt and add the cherry tomatoes. Once the tomato withers, turn off the fire.<\/p>\n

Mounting the dish:<\/h3>\n

Mix the already cooked pasta, the shrimp with the cherry tomatoes and add the basil leaves. Water with the rest of the olive oil. Ready!<\/p>\n

The composition of this dish:<\/h3>\n

Shrimp \u2013 rich in zinc, a potent antioxidant and part of sex hormones. Tomato \u2013 considered exotic in ancient times, due to its red and juicy pulp. Wheat (representing fertility) and pepper – increase circulation and are exciting agents.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

For millennia, people have been talking, thinking and discussing about aphrodisiac foods. Men and women seek miracles in so-called special and sensual foods for arouse sexual appetite and make the moment for two more \u201ccaliente\u201d. Is it myth or truth? The power of aphrodisiac foods (or not) Food plays a fundamental role in our life …<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[617],"tags":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/41379"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=41379"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/41379\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=41379"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=41379"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/lovemagicworks.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=41379"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}