Stone milk is one of the breastfeeding problems faced by many mothers. Do you know what the causes are and how to avoid this condition? We spoke with Deyse Carneiro (COREN: 000.618.683), a neonatologist nurse and breastfeeding consultant, to clarify the matter. Check out:
Stoned milk or breast engorgement is the accumulation of milk in the ducts. Symptoms present with increased milk viscosity, induration and poor flexibility of the breast and formation of edema. It is also noticed the gelation of the milk, which leaves the liquid state for a more solid state, causing a lot of pain.
Why does milk get clogged?
In summary, cobbled milk is caused by a few factors. The main cause is the accumulation of milk, at the stage when the baby is still not sucking enough. The problem can also be caused by delay in breastfeeding, wrong grip of the baby, lack of emptying, lack of free demand, pressure in the breast area and others.
How to treat and avoid cobbled milk?
Want to know how to avoid, manage and treat cobbled milk? Deyse Carneiro gives great tips to deal with this problem. Follow:
free demand
According to the consultant, breastfeeding on demand made with the correct technique helps to avoid breast engorgement, as it prevents the accumulation of milk in the breasts.
breast massage
The nurse says that massaging the breasts, from the center to the ends, before all feedings, is one of the ways to avoid and treat clogged milk.
manual milking
A tip is to do the manual milking to avoid the accumulation of milk, in case the baby is not able to suckle.
reverse pressure
If your milk is clogged, a tip recommended by Deyse is to do the reverse pressure technique.
breast support
Avoid wearing thin strap bras. Opt for models with wide straps and slings to support the breast.
Beware of compresses
Deyse does not recommend using warm or cold compresses without supervision from a healthcare professional, as this can cause a rebound effect.
If necessary, consult a doctor for prescription of anti-inflammatories and analgesics.
The problem of breast engorgement is quite common, so don’t worry too much. Take the opportunity to learn more about the importance of breastfeeding and check out tips to make the process lighter and more pleasant.