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Photos and recipes of bento cake for different and fun celebrations

Bento cake is a lunch box cake that originated in South Korea. With social networks, the cupcake became a trend and spread all over the world. The goal is to bring meme phrases or some message to the recipient. Want to test the idea? Take a peek at the photos and see the recipes to make your own!

what is bento cake

Bento cake means “lunchbox cake“, with the translation into Portuguese being “bolo de luncheira”. It is a mini cake, which can be easily carried anywhere.

The idea came up in South Korea, as it was already customary to put small cookies to take as a snack in disposable boxes. In the case of this cake, the phrases and decorations are what make the candy so special and fun.

15 photos of bento cakes that deserve a minute of your attention

Want to gift someone or yourself with a bento cake? Take a look at the phrases you can put on your cupcake:

1. Bento cake can be great for expressing how you feel

2. Or to remember that life is not all work

3. You can pay that tribute of respect

4. And remember that, despite killing it, you’re not that young anymore

5. Have you ever thought about declaring yourself with a bento cake?

6. Or praise that friend of yours who is a goddess, a madwoman, a mermaid?

7. The truth is that you can even play with the elders

8. Send that indirect with a lot of respect

9. Making fun of your age and the issues that come with it

10. Or your attempt to lead a more fit life

11. And why not bring those memes that are on the rise?

12. And play a little prank on that special friend

13. Or with the one who doesn’t give up a good drink

14. The truth is, it doesn’t matter which phrase you choose

15. The cupcake is a hit!

Did you like to know these bento cake options? Now, keep reading to check out the recipes and make it yourself!

bento cake recipes

Check out five separate lunchbox cake recipes especially for you:

Bento cake with whipped cream

Divided into three steps, the recipe has tips for those who have never made the lunch box cake, including the writing part on top of it. Also, you can use whatever filling and cake flavor you want.

Bento cake with white chocolate mousse

Here you will learn from the preparation of the dough, including baking in smaller forminhas, already in the shape of the cupcake. It takes a little longer, as you need to let the filling set in the fridge, but the result leaves you wanting more.

Bento cake with buttercream

A small class to learn how to assemble the bento cake with buttercream instead of whipped cream. The video has tips for cutting the pieces of cake and how to make them straight after filling. Then there is a suggestion to prevent the frosting from taking small pieces of the cupcake when it is passed.

Strawberry cream bento cake

In this video it is explained how to make the dough without using milk, with cream filling with strawberries. The frosting is colored whipped cream with gel coloring and the video has several suggestions to sharpen your creativity.

blender bento cake

For those who are looking for the practicality of preparing the dough in the blender and want a simpler bento cake, this video is excellent. The baker recommends using vanilla essence and chocolate powder to give the cupcake a special taste.

Now that you know more about bento cake, just choose your favorite and get your hands dirty. Then, enjoy and also check out the article about birthday cake.

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