Talking about sex for many people is still complicated, some feel ashamed, others intimidated, some believe that men and women should remain pure until marriage, others associate sex with pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, and there are still some religions that judge sex as humanity’s greatest sin.
There are so many concepts and preconceptions that we feel uncomfortable expressing our thoughts, doubts, whether with parents, children, friends and especially the sexual partner.
Usually when parents bring up the subject of sex with their children, several fears come into the subject, there are so many negative consequences presented to the teenager, that there is no way for the young person not to be on the back foot, right? Wouldn’t this perhaps be the beginning of a restricted and repressed sexual relationship?
According to Sigmund Freud there are three life instincts for the survival of the species that would be hunger, thirst and sex. there is a way to take full advantage of it, part of it is lost, that part would be the pleasure, and then there would be the consequences seen as negative by society.
Many doubts surround men and women, and in common agreement psychologists, doctors, sexologists and among others believe that men and women need sex, there is no such thing as a woman who does not need it, what varies are the circumstances, the reasons, they stay as anxious and nervous as men are without a good night of sex.
Women’s virginity is no longer taboo, they are more confident and know when to enter into a sexual relationship, what they may not know is how to do it, what is allowed or not, this is still a taboo among many couples.
The only way to make sex stop being a taboo is dialogue, oral sex, anal sex, fetish, positions, everything is valid when both allow each other, know each other, because the objective will always be the same, pleasure, taking into account all the precautions necessary to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease.
SO HERE’S THE TIP: “Therefore, when it comes to sex, a single recommendation prevails: the less control over the situation in bed, the better.”
(Marleine Cohen)