Noticing your hair falling out a lot is something that can happen due to different factors: medication use, stress and autoimmune diseases such as alopecia. Such a situation triggers the fear that considerable flaws will spread through the scalp. However, if measures are taken, the drop can be reduced. To understand more, follow the information below.
When is hair loss a concern?
According to trichologist and hair therapist Allana Diniz, hair loss should be considered important when it occurs for a long time and in large quantities.
She points out that “if you start noticing that there is an exaggerated amount of hair in the bathroom drain, on the pillow, in the bed or falling through clothes for at least 6 months, there is already a reason to go to a trichologist or hair therapist to understand. the reason for the fall and being able to find a treatment”.
Top 10 causes of hair loss
Allana explains that there are several factors that lead to hair loss, which must be analyzed calmly between the patient and a medical professional. Soon, she lists some of the main causes of hair falling out a lot, which will be covered in more detail below.
1. Depression and Anxiety
Allana explains that mental disorders can give rise to alopecia areata, which is hair loss from patches on the scalp.
In this context, the trichologist explains that “when considering that the most common diseases in the 21st century are depression and anxiety, the number of occurrences of alopecia areata has also increased, because people are unable to deal with emotions. Therefore, the body ends up manifesting alopecia areata as a way of dealing with feelings”.
When manifested, “alopecia areata causes the body to have an autoimmune reaction, attacking itself and, with that, plaques begin to appear on the scalp or other parts of the body as well”.
What to do: treatment for alopecia areata must be accompanied by psychiatrists and psychologists so that emotional issues can be dealt with well, especially when hair loss is linked to mental disorders. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek medical help.
2. Use of birth control can cause hair to fall out a lot
One of the possible side effects of contraceptives is hair falling out a lot. This is because the drug is able to make the wires go from the growth stage to the resting stage in a much shorter way than the natural one.
It is worth noting that hair loss is more likely to occur in women who use the pill and are sensitive to their hormones or have a family history of baldness.
What to do: If you notice that there is a history of hair loss in your family due to contraceptives, consider the possibility of using other contraceptive methods that are not associated with hormones, such as the IUD. However, if you wish to continue on the pill, you may prefer birth control pills that contain more estrogen than progesterone.
3. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
Complications in the thyroid gland result in speeding up or slowing down of metabolism functions.
In this sense, the excess or lack of T3 and T4 hormones – which comes as a response to problems in metabolism – usually affects the development of wires. Because of this, hair falling out a lot can be noticed.
What to do: if the wires continue to fall out in abundance and frequently, it is essential to seek help from an endocrinologist.
4. Stress
Stress is another cause of hair loss. In this way, this emotional condition is able to anticipate the phase of hair loss due to an imbalance in the cycle of hair follicles – structures where hair is born.
What to do: it is necessary to seek a way to control your emotional state through psychological help. In addition, investing in vitamins to strengthen hair is also an option to complement the treatment.
5. COVID-19
Allana explains that there is research that indicates the presence of the COVID-19 virus in the hair follicle. The trichologist adds that this is why falls can be so intense during COVID-19, since this symptom is also part of the disease, like lung involvement, for example.
What to do: In general, this situation can be resolved without the need for treatment, as telogen effluvium is a reversible condition. Therefore, it will be possible to notice small strands spreading through the scalp to fill the spaces affected by the fall, which indicates that the natural cycle of the hair is happening normally.
6. Excess of vitamins A and B
There are indications that excess vitamins A or B can trigger hair loss. However, these cases are more uncommon and tend to occur in people who have been taking supplements with these vitamins for a considerable time.
What to do: avoid taking supplements without medical advice so you don’t end up exceeding the maximum doses of recommended vitamins. If you suspect the vitamin amount of any supplement you have been taking, stop using it and seek medical help.
7. Anemia
The wires receive less blood, oxygen and nutrients due to anemia, a factor that causes the hair to fall out and makes them more brittle and weak. That way, you will notice the hair falling out a lot.
What to do: knowing that one of the main causes of anemia is the lack of iron, it is essential to adopt a diet designed to meet this need of the body. To do so, you can invest in foods such as cereals and legumes. It is also worth following with medical follow-up.
8. Use of medication
Although the remedies help in the recovery and treatment of different illnesses, some unpleasant effects can arise from them.
Therefore, medications such as antidepressants, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory drugs and those aimed at high blood pressure tend to have hair loss as one of their side effects.
What to do: generally, the fall caused by medication is temporary and presents a gradual improvement with its suspension. However, if the drop is excessive and abnormal, be sure to consult your doctor to evaluate the possibility of replacing the medication.
9. Pregnancy
Noticing hair falling out a lot is common after childbirth due to hormonal changes and stress. This symptom usually appears in the third month after delivery and can last for about 2 months.
Even though it is less frequent, the fall can also happen during pregnancy due to the elevation of the hormone progesterone, which contributes to the breakage and drying of the wires.
What to do: in this case, the best option is to avoid the stress caused by the fall, since, as it is a natural situation associated with pregnancy, the fall will improve without needing treatment.
10. Dengue
One of the consequences of dengue is to make the wires more likely to fall out. In this way, the disease triggers more pronounced hair loss, as it accelerates the process of hair loss that would already fall out without any interference.
What to do: it is important to seek a treatment based on lotions that help in the growth of the wires and in the minimization of the fall.
Given the causes presented, be sure to pay attention to your lifestyle to be able to identify which situation may be responsible for hair falling out a lot. With such information, you will be able to have more guidance on what action to take. However, never fail to seek medical help.
Doubts about hair falling out very explained by expert
To clarify important points about hair falling out a lot, trichologist Allana answers the main questions on the subject. Check out!
Women’s Tips – Is it normal to run your hand through your hair and it falls out?
Allana Diniz: it’s normal for hair to fall out when you pass your hand. What cannot happen is the exaggerated fall, since all wires are programmed to fall out at some point, but not all the time. Therefore, the act of pulling the hair ends up facilitating the detachment of the wires. What should receive more attention is the amount of hair lost when you run your hand over your head, which should not be exaggerated.
Hair falling out a lot could be cancer?
Hair falling out a lot has nothing to do with cancer. In fact, people diagnosed with cancer end up losing their hair due to chemotherapy treatment. So, you don’t have to be scared assuming that your hair is falling out a lot because of an undiagnosed cancer, since the fall is not related to a natural symptom of the disease, but to the treatment.
Does