Home » Horoscope » Oshun spell for money ► Achieve prosperity and wealth

Oshun spell for money ► Achieve prosperity and wealth

Is there a month left at the end of your money? Know that the Orisha Oxum can help you. Do it Oshun sympathy for money and bring plenty, wealth and prosperity into your life.

Are you in debt? The cost of living has increased and your salary is not giving? Are you unemployed? Have customers disappeared from your business? No matter what your financial problem is, Oxum will answer you if you ask her for help with all your faith.

Orixá of beauty, wealth, passion and elegance, Oxum offers comfort to all who seek her who are truly in need and afflicted.

1) Oshun spell for quick money


  • 1 cup;
  • Honey;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 8 golden coins;
  • 1 plate;
  • 1 yellow or white candle.

How to make

Put all the coins inside the cup. Then cover them with honey. Also pour in the egg yolk. As you do this, envision prosperity.

Place the bowl on top of the plate and fill it with water until it overflows.

As you pour the water, mentally with all your strength and faith that money is overflowing in your life.

Afterwards, light the candle and offer it to Oxum. Leave it in a high place for 3 days.

At the end of the ritual, donate the coins to those in need. The cup can be reused normally. What’s left, you can throw it away.

2) Oshun’s spell to earn money


  • 1 new white plate;
  • 5 lime oranges (preferably lime from Persia);
  • 5 star anise;
  • 5 cinnamon sticks;
  • 5 yellow candles;
  • 5 coins of different values;
  • Cinnamon and/or clove incense.

How to make

This sympathy needs to be done on a Saturday night with a Crescent or Full Moon.

The first step in this Oxum sympathy for money is to cut the cap off the 5 oranges so that you can stick a cinnamon stick in each one.

Then place the 5 star anises in the shape of a pentagram (5-pointed star) on the white plate. On top of each ring, place an orange.

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In the middle of this pentagram formed by the star anise with orange, deposit the coins clockwise. Start with the lowest value coin and work your way up to the highest value.

On the outside of the plate, place the 5 yellow candles. Then light the candles and incense.

After each ingredient is positioned in its proper place, pray the prayer below with great faith:

“Mama Oxum, Orisha of Beauty and Elegance, Gold and Riches, Queen of Fresh Waters and Sovereign of Waterfalls, act in my life, granting me seduction and cleverness, answer my prayers and grant me Greatness!”

Close your eyes and make your request in the form of a prayer, remembering that it needs to be linked to money or material goods. Speak from your heart, say what you need. If you make the request with faith and heart, Oxum will certainly fulfill your wish.

After placing your order, close the enchantment by repeating the Yoruba greeting three times:

“Orá IêIê oh!”

Ready! Now just put the plate with the ingredients in a high place, it can be on a fridge, cupboard or counter, for example, as long as it’s a place that is above your head. Let the candles and incense burn to the end.

3) Oxum prosperity spell (and to attract money quickly)

This Oxum sympathy for money usually gives results in less than 7 days, depending on each one’s faith.

It is very suitable for people who have business. If you don’t have it, you can do it anyway!


  • 1 very nice slice of papaya (do not remove the seeds!);
  • 7 golden coins;
  • Honey;
  • 1 virgin white plate.

How to make

This sympathy should be done during the Full or Crescent Moon.

First, stick the 7 coins on the papaya slice and drizzle honey on top. While performing this action, ask for money to grow, for you to prosper and for things to improve in your financial and material life.

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Keep that sympathy somewhere for 7 days. Preferably in a high place, above your head, like a fridge or closet.

After the 7 days have elapsed, throw away the papaya. Coins and plate can be used normally.

4) Oshun’s Sympathy for Wealth


How to make

On the first day of every month, blow cinnamon around your house. This ritual brings luck and prosperity to your paths.

Start by blowing the cinnamon from the outside to the inside, that is, from the main entrance door of your house. Continue blowing the cinnamon through the other rooms. Make sure every room in the house gets the dust.

As you do this, think with faith the following sentence: “When this cinnamon I blow, prosperity and fortune in this house will enter!”

Finished rooms of the residence, rub one hand in the other over your head. Then you can wash your hands!

May the fortune and prosperity of Oxum bless you!

5) Sympathy of Oshun to get rid of debts

If your financial problem at the moment is the debts you have incurred, this ritual can help you find a way out of that situation. See how to do it.


  • 1 clay pot;
  • 5 tablespoons of fertilized earth;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 coins of any value;
  • Rue leaves;
  • Rice grains;
  • Corn grains;
  • Beans.

How to make

Place the 5 tablespoons of earth inside the clay pot. Then bury the 3 garlic cloves and the 3 coins. Then cover with rue leaves and sprinkle the grains of rice, corn and beans on top.

Take this pot to the bank of a river, stream or waterfall. Put it on the floor and say the following prayer:

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“Dear Goddess Oshun, I offer you this humble gift, asking you to open the paths of my financial life, helping me to be free of all debts.”

Leave the offering there and walk away without looking back.

When you have your request answered, thank Oxum by lighting a blue candle in his honor in the same place where you left the offering.

6) Oshun Ritual to get a job


  • 1/2 papaya papaya;
  • 5 golden 10 cent coins;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 golden mirror;
  • 3 yellow rose petals;
  • White paper;
  • Pencil;
  • 1 yellow toothpick candle;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 fork.

How to make

On a Friday, between 6 am and 6 pm, write your name, date of birth and your request to Mama Oxum on a paper. Use the fork to mash the papaya. Then place the paper on top of the crumpled papaya.

Using your hands, mix your paper into the papaya by saying the Hail Mary prayer 5 times.

Afterwards, place the coins on top of the papaya with the number facing up. Also add the petals of the yellow rose and drizzle everything with honey.

Take the mirror and, looking at it, make your wish to Mama Oxum. You can apply for a job, but the more specific you are, the better. For example, say which company and in which position you want to work.

Place the mirror on the left (viewing side) of the papaya. On the right side, place the yellow candle and the glass of water. Light the candle.

Keep the candle lit for 2 days and change the water in the glass. Every time you do this, renew your prayer and your request.

On the third day, take the whole ritual to nature, it can be a beautiful and flowery garden or a forest. Leave everything there.

In the video below, Cigano Ítalo teaches you another powerful ritual to attract money. Check out!

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