Home » Horoscope » Sympathy to know the sex of the baby – Is it a boy or a girl?

Sympathy to know the sex of the baby – Is it a boy or a girl?

You found out you’re pregnant! What an exciting moment, isn’t it? Imagine everything that is happening inside your body and the little being that is slowly forming.

Then comes the question that doesn’t want to shut up: is it a boy or a girl? Unfortunately, confirmation will still take a while to come.

There are blood tests that can tell the sex at only eight weeks of pregnancy, but they are very expensive and health plans do not cover them.

By ultrasound, it is only possible to see from 12 weeks and even then, there is the possibility of error. To be more sure it’s a boy or a girl, you’ll have to wait 16 weeks, which doesn’t seem to go by.

To distract you and make some predictions, we made a list with different spells to know the sex of the baby that will help you find out if it’s a boy or a girl and start thinking about possible names.

Gather the family, place your bets and try some. Then just compare it with the test results.

Spells to know the sex of the baby

1) Home charm to find out the sex of the baby

For this spell, you will only need a spoon and a fork.

Leave the room and have someone hide a spoon under one sofa cushion and a fork under another.

Enter the room and sit where you feel like. If you sit on your fork, it’s a boy. If it’s closer to the spoon, it’s a girl.

2) Sympathy to know the sex of the baby with a ring

Tie a wedding ring to a strand of long hair and hold it over your belly. If she sways from side to side, it’s a boy. If it spins in circles, it will be a girl.

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3) Sympathy to find out the sex of the baby with a chicken heart

For this charm to find out the sex of the baby, make a small cut in the middle of a chicken heart and cook it.

If the heart stays as it is, it will be a boy. If he opens up even more, it will be a girl.

4) Math sympathy to know the sex of the baby

Add your age to the month of fertilization. If it’s a pair, it’s a boy. If it’s odd, it’s a girl.

5) Sympathies to know if the baby is a boy or a girl

This sympathy to know if the baby is a boy or a girl also requires calculation, huh! Add the father’s age to the mother’s and subtract 1. If it’s odd, it’s a girl, if it’s even, it’s a boy.

6) Sympathy of the hand to know the sex of the baby

This is the simplest sympathy to know the sex of the baby of all. Someone just needs to ask the pregnant woman to show her hand. If she shows it with her palm facing up, she will be a girl. If her palm is down, it’s a boy.

In addition to the sympathies to know the sex of the baby, there are some signs that popular belief believes indicate if it will be a boy or a girl:

  • If you’re craving sweets, it’s because you’re expecting a girl. If it’s the other way around, you want more salty, you’re expecting a boy.
  • If your skin has improved and become more beautiful, you are expecting a boy. If it got worse, it will be a girl.
  • In your doctor’s office, listen to your baby’s heartbeat. If it’s beating more than 150 bpm it’s a girl. If he’s slower, he’s a boy.
  • Belly size can also indicate. If the belly is more pert, it’s a boy. A rounder belly is a sign of a girl.
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These tips are great to distract your head from anxiety and still have fun. Remember to make your prenatal appointments and take all your questions with your doctor!

More important than doing the spells to know the sex of the baby is having a healthy and happy child inside us!

And how to choose the best name for my baby?

If you’re already racking your brains thinking about possible names for the baby, play our Name Numerology.

This oracle indicates a person’s destiny tendencies through his name. Go testing the different names you want and see which one will bring more luck to your daughter or son.

To play, just click on the image below!

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Answer just a few simple questions and Psychic Jane will draw a picture of your twin flame in breathtaking detail:

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