Love has extraordinary ways of working and “Cupid” tries to shoot such unlikely couples that only fate can explain. The story we are going to tell is about a girl called Fátima, who one day saw a handsome boy called Antônio on an old-school TV show. She fell in love right away and went on the dating show to meet him.
O loves to tell you beautiful stories and this one is no different. It’s about a couple who fell in love on the show wedding on tv in the 1960s and who built a beautiful family. Stay with us and fall in love too.
the tv show
In the 1960s, Sílvio Santos presented a program called Marriage on TV. In it, a young man performed and was interviewed live by the presenter. Interested girls sent letters that were chosen by the suitor. Soon after, he returned to the program to meet the selected girls and chose one to establish a relationship with.
the suitors
Before appearing on TV, the boy was interviewed by the organization of the program who wanted to know if he really had the intention of getting married. With the girls, in addition to the interview, the parents had to go along and authorize the courtship and an eventual marriage. If the parents did not approve of the boy’s history, the relationship simply did not happen. Don’t think this is weird, no. Keep in mind that the show was set in the 1960s and this was a common thing for the time.
Cupid’s Arrow
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, Antônio Roque de Lima appeared on the program’s stage and enchanted the hearts of hundreds of young women. Fátima Costa was at home and her mother called her to see the handsome young man who was looking for a wife on the program. At first she wasn’t interested, but then she couldn’t get that handsome guy out of her head and decided to write for the program.
The most beautiful of all candidates
Many girls wrote letters applying to be a suitor for this boy’s girlfriend. After much selection, three beautiful girls were chosen and Fátima was among them. The slender girl, with short hair “à la Elis Regina” and wearing a tube dress, didn’t even think she would be called. But it was precisely for her that Antônio fell in love and it was love at first sight.
Dating, engagement and marriage
Courtesy of Fátima Roque de Lima for Incrí / Personal Collection
Behind the scenes, the girl’s parents did not authorize the relationship because he had a daughter from another relationship. The two lovers were very frustrated, but secretly exchanged their contacts. The couple dated for 8 months and got married soon after. Unfortunately, without the approval of the bride’s parents, the couple lost the gifts they would receive from the program: all the furniture, the wedding, the party and a honeymoon trip.
Family: 39 years married
The two had some difficulties at the beginning of their life together, like the vast majority of newlyweds. They lived in several cities in the country: Santo André, Rio de Janeiro, Manaus, Viçosa and later returned to the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro. They had 3 daughters, 2 grandchildren and would celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in 2009, but he died a few months earlier, aged 74. But he left a legacy proving that family is the most important thing in life.
Courtesy of Fátima Roque de Lima for Incrí / Personal Collection
May everyone be inspired by this couple’s true love story, to understand that relationships are not perfect, but that we can make it count. Because in the end, what remains is this. Memories of an unusual and improbable meeting, which happened by fate or by Cupid’s arrow. It doesn’t matter, what matters is that love prevailed and a beautiful story emerged.
Did you like this love story? Do you have or know of any other unusual ones? Don’t be shy and tell us here in the comments.