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How to set up a beauty salon and have a successful business

Currently, the advantages of opening a beauty salon are increasingly promising, especially for those who already work with beauty – either as an employee or as a freelancer.

Davi Andrade, CEO of Bússola do Empreendedor, comments that opening a business in an area in which it already operates brings immediate advantages to know the operation of the business, suppliers and even customers. “Of course, this alone is not a guarantee of success, but it is a good starting point, as understanding the business’s area of ​​operation saves a lot of research and training time to learn about the activities to be developed,” he says.

But that doesn’t mean that anyone who doesn’t work with beauty can’t bet on this field, provided, of course, there is planning.

Juliana Albanez, personal and professional coach, speaker and journalist, specialist in Behavior, Communication, Sales and Pitch, says that, regardless of the chosen area within a salon, the inexhaustible source of news is undeniable. “And a very important factor related to Brazil, is that this is a sector that doesn’t know crisis, that adapts to its customers with ease, be it the small entrepreneur to the big chains”, she says.

“The beauty sector is the one that grows the most in the country, which takes a ride in the world of cosmetics and offers quality, new services every day and a certain identification with its audience, since we Brazilians are very connected to aesthetics and beauty”, adds Juliana.

However, opening a salon and, for example, not working as an employee or without a fixed place also has its disadvantages.

“The risks involved in setting up a beauty salon are the same as in any other business. It is necessary to change the mental model from employee to employer and assume an entrepreneurial stance. Instead of an operational vision, the entrepreneur who decides to change his fixed job for his own business must develop a strategic vision”, highlights Andrade.

“In the vast majority of cases, it is necessary for him/her to invest in his/her self-development so that he/she is able to achieve the objectives and goals he/she wants for his/her business”, adds the CEO of Bússola do Empreendedor.

For Juliana, the biggest disadvantage of opening a salon is the person being in charge of their business, that is, being an entrepreneur. “Being an entrepreneur is not easy, there is no romanticism. It is often giving up stability, a fixed salary, weekends at home and a more routine life. Opening a new business, regardless of whether it is a salon or not, is to undertake, and to undertake is to be in the showcase, to take risks, to be exposed, to have continuous improvement as a vocation, in addition to knowledge of the business and its target audience”, he highlights.

Your space: what to consider

Thinking about opening a beauty salon? Planning is key! Pay attention to the tips below and learn how to think about the location and interior of the salon, among other important points.

1. Location

Think about installing your salon in a strategic point, according to your goals. The ideal is to look for a region where there are no other salons nearby.

It is also important to think about the issue of parking. If the salon doesn’t have space for this, at least make sure there are street parking spaces close by.

2. Legalization and adjustments of the property

Andrade points out that, before signing any lease or purchase agreement for a property to house a salon, the person must be concerned with the legal and fiscal issues of the property, that is, if the property is duly legalized and if the City Hall authorizes its use for that activity.

“It is also good to consult the Health Inspection bodies to find out if there will be any need to adapt the facilities, as this may generate expenses with works not budgeted in the initial plans”, explains the CEO.

Andrade adds that attention must be paid to electrical and hydraulic installations, as they need to meet the salon’s operational needs.

3. Services

The architect Taciana Leme highlights that, before choosing the property, it is important to keep in mind what services you intend to offer, as the beauty salon has a huge range of possibilities.

Andrade reinforces that it is necessary to plan what the basic “layout” of the salon will be, how many people will work, what their activities will be, if there will be a reserved space for customers to wait, a service desk, if there will be sale of products, including coffee and other drinks , etc.

“It is necessary that all this is foreseen in a good business plan and that it is observed when choosing a property to avoid works or adaptations that are not functional. A good tip is to get a floor plan of the intended property so that, with due attention, it is possible to visualize all the necessary furniture, equipment and circulation areas”, he says.

4. Space for each service to operate

Having defined the services that will be offered, Taciana emphasizes that it is important to know the minimum size required for the operation of each one of them. “This will define the number of customers you can have per period, which in turn determines the reception and waiting space,” she says.

The main salon services and their main physical orientations, according to the architect Taciana, are:

Hair (cut, hairstyle and chemical): ideal a floor with high resistance to abrasion (because hair scratches the floor), easy to clean and that can be wet because of the sinks. Diffuse and frontal lighting (on or on the sides of the mirror) to avoid shadow spots on the face and the client can see herself well.

