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Training to tighten, increase or decrease the buttocks –

A butt “on the back of the neck” is the goal of many people when entering a gym to do weight training, but there are those who seek to reduce it. The fact is that, whether to tighten, increase or decrease the buttocks, the personal trainer Caio Signoretti says that it is necessary to train the region “heavy”, because, in addition to the aesthetic aspect, by strengthening it, it is possible to achieve other benefits for the body’s health.


According to experts, up to 70% of the overall shape of the body is determined by genetics, including the shape and size of the butt. The other 30% are influenced by lifestyle, food and regular physical exercise. So, with the right habits, you can reach your goal in your glute-focused training.


“As counterintuitive as it may seem, the person who wants to reduce the buttocks also needs to train them, because this improves the amount of muscle mass, which takes up less space than fat”, he explains, mentioning that the hip is a place where women tend to accumulate more fat.

Of course, there are specific guidelines according to the objective. However, in general, exercises such as lunges, squats, hip extensions, pelvic elevations and lifting are ideal for those who intend to achieve some result in the buttocks, according to the personal trainer.

To conquer your dream butt, in addition to proper training, a balanced diet and other healthy habits are essential. Enlisting the guidance of a physical educator is also recommended to avoid any type of injury or pain while performing the exercises.


Gluteus maximus, medius and minimus | (SEBASTIAN KAULITZKI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images)

This musculature is divided into three parts: gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. “The gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle and is positioned at the back of the butt. The medium is more internally, a little more on the side. The gluteus minimus, the smallest of the three, is even more internally, directly below the medium”, explains the personal trainer.

gluteus maximus: Common movements in our daily lives, such as walking, running, throwing your leg back, sitting and squatting, are mostly performed by the gluteus maximus, one of the largest muscles in the human body. Its function is to extend the hip and rotate the leg outward.
gluteus medius: You can find it on the side of the buttock. Caio says that this muscle plays the role of stabilizer, that is, to give firmness and flexibility to the hip.
Gluteus minimus: Together with the gluteus medius, the gluteus minimus plays a role in abducting the legs. So, when you push to open your legs, for example, it’s these two musculatures that act.

Despite this division, the professional emphasizes that these muscles work together and it is not possible to train each of them separately — but in some movements, one ends up being more activated than the other.


Training glutes is good for the body’s health in general | (drobotdean/Freepik/Playback)

In addition to aesthetics, training the buttocks contributes to several factors, including the prevention of diseases and pain. This is because the musculature of this part of the body is extremely important for joint health and to avoid wear and tear on the spine, knee and ankle, problems that often arise due to weakness in the buttocks.

Considering that the butt is also part of the core, a group of muscles that help sustain and stabilize the body, when strengthened, it can also contribute to good posture, helping you to get rid of back pain.

“Generally, people who have weak buttocks suffer from back pain and joint problems”, points out the personal trainer.


The shape and size of the buttocks are influenced by genetic factors |With specific training directions and other guidelines regarding food, for example, it is possible to achieve different objectives, such as reducing, hardening or increasing the butt.

The exercises for glutes are the same, regardless of the objective”, explains Caio, what will change are factors such as repetition and weight volume.

For those aiming to slim their glutes, focus on a less challenging weight volume and more reps per exercise. In addition, aerobic physical activities are great allies to reduce the percentage of fat (which, as we said, takes up more space, giving the appearance of a bigger butt).

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Caio says that it is also important to maintain a diet focused on a caloric deficit, that is, one in which you consume fewer calories than are spent.

To make your butt firm, physical exercises are essential. Series can also be done with smaller loads, but with several repetitions, as this will burn more fat and take away the appearance of softness.

Now, as for food, do not make a caloric deficit, but avoid the consumption of foods rich in sugar and fried foods to achieve your result.

When we talk about increasing the buttocks, we are referring to hypertrophy, a process in which our muscles increase in size and volume due to regular strength training and a balanced diet.

Bodybuilding should be done with very challenging loads and less repetitions.

And those who have this goal should consume protein-rich foods, as the amino acids that make up this macronutrient provide growth and repair of muscle mass, in addition to favoring cell metabolism and muscle contraction.


Lucas Florencioa physiologist at Smart Fit recommends a workout that can help both people who want to increase their buttocks and those who want to define or reduce them.

squat with load

Squats with Loads | (Smart Fit/Disclosure/)

First week: 3 sets – 12 to 15 reps
Second week: 3 sets – 10 to 12 reps
Third week: 3 sets – 7 to 9 reps
Fourth week: 3 sets – 15 to 17 reps


sink | (Smart Fit/Disclosure/)

When you’re done exercising one side, switch to the other.

First week: 3 sets – 12 to 15 reps
Second week: 3 sets – 10 to 12 reps
Third week: 3 sets – 7 to 9 reps
Fourth week: 3 sets – 15 to 17 reps


Stiff with Dumbbells | (Smart Fit/Disclosure/)

The Smart Fit physiologist recommends that this exercise be performed with the crescent pyramid method only in the first three weeks. This method involves increasing the load and reducing the number of repetitions for each set.

First week: 3 sets – 12, 10 and 8 reps
Second week: 3 sets – 12, 10 and 8 reps
Third week: 3 sets – 12, 10 and 8 reps
Fourth week: 3 sets – 15 to 17 reps

Pelvic lift with insistence

Pelvic lift with insistence | (Smart Fit/Disclosure/)

Elevate the pelvis and hold the position for a few seconds.

First week: 3 sets – 12 to 15 reps
Second week: 3 sets – 10 to 12 reps
Third week: 3 sets – 7 to 9 reps
Fourth week: 3 sets – 15 to 17 reps

“Good morning” exercise

“Good morning” exercise | (Smart Fit/Disclosure/)

First week: 3 sets – 12 to 15 reps
Second week: 3 sets – 10 to 12 reps
Third week: 3 sets – 7 to 9 reps
Fourth week: 3 sets – 15 to 17 reps

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