O spiritual work called Spiritual Marriage It is highly sought after by those who are about to get married or even by those who need to resolve situations in their relationship.
Some people also call this work Definitive Amorous Mooring, while others claim that there are differences between the two. Regardless of the name, there are numerous peculiarities that involve the Spiritual Marriageand that’s what we’ll talk about next!
See in this article everything you need to know about this Work, including the purpose, how it works and how to do it. you will also discover How Spiritual Marriage can help you in your love life!
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Spiritual Marriage: ritual to unite the couple
What is Spiritual Marriage?
Spiritual Marriage is a ritual which aims to provide good vibrations, positive energies and block everything that can negatively interfere in the union of a couple. In this way, he provides a more stable, harmonious, peaceful and loving marriage.
In addition, the work also ensures that nothing and no one can separate the couple, such as low vibration magic, the evil eye, envy and other problems that may interfere with the couple’s happiness.
Therefore, we can summarize that the Spiritual Marriage is a work that provides harmony and protection in a union. These and other features make the Spiritual Marriage a job very similar to Amorous Mooring. Next, we will talk about whether there is a difference between these two works and the characteristics of each one.
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Difference between Spiritual Marriage and Loving Binding
Spiritual Marriage is different from Love Binding, but depending on the situation, both jobs may be indicated. The biggest difference between these two works is in the indications.
Amoração Amorosa is mainly indicated for people who are living an unrequited love, to bring love back, to restore the relationship, among other situations.
Spiritual Marriage, on the other hand, is indicated mainly for those who are about to get married and want to start a harmonious, happy and protected union.
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The performance of the work also varies between the Amorous Mooring and the Spiritual Marriage. However, both jobs must be done after the Spiritual Consultation. This is because in the Spiritual Consultation it is possible to identify the best work for each case, assess whether there is spiritual compatibility between the couple, identify if there is work done against the couple, among other things.
This first stage serves as a diagnosis for the Spiritual Works. Through Spiritual Consultation, it is possible to obtain guidance from the Entities of Light to carry out the best work.
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How does this Spiritual Work work?
the work of Spiritual Marriage is similar to others performed in Spiritual Support Houses like the . It must be done by experienced professionals and with direct communication to the Beings of Light, such as spiritualists, mediums, Pai de Santo, among other people with knowledge.
Through Spiritual Consultation, which is the first stage of any work, the professional communicates with the Entities of Light. In this first step, resources such as the game of whelks or tarot, for example. When establishing communication, the Entities of Light analyze the couple from the Spiritual Plane.
Are the Entities of Light that determine whether Spiritual Marriage is indicated or not. That’s because the long-awaited wedding may not be the destination set for the couple. The Entities also identify if there are other factors that may interfere with the Spiritual Work, such as ties made by other people, envy, among other things.
With the permission of these Entities, the work of Spiritual Marriage begins. The work consists of asking the Entities for help so that the couple receives the necessary protection to shield the marriage against envy, low vibration magic and the evil eye.
Entities are also asked for positive energies and good vibrations so that the couple’s union is harmonious, happy and loving in all aspects.
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Does Spiritual Marriage Really Work?
Yes, Spiritual Marriage really works! With the permission of the Entities of Light and spiritual connection between the couple, the work has satisfactory results. But it is important that you know that if the Entities give way to your Work, it is 100% guaranteed, you just need to do your part to have faith and believe in the process.
For example, it’s no use doing a job like this and not cultivating a harmonious relationship. Spiritual Work will not blind your partner or completely change your way of thinking. It is necessary to cultivate harmony, love, companionship and other aspects that contribute to the relationship.
Work is a protection for the couple to have favorable conditions to cultivate a good relationship. But it all depends on how the couple relates!
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Spiritual Marriage, how to do it?
if “How to do a Spiritual Marriage” is your doubt, know that it is suitable for different situations. Before carrying out this work, assess whether your situation can be resolved with this Spiritual Work. Here are the most suitable situations for this job:
- Beginning of a relationship, with the purpose of providing harmony and a good relationship between the couple;
- Conflicts in marriage, in order to resolve conflicts and make the union more harmonious;
- Shielding the marriage, in order to protect the relationship against works of evil magic, envy and situations that interfere with the couple’s happiness.
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Considering these purposes, you should look for a trusted professional or Spiritual Support House to carry out the work. We recommend our spiritualist Maicon Paivawho is the founder of and has been working in our Spiritual Support House for 15 years.
now that you already know what is a spiritual marriageknow that TheBefore performing the Spiritual Marriage, it is necessary to undergo a Spiritual Consultation to assess whether the job is right for you. With the permission of the Entities of Light, the work is carried out by the spiritualist according to the guidelines of the Divinities.
Best of all, you don’t even have to leave the house! serves online, at Whatsapp to ensure the comfort, convenience and confidentiality of our customers. Then you can rest assured that no one will know that you have requested a Spiritual Work.
It is also important that you know that only works with Good Magic, also called White Magic! All Entities consulted are Spirits of Light, evolved and of good.
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What are the effects of Spiritual Marriage?
The effects vary according to each situation, but in a relationship that is in crisis, for example, the expected effect is that the couple has more patience, is able to talk more calmly and can finally resolve the problems that motivate the fights in the relationship.
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