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Learn now the hierarchy of Angels according to the Bible

Have you ever stopped to think about Hierarchy of Angels According to the Bible? St. Thomas Aquinas, in the 13th century, observed and documented the powers and functions of each of the Angels. The result of this is a complete hierarchy of Angels, divided into three great orders. Want to know more about this Angel ranking? Then check it out!

Saint Thomas published all the details in his book Summa Theologica and we separate here all the information you need to know to understand the hierarchy of Angels according to the Bible.

First Hierarchy of Angels According to the Bible

In the first hierarchy of Angels according to the Bible we find the Angels who are closest to God. They are the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.

Seraphim – They are considered the oldest Angels and have a great responsibility: to protect the sacred throne. According to the text of the Bible, they have three pairs of wings, each with a specific function. One to fly, one to cover the feet (or genitals, according to some studies) and one to cover the face. Seraphim are usually represented by golden and silver flames.

Cherubs – It was the Angels responsible for protecting the gates of the Garden of Eden after the expulsion of Adam and Eve. Their responsibility is to prevent humans from returning to the site. Furthermore, it is they who guard the Tree of Life, which symbolizes eternal life, and the sacred records of God. According to the Bible, they have several heads, one of a lion, one of a bull, one of water and one of man.

thrones – In the first hierarchy of Angels according to the Bible we also find the Thrones. According to the sacred text, the function of this class of Angels is to delegate functions to the other classes, maintaining order. They are usually represented by jovial figures holding harps. It is possible that many of the Thrones fell with Lucifer into hell.

Second Hierarchy of Angels According to the Bible

In the second hierarchy, according to the surveys of Saint Thomas Aquinas, are the Denominations, Virtues and Powers. They rule the kingdom of God, executing orders with mastery. Let’s talk a little about each of these classes.

Denominations – They do everything to fulfill the will of God, being considered his ministers. According to the scriptures, they would be the oldest active Angels. The sword and scepter they carry clearly symbolize their strength and power over the choirs of lower Angels.

virtues – They are also in the second hierarchy of Angels according to the Bible, as they have a secondary role. They help to carry out divine wills, breaking through obstacles and sometimes working miracles. All to keep the faith of men. In addition, they have control over forces of nature, controlling the weather, earthquakes and other eventualities. Virtues are usually represented with a staff in their hands.

powers – They help to realize divine thoughts, through their strong power of concentration. They protect men from the powers of demonic beings, by means of a flaming sword. As they have the power of concentration, they help to keep the history of humanity preserved.

Third Hierarchy of Angels According to the Bible

In the third hierarchy of Angels according to the Bible we find the Angels closest to us humans. They are part of our daily lives, influencing our lives constantly. There are three classes of Angels within this hierarchy: Principalities, Archangels and Guardian Angels.

Principalities – They provide direct communication between God and the authorities on Earth, such as princes, kings and rulers. They are also responsible for protecting kingdoms, countries and territories. The Bible shows that Principalities are strict with those who disobey their guidelines.

Archangels – The hierarchy of Angels according to the Bible places the Archangels within this third and final group of Angels. They make revelations to humans, following exclusive orders from God. There are some famous ones in the Bible, like the Archangel Gabriel, Michael and Raphael. They all played an important role during some event in biblical scripture.

Guardian Angels – Finally, we have the best known Angels among men. They are the closest to us, caring, protecting and guiding men in their decisions on Earth. They help us to maintain a life within divine principles.

Now you know how the Hierarchy of Angels According to the Bible. They are extremely important for the realization of God’s plans. Therefore, it is good to be aware of the functions of each one of them.

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