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Pythagoras Memorization Technique – Course 100 Study Techniques

Hello friends!

In our Course 100 Study Techniques we are now coming to the specific techniques for memorization. For Plato, knowing is remembering and, although this thought has a whole philosophy behind it, we can think about the importance of memory for learning. That’s what I was thinking yesterday as I wrote Memorization Technique number 32, Pythagorean Method. After all, what’s the point of studying and studying and studying if, after a few hours or weeks, you forget everything?

Course 100 Study Techniques

As I say in the presentation of the Course, we go to school, we go to pre-college courses, we go to college and graduate school, but they never teach us how to how to study.

In our Course 100 Study Techniques we give precisely the fundamental Techniques for learning to happen effectively. So, we start with 10 Motivation Techniques, because without motivation it doesn’t make sense to even start.

Part 1 – Motivation

Technique 1 – Defined Objective

Technique 2 – Specific Purpose

Technique 3 – Motivation through self-confidence

Technique 4 – Motivation with patience

Technique 5 – Motivation for the meaning (of life)

Technique 6 – Reward Motivation

Technique 7 – Motivation by habit

Technique 8 – Motivation through teamwork

Technique 9 – Motivation without anxiety

Technique 10 – Motivation with fun

After raising motivation to the maximum level, we continue with excellent techniques for attention and concentration!

Part 2 – Concentration

Technique 11 – Highly focused attention

Technique 12 – Concentration: If interrupted, just think…

Technique 13 – Concentration: Divide and Rule

Technique 14 – Concentration: Division of time

Technique 15 – Concentration: Nothing to do

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Technique 16 – Concentration free from the interference of the Complexes

Technique 17: Concentration and the time paradox

Technique 18 – Concentration on the spot

Technique 19 – Control of inattention

Technique 20 – A little more concentration

With trained motivation and concentration, we move on to one of the most fundamental parts of all learning, which is Memory. Just one of these Memorization Techniques is enough to increase your capacity!

Part 3 – Memory

Technique 21 – A remedy for memory

Technique 22 – Memory – Very Large Image

Technique 23 – Memorize by repetition

Technique 24 – Cinematic memorization

Technique 25 – Memory by association

Technique 26 – Memorization by rhythm

Technique 27 – Memorization by lists

Technique 28 – Memorization by emotion

Technique 29 – The Memory Palace

Technique 30 – Memory and Forgetting

Technique 31 – Memory in Pieces

Technique 32 – Memory – The Pythagorean Method

See an excerpt from the Course through the Pythagorean Method for Memory.

Technique 32 – The Pythagorean Method for Memory

Everyone knows Pythagoras for his famous mathematical theorem, but few know that he was fundamental to the creation of western music, mathematics and even philosophy, having influence on the writings of Plato and Aristotle.

Do you remember your famous theorem? In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs or

Well, the technique, the method of memorization that is attributed to Pythagoras is extremely simple, but I assure you that it is an excellent method for what we can call the cultivation of memory, because, just as we can cultivate a plant, we must also cultivate the our memory, daily.

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The Pythagorean Method

The Pythagorean method, in my opinion, has the advantage of not only allowing us to develop memory but also allowing those who do it to develop self-awareness and, in particular, ethics and morals.

Let me explain: the technique consists of, just before going to sleep, remembering all the events that happened during the day, from waking up to the end of the day. Not only the strongest elements, but also all the small details, like conversations, sensations, thoughts.

In the beginning, it may be easier to remember some passages, some scenes, some moments. However, over time, we will notice that our ability grows – with interest, memory is facilitated as we have seen – and we can start to remember more and more, with all the details in a vivid way.

It is said that Pythagoras thus managed to develop a prodigious memory. He was then able to remember not only the events of the day but also the events of several days past.

And as I said, the technique of remembering what happened during the day is not only useful for helping with memory, it is also extremely useful for giving us self-awareness.

For example, let’s say you smoke. By remembering the day’s events, you can also assess whether your actions are right or wrong, fair or unfair, healthy or unhealthy. Smoking is not a healthy behavior, therefore, by remembering what you are doing, you can start thinking about it and by starting to think about it, you will already be taking one more step to bring about change and to live better.

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So you can see when you’re lying, when you’re putting off something important, when you’re fighting with people you love and so on…

So start doing the Pythagoras technique for memory today!

Just before going to sleep, take some time to remember all the events you lived in the day!

Trust me, at first it will be funny, maybe weird, but you will soon see how fun and interesting it is and how just by doing it every night you are already improving your memory.

And what’s next for the 100 Study Techniques Course?

In addition to these 32 Motivation, Concentration, Attention Techniques, we will have 8 more Memorization Techniques and also: Creativity, Writing Techniques, Logical Reasoning Techniques, Didactic Techniques and much more!

Buy Course 100 Study Techniques – (You can divide it up to 18 times on the Card!)

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