What is the Lion’s Gate Portal? 888 August 2024
The 88 Lion’s Gate Portal is a galactic gateway that delivers high-frequency energy to our being, allowing us to rejuvenate our spiritual energy and the spiritual energy of Mother Earth.
This high-frequency energy can be used to open our energy centers, inspire new ideas, elevate our consciousness, and enhance our ability to receive psychic downloads. These downloads may come through dreams, visions, spiritual guides, and angels, or simply by hearing things while in a relaxed state. Meditation and automatic writing are excellent ways to open up to this energy and receive guidance.
This is why it is said to attract abundance and prosperity, increase intuition, and result in significant creations and manifestations.
Why Sirius?
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky as seen from Earth and is known as our Spiritual Sun. While our earthly Sun illuminates our physical world, which is an illusion, our Spiritual Sun illuminates the truth of our timeless essence. The ancients were highly attuned to Sirius, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and the home of higher vibrational beings. They thought the energy of Sirius contained advanced wisdom that we could tap into and use whenever Sirius was strong in the sky.
While our Sun is responsible for radiating life to our physical bodies, Sirius is responsible for radiating life to our spiritual bodies. Therefore, the opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal can help awaken and elevate our consciousness to new dimensions.
In modern astrology, Sirius is associated with freedom and advanced technology.
What is the significance of 8/8?
In numerology, 88 represents infinity and DNA activation, allowing us to take the energy from Sirius and infuse it into the very core of our being. We can also unlock and enhance our cellular memory, bringing more healing, peace, and love to ourselves.
As 2024 is an 8 year in numerology, the strength of the portal is very potent. What does all this mean?
Greater potential! Don’t miss out on the current energy!
Why is it called the “Lion’s Gate”?
The rising of Sirius, celebrated by ancient astrologers as the rebirth of Spirit, occurs right during Leo season, which is ruled by the Lion. On August 8, the Sun is almost halfway through the zodiac. It is said that reaching this midpoint thins the veil between the realm of spirit and the “3D world.”
Video Lion’s Gate Portal Meditation
How to Harness the Leo Energy at the Lion’s Gate
- Break Away from Old Patterns
- Journaling about old beliefs, working on forgiveness, and changing your inner dialogue is a wise choice during this time.
- Activate the Heart Chakra
- Old or current wounds will appear for you to heal, allowing you to free yourself from any grief or sadness that has burdened your heart.
- Examine Your Fears
- Observe the fears that arise and remember they are pushing you to act towards what your soul calls you to do. If you fear heights, challenge it by climbing to a high point and looking out with gratitude.
- Activate the Third Eye Chakra
- You may feel more intuitive or learn something new about how your intuition speaks to you. Understanding the relationship between your pineal gland and third eye can be beneficial. The Lion’s Gate is a great time to start working on this.
- Create Space for New Moon Intentions
- Clear intentions on 8/8 will enhance your manifestations. Here are some ideas:
- Write your intentions
- Draft your mantra
- Share this with a friend
- Share with a tree or plant and ask it to evolve with you
- Express gratitude
- Write a present letter to your best future version
- Create a sigil
- Clear intentions on 8/8 will enhance your manifestations. Here are some ideas:
- Clear Your Space
- Move furniture, reorganize, travel, or move your body. During new moons, it helps to move quietly and restoratively, but support change by avoiding inactivity. Understand detachment and let go of what no longer serves you.
- Activate Abundance with Feng Shui
- The back left corner of your home or any room is the wealth and abundance sector on the Feng Shui Bagua Map. Activate this energy by thinking about your desired abundance, which is not just money. For example, place a healthy plant like a money tree or set up a prosperity altar.
- Illuminate Your Soul’s Path
- Pay attention to the physical lights in your home, symbolizing new ideas, wisdom, understanding, divine light, and truth. Replace non-functioning bulbs, get rid of toxic candles, and check hidden lights like those in the stove, fridge, or closet. Replacing them while maintaining the intention to ignite your passion will help activate your soul’s path.
- Listen to Your Body and Intuition
- Prioritize love above all. Ask yourself:
- “What is the most loving decision for me right now, and what do I want now?”
- Following what is most loving will benefit your progress. Now is not the time to waste your power listening to what others tell you. Take what is beneficial and feels good, and leave the rest.
- Prioritize love above all. Ask yourself:
Remember, change is inevitable. When we release expectations around change and flow with it, we will find the easiest path through the Lion’s Gate to our new illuminated path.
Do any of these resonate with you? I’d love to hear in the comments.