Home » Horoscope » Scorpio Descendant → See the qualities of your perfect match!

Scorpio Descendant → See the qualities of your perfect match!

The ruler of the seventh house, our descendant sign, shows our partners. There are great chances that this sign is strongly aspected in the birth charts of the people we choose to share our lives with.

If you have Descendant in Scorpioyour ideal match has Scorpio in an important area of ​​your natal chart, such as the Ascendant or Mars.

In addition to love partnerships, the descendant talks about the relationships in general that we build in our lives.

Make yours Astrology chart and find out what your Descendant is. If your descendant is in Scorpio, see below the type of pair you usually look for.

Descendant in Scorpio

The Descendant in Scorpio is very intense. So, you need someone who declares himself a lot, who shows all his passion for you.

This attraction to passion and seduction is very strong for the Scorpio descendant. It’s something you need to have. If this is not part of the relationship, it tends to end.

You probably don’t like cold relationships, which fall into a rut, more or less. You need intensity! So, you may run away from marriage, as marriages that fall into the routine do not suit you.

However, with a temperamentally matched partner, your core loyalty keeps you in the marriage for a long time—sometimes too long!

If Pluto or Mars are challenging aspects, there may be jealousy and sexual problems. Your health can be affected by an unsatisfactory connection.

You enjoy being the object of intense devotion on the part of your partner. In fact, this is essential for you to be faithful. You demand fidelity and devotion.

You will attract passionate, violent and jealous partners. Probably will make a passionate marriage. If this happens, the couple will face each other in arguments and disputes because of mutual control and jealousy. This can cause intense and passionate drama.

However, with Venus in good aspect to Pluto or Mars, you usually choose the right partner. If you do this, you will have a strong, feeling-filled marriage and a person who will transform you in some way.

Without looking at the planets, you also attract intense and enigmatic, complex and intriguing people, who always appear to take you out of the lull and promote changes and crises in what you thought was stable and immutable.

The 7th house also represents enemies. So, with a Scorpio descendant, you will attract dangerous enemies with whom you will rival. The death or disappearance of a love partner or professional partner may occur.

Relationship between Taurus Ascendant and Scorpio Descendant

The 1st house is where our ascendant is and represents our self. In the 7th house is the descendant and represents the other. These astrological houses function in terms of complementation and projection. That is, we seek in the other what we believe we lack. This happens because we are born with an innate feeling that we are incomplete and that we have to search the world for our other half that will complete us.

When Scorpio is on the descendant, Taurus is on the Ascendant. This means that strong and intense emotions (Scorpio) will be felt in the sphere of relationships. Jealousy and possessiveness can be the basis of many problems with others. You will have to face, examine, and develop greater mastery over the destructive part of your emotional nature.

In other words, Scorpio on the 7th house cusp will force you to look within yourself, probe hidden motivations and hidden causes to transform the way you use power.

The Scorpio descendant does not allow you to face life as it appears at first sight. Because of interpersonal problems, you are jolted out of your lethargy and forced periodically to cleanse and eliminate what you have stored inside, changing old patterns of behavior that no longer serve you.

the native of rising in Taurus is attracted to those who have power. And power is the keyword for any Scorpio. In addition, this person values ​​the faithfulness and stability inherent in the Scorpio sign, which literally embodies the meaning of “until death do us part”.

With a very sensual nature, Taurus will also enjoy Scorpio’s passion and sexuality.

However, with Scorpio in the 7th house, this native can use marriage as a place of personal regeneration or as a “deposit” for everything negative that he does not recognize as part of his personality.

The only thing you need to be careful about is how to keep your Scorpio needs for delivery, sex and fusion fully satisfied, so that your partner never uses your weaknesses against you.

Still a little in doubt about what the descendant sign represents? Understand!

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