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How witches can improve their psychic abilities

Sage has been a witch for 25 years. She enjoys writing informative articles to teach others the craft of the Sages.

Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities – everyone has them to some degree, just like everyone can sing to some degree. Some people are naturals, like Beyonce or Leah Michelle; others will hardly qualify to sing in the church choir. But almost everyone has a vote. Likewise, almost everyone has some potential for “psychic powers”. If you want to learn how to become a witch, this is a potential you must use.

The vast majority of psychics are not witches. Let me get that straight up front. There is a difference between being clairvoyant and be one Witch.

However, developed psychic abilities can really help improve your endeavors in The Craft. Psychic abilities allow us to better sense, work with, and manipulate energy, and this is an important part of learning witchcraft.

Psionic Abilities: Psychic Powers

Some psychic abilities are covered here

Aura reading, which reads a person’s energy field

Automatic writing/drawing

free writing or free drawing in a light trance and letting information flow without conscious thought or effort (no, it is not possession)


literally means “clear seeing” – “being able to see” without being there. In relation there are clairaudience (hearing), clairaudience (smelling), clairgustance (tasting), clairsentience (feeling/touching) and claircognition (just knowing)


or telekenesis, the manipulation of matter through the power of thought (most poltergeist and seance activities are actually suspected to be unconscious psychokenesis)


Recognize events before they happen


learn about someone through an object or photo they are associated with

remote viewing

a form of clairvoyance when trying to see another place

What is the difference between psychic abilities and practicing witchcraft?

As mentioned above, psychic abilities are natural and innate, and everyone has them to some degree. Those are the weird moments all occasionally – a gut feeling not to get on a plane that ends up crashing, a dream that grandma is coming to say goodbye to you and then you wake up to find out that she died in the night. Skeptics write such cases off as “coincidence,” while believers take them for natural intuition.

If such things happen to you frequently and you learn to control them to some degree, you will be considered psychic. However, this is not considered magic, but an innate ability. The vast majority of practicing psychics, even professional ones, do not bother to learn or practice witchcraft.

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Witchcraft is a skill – something you learn and practice. It’s a literal one craft. Witches use the power of the mind and various objects to make the internal changes necessary to achieve a goal and/or manipulate energy to advance a goal.

To practice witchcraft successfully, it requires the same abilities that many people refer to as “psychic powers.” You are flexing your “mental muscles” here. That’s why anyone who wants to know how to become a witch should start by training their mind.

before you start

Get practice in meditation. Begin each session in a meditative state. Find a partner to work with; this may help with some exercises. Have a deck of cards ready for some of the exercises. Don’t overdo it. Practice on less than an hour a day. Stop when you get frustrated or tired and meditate to relax and ground yourself. Take a few days off if you feel tired or sick during your normal day.

Practice automatic writing/drawing

You will need a pad or pencil.

Choose a place you’ve never been or seen pictures of in a public place so you can visit it soon. Go into a light meditative state. Unconsciously, let the pencil move freely to write or draw whatever comes to mind. Go to the locations and see if there are any connections to your written description or drawing.

As usual, don’t be discouraged if it’s not accurate; It takes time to train the mind, and your own brain will inevitably come up with some of its own ideas, not necessarily from a psychic impression. Keep trying.

Practice reading auras

To do this, you need a friend and a blank wall (preferably white).

Have a friend sit or stand in front of a blank wall. Dim the light, but don’t make it dark. Shift your focus and look around the edges of your friend’s form. See if you can see a difference in light, colors or shapes or sparks – anything. You and your friend can switch places after a while and try each other out.

You can start doing this anywhere and everywhere – try rocks, trees, houses, plants, animals, people in crowds, etc. – the more you get used to seeing auras, the stronger and clearer the impression becomes.

tell us about yourself

practice psychometry

You need a friend to bring you an item or a photo of someone you don’t know. Your friend should know the person who owns the item very well.

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Ask your friend to bring the item and say nothing about it. Take the item and hold it. Open your mind to explore the impressions that come to you. Start asking your friend questions. “Is this person a woman? Is this person older? Was this person in a war? Instruct your friend to respond with “Yes”, “No” or “I don’t have this information” replies; instruct your friend to only say “no” if they are 100% sure – Your friend may be 100% sure the person isn’t female, but they may not be 100% sure they are never been to (or lived in) a war. some kind of war zone or was associated with some kind of battle). Write down impressions and let your friend tell you how you felt. If your friend didn’t have the information, ask them to investigate and find out.

practice clairvoyance

You need cards, make sure you can’t see through them or see what’s on the back.

Choose a card and place it face down in front of you. Focus on what might be on the face. Note #1 and the image you think is on the face. Don’t look at the card, put it in a new pile. Repeat, placing card #2 on top of card #1. Go ahead and keep the cards in order. It is important to keep the deck tidy. When you’re done playing cards, turn the deck over so you can see the faces. The first page is card #1. You can then compare the order of the deck with your notes to see how you did.

Again, 10 to 14 is considered average; 20+ shows real talent, especially if you can pull off 20+ consistently.

Practice developing psychic powers

Practice telepathy:

You need a friend and maps. You and your friend don’t have to be in the same room. You can do this over the phone or over the internet.

The “caller” takes a card and focuses on it. The caller should write a number and the card (#1, #2, etc.). The “receiver” tries to guess the card by either saying it or writing it down (numbered). The recipient could even write down any other images or feelings that come to mind. After all the cards are ready, compare the notes to see how many “hits” (correct guesses) and how many “misses” there are. Then discuss any other strange sensations you may have written down.

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The caller should not say “hit” or “miss” after each card, as this can disrupt the receiver’s concentration. About 10 to 14 cards in a 52-card deck is considered an average chance. Over 20 indicates some fairly developed psychic abilities.

Practice remote viewing

To do this, you will need a notepad and a pencil.

Choose a place you’ve never been to or seen pictures of. For example, you can pick a new store across town that you’ve never gone to. It must be a place that you have access to so that you can visit it in the near future. Go into meditation and imagine the store. Try to get an image of it in your head. Note sizes, colors and impressions. Write down all your impressions. Visit the store over the next few days and see what you may have gotten right.

Don’t get discouraged if things aren’t how you imagined – for example, if you saw something blue in the corner and there wasn’t anything blue in that corner could be on the day you practiced , a customer or employee there have worn blue your exercise.

practice telekenism

Telekinesis is very rare and very difficult to control. The trick to learning is to use something that’s already in motion (with kinetic energy). Because of this, it is easier to steer a boat that is drifting down a river than it is to push a boat that is stranded on dry land.

You’ll need something with some weight, some string, and something to hang it from so it hangs freely (a ceiling hook, branch, rafter, etc.).

Hang your object. I actually like to lie underneath so that it hangs over me. Push it to make it move. It doesn’t matter how it vibrates. Focus on making it go a different direction (e.g. if it swings clockwise, focus on making it go counterclockwise). If you’re successful, refocus on changing direction (perhaps swinging from side to side or doing an 8). Keep practicing – this may take a few times to get the hang of.

Top: Pay attention to your state of mind and how you feel when you are successful.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. The content is provided for informational or entertainment purposes only and is not a…

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