Whether out of taboo, shame or lack of information, many women do not know the female anatomy and confuse the vulva with the vagina. For this reason, gynecologist and obstetrician Dr. Ana Paula Mondragon (CRM 134071-SP), spoke on the subject and explained the parts that comprise a woman’s genital organ.
what is the vulva
According to the gynecologist, the vulva “is the entire external and visible region of the female genital, considered a great source of pleasure for women”. The external part of this organ is formed by the “pubis or mount of venus, labia majora and minora, vulvar vestibule, clitoris, urethral meatus, perineum and anus”, he adds.
Difference between vulva and vagina
It is common to confuse the vulva with the vagina, but according to Dr. Ana Paula, “the vulva is the external region of our genitalia (the visible part), and the vagina is the internal channel, which communicates with the entrance of the uterus (cervix)”.
Now that you already know the basic definition and you know the difference between the vulva and the vagina, how about getting to know a little more about each part that makes up the visible part of the female genital and being enchanted by the functionality of this part of the body?
What are the parts of the vulva?
It is important that the woman has knowledge about her own body and knows more about each part that comprises the female genital organ. Therefore, the gynecologist talked about each one. Follow:
- Pubis or Mount of Venus: according to the doctor, this part of the vulva is “consisting of adipose tissue (fat) and covered with hair that begins to appear in adolescence”. Furthermore, the pubis has an important function and protects the pubic bone from impacts, such as during intercourse, for example.
- Big lips: Dr. Anna Paula reported that the labia majora protect the opening of the vagina and urethra from the entry of fungi and bacteria. “They are folds formed by adipose and connective tissue, covered by skin and hair that go from the pubis to the perineum”.
- Labia minora: this region is formed by a mucosa that is located in the labia majora. “It’s a very sensitive region and it increases in volume when a woman is aroused,” she explained. In addition, according to the doctor, there are different types of labia minora that can be asymmetrical, of different sizes and open.
- Vulvar vestibule: as the specialist said, the vulvar vestibule “is the inner part of the labia minora, being delimited by the upper part of the vestibule formed by the clitoris and the base, by the furcula”.
- Clitoris: The clitoris has several nerve endings, for this reason it has an important role in the sexual pleasure of women. “It is formed by erectile tissue and is located in the upper part of the vulva, between the labia minora and close to the urethra”, informed the gynecologist;
- Urethral meatus: according to the specialist, the urethral meatus is the channel where urine comes out. The female urethra measures about 5 cm in length and 8 mm in diameter, and is located between the clitoris and the vagina;
- Perineum: the female perineum is a “portion of skin between the lower part of the vulva and the anus”, explains the doctor. In addition, the musculature of the perineum is responsible for supporting the pelvic organs and plays an important role in childbirth. When strengthened, this region contributes to a normal and less painful delivery;
- Anus: According to Dr. Anna Paula, “the anus is located right after the anal canal, being responsible for excreting gases and fecal materials”.
It is worth noting that there is no standard of beauty for the vulva, that is, “no vulva is the same, each one is in a different way and none is better or more beautiful than the other, they are simply anatomical variations and all are normal”, he pointed out. the doctor.
vulva health
In addition to performing gynecological exams periodically, it is essential to have knowledge about the most common diseases that affect the vulva, as well as prevention and care. So, check out more information on the subject below.
Intimate hygiene is extremely important to avoid infections in the region, so it must be cleaned properly so as not to harm female intimate health. “The vulva should only be cleaned with water or neutral soap with an acidic pH (vegan products are an excellent option). Always remembering that only the external region should be sanitized, never introduce soap into the vagina”, oriented the professional.
most common diseases
According to Dr. Ana Paula, the most common diseases that affect the vulva “are inflammatory, such as vulvitis, which is irritation of the vulva, and vulvovaginitis, which causes irritation to the vulva and vagina”. The specialist reported that the diseases cause unpleasant symptoms, such as “increased volume of the labia majora and minora (inflammation of the vulva), local redness, discharge that can acquire multiple colors and intense itching”.
Causes and prevention
The causes for these pathologies are multifactorial, however it is common to occur by microorganisms or by allergy to products. Normally, “the patient has greater sensitivity and is unaware, for example, of synthetic fabric panties, fabric softeners, colored/perfumed toilet paper, scented soaps, sex shop items and by daily habit, such as the use of the shower as a vaginal shower”. According to the gynecologist’s guidance, the best way to prevent these pathologies is to sleep without underwear, use cotton underwear and natural products for local hygiene.
Labiaplasty, or nymphoplasty, is an aesthetic procedure performed in the office under local anesthesia. According to the gynecologist, patients seek the technique to reduce the size of the labia minora. “For the most part, this is an aesthetic procedure, but in some cases there are clinical reasons that justify this type of procedure to improve a woman’s quality of life. Since some women experience discomfort during sexual intercourse, when playing sports and discomfort with the use of panties”.
It is important that women ask questions about the subject to break the taboo on female sexuality. After all, knowing your own body is essential for a woman’s self-confidence and well-being.
Learn more about the vulva
Below, check out the selection of videos with professionals who talk more about the vulva, the most common diseases and the diversity of the female genital organ:
getting to know the vulva
In this video, sex educator Gabriella Freidman explains in detail what the female sex organ is like. In addition, she talks about the format that varies from woman to woman and often becomes a reason for female dissatisfaction.
Lesions on the vulva
Dr. Laura Lúcia explains about the various injuries that can affect the region and about the dangers of self-medication. What’s more, she talks about the importance of observing one’s vulva, in order to notice any abnormality and get to know herself as well. Watch the video!
vulva diversities
It is worth rethinking the established standards for the vulva and whether intimate surgery is really done out of necessity or merely for aesthetic reasons. In this way, Dr. Lilian Fiorelli, specializing in female sexuality, talks about the diversity of vulvas, sizes, skin variations and tones.
Now that you have more knowledge about the vulva and its functions, enjoy and check out the female orgasm guide to a more pleasurable sex life.
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.
Erika Balbino
Graduated in Letters and post-graduated in Digital Journalism. Passionate about books, plants and animals. She loves to travel and research other cultures. She writes on a variety of subjects, especially health, wellness, beauty and behavior.
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