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Lunar X solar eclipse: understand the differences between the phenomena

Every year we have eclipses, one of the phenomena that most arouses people’s curiosity. In 2022, there will be four eclipses (see the dates here) on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, two solar and two lunar. Lunar and solar eclipse, do you know the difference? Come and see.

At the lunar eclipse, the Moon is eclipsed (i.e. hidden). The Moon for Astrology has to do with the past and with a sense of security, and that is what is most precarious at this stage. People become more fearful and more reactive. Knowing this insecurity can be an important differential in dealing with people and situations.

The lunar eclipse can also make people leave their safety zone (Moon). Something they relied on or relied on may be temporarily or permanently changed.

At the solar eclipse, the sun is obscured. The Sun, in Astrology, governs the future and the power of choice. The Moon overlaps the Sun, so a solar eclipse can bring a return of the past.

Check here all about the solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30, the first of 2022.

With a solar ellipse, it is possible that it is the return of an old love or the return of some habit from another time (positive, like walking or running, or negative, like smoking).

The person can decide to leave the rent and go back to live with the parents. Or even events such as the possibility of getting back in touch with an old friend who drops by to visit.

See here on the Sky Map in which area of ​​your life the eclipse will act.

What period of action of the lunar and solar eclipse?

Despite the fact that the eclipse has a particularly strong effect in the vicinity of the date on which it occurs, in Astrology it is said that the phenomenon still has about six months to manifest itself in small or large events, until another of the same nature (solar or lunar) comes along. , occurring in a new degree, triggering the same house or not.

Some astrologers also believe that an eclipse of the same nature as the previous one needs to come, which can increase the time from six months to up to two years in some cases. If a total solar eclipse occurred, for example, you would have to wait for another total solar eclipse.

How to prepare for an eclipse

As the eclipse triggers crisis situations, it can be potentially complicated for precarious circumstances involving some kind of dependency.

Therefore, more care is required and that reckless behavior is avoided, unless you have what is called a contingency plan to deal with unforeseen circumstances.

If you are renting a room and the relationship with the owner is not very good, it could be that, from one moment to another, it gets worse due to some event that will generate divergence. You may have to look for a new place suddenly.

If you’re on the edge of finances, this situation will be even more complicated if you can’t make the move right away or you haven’t planned where to go.

Due to increased emotional strain, it may be a good time to seek therapy and counseling.

However, everything is more delicate, too. It’s as if the unconscious were boiling and things weren’t completely clear.

Eclipse can generate uncertainties

The eclipse messes with the natural order of things. When the Moon was completely occulted, it provoked a mixture of anguish and curiosity in ancient peoples. The very act of hiding is linked to a mystery.

Thus, the primary meaning of the eclipse is uncertainty. Everything seems uncertain, in suspense, about three weeks before and after the eclipse.

The eclipse also generates unconscious tension, even by joining Sun and Moon, two essential elements in Astrology. Because of this tension, critical situations are more likely to boil over.

In a relationship already in trouble, for example, at the time of the eclipse, a more serious crisis may occur. It is more difficult to maintain rationality (Sun) and emotional balance (Moon) in this period, which requires much greater effort to achieve balance and reason.

There is a strong tendency to precipitation, which can generate events.

Six-month period after eclipse is subject to upheavals and discoveries

As the phenomenon itself symbolizes something unusual, the eclipse period also tends to signal unexpected events and twists.

People can change their behavior, situations can be reversed, and there can be discoveries. Especially if there is any point or planet in the Astral Map involved.

For this reason, it tends to be a scrambled phase. And they tend to happen in the affairs ruled by the signs involved with the eclipse and, in the Astrology chart of the person, by the houses where they happen.

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