Support bench and trolley for products, materials and equipment for professional use. 220 V outlet points, as the equipment is all at this voltage.

For the washbasin, it is important to leave the sewage, water and electrical points also ready on the floor, as recommended by the manufacturer, to avoid clogging and apparent pipes.

Makeup and eyebrow design: a good mirror, with diffused lighting and front (over or on the sides of the mirror) to avoid shadow spots on the face. Bench for products and a chair specifically for these purposes.

Hair removal and aesthetics: it is important that the environment is cozy, as some of these services have a longer process. The ideal is to have diffused and indirect lighting separately.

Bench to support equipment and products and cabinets to store towels, products and disposables.

Manicure and Pedicure: a place with a drain is important to install the autoclave that sterilizes all material. Diffused lighting should be combined with direct lighting over the work table. In the case of armchairs, sconces can be used for direct lighting.

Pantry: having a pantry for employees is very important, including to keep the salon organized.

Reception and waiting: the reception must have space for a computer and other equipment used for scheduling appointments and charging, in general.

The wait must have comfortable seats, in addition to TV, magazines and a space with water and coffee, so that the customer can be distracted while waiting to be served. In these environments the lighting can be diffuse and indirect.

The identity of the salon: the main guidelines

The identity of any business is essential for it to be recognized and differentiated from its competitors. In this sense, check out the main tips from the experts:

1. Count on professional help to create the visual identity

Whenever possible, it is recommended to seek help when defining your visual identity, according to Andrade. “Seek technical knowledge to help you choose a color pattern for the brand and for the environment, choose a name that stands out and a logo that catches the public’s attention and translates your activity into just one image”, it says.

Taciana comments that, in relation to the style, it will depend a lot on the owner’s intention, after all, today the salons have the most varied styles and that is very good. “The important thing is that everything is, in addition to being beautiful, according to the function of each environment. I always advise my clients in this area, before we start the project, that they look for a professional to create the visual identity and brand according to what they want, so that, on top of that, the architecture and decoration project is developed. In this way, we have a unique and harmonious language between brand and space”, highlights the architect.

Davi Andrade reinforces that the entire interior of the salon needs to be aligned with the brand’s visual identity. “Colors and furniture must follow the same pattern as the brand’s identity, for example, if your brand only brings shades of blue, it doesn’t make much sense for furniture such as chairs, sofas and counters to be red”, he exemplifies.

2. Think about your audience

“Some people think that everything starts with the name, but, in fact, it all starts with the definition of the public and products that will be offered, after all the name will have to be linked to them and how the business is intended to be recognized.”, explains.

Juliana emphasizes that the colors, the name, the front of the space, the uniform, the stationery are details that make up this visual identity. “The first step is to understand the place where your salon is located, what are the habits, a ‘photograph of the environment’ is very important. Because then, you will have a good analysis of who your number one customer is, the one who is closest to you,” she says.

With this data, adds Juliana, the next step is to design a good plan. “Understanding this customer and, thus, creating something special that will serve them”, she guides.

3. Plan and stay focused

Juliana emphasizes that identity is always built in the long term, so the steps must be well thought out, and it’s not worth betting on a color today and, in the following semester, promoting a total change.

“What do you want to promote to your client? Sophistication, power, joy, practicality or affordable price? For all these sensations there are colors, letters, designs that fully achieve what the entrepreneur intends to take to the customer after a good planning”, explains Juliana.

4. Think about offering your customer a pleasant experience

Still within the concept of identity, it is interesting to think about the experience you will (or at least intend to) provide your customers.

Juliana comments that, before anything else, going to a salon is “giving yourself a gift”, a moment of relaxation and well-being, it is a journey and a journey must be unique. “And what is this journey when we talk about a beauty salon? It’s offering an experience to your customer, activating their senses. In aesthetics, we care about activating these senses when we talk about beauty, and thus, a welcoming environment must be offered, with colors that identify your business” (vision), she says.

The professional coach adds that the music must be in tune with the target audience, offering relaxation or relaxation (listening). “The smell must be remarkable (the power of the smell at the time of a…

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