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Indians say that Damares’ daughter was removed from the village without authorization

A report published by Época magazine went after the biological family of the adopted daughter of Damares Alvesminister of Women, Family and Human Rights. Now 20 years old, the girl is indigenous and the adoption was never fully regularized, as Damares herself has revealed in interviews.

“The white one took Lulu”, says Tanumakaru, the girl’s biological grandmother. The phrase appears on the cover of the magazine and Tanumakaru says that Kajutiti Lulu Kamayuráaged six at the time, was taken from the Kamayurá village by Marcia Suzuki, friend and right arm and Damares. Both are founders of the Atini NGO, which aims to save indigenous children from infanticide.

According to her grandmother and other members of the village, which is located in the Xingu region, Márcia had said that she would take Lulu for dental treatment. After that, the girl disappeared.

“Márcia came to Kuarup (a traditional festival in honor of the dead), looked at Lulu’s teeth, which were all rotten, and said she was going to take him to be treated,” he said. Mapulushaman and sister of the Kamayurá chief.

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It was her grandmother who raised Lulu, as her mother was unable to do so. The report says that the girl lived in a precarious way and that she was even treated for malnutrition. This, however, does not justify an irregular adoption. According to the report, the adoption of an indigenous child must pass through the scrutiny of Federal Justice and common Justice. It also depends on Funai’s endorsement.

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Questioned by Época on the subject, Damares did not take a position on the already declared irregularity in the adoption of Lulu and only partially answered the questions, according to the magazine. “All the rights of Lulu Kamayurá have been observed. No laws were violated. Her biological family visits her regularly. Uncles, cousins ​​and brothers who left the village with her live in Brasilia. Everyone maintains an excellent emotional relationship.”

As for the allegations that the girl would only undergo dental treatment and then return to the village, the minister replied: “Lulu Kamayurá has already returned to the village. She left the place with her family and never lost touch with her biological relatives.” According to kamayuras who still live in Xingu, the girl’s first visit was only about two years ago.

“I cried, and Lulu was crying too for leaving her grandmother. Marcia took it by force. She said she was going to send it back, that when she went on vacation she was going to send it here. Where is it?” declared Tanumakaru. When asked if Márcia mentioned that the girl would be removed from the village permanently, the elderly woman replied: “Never”.

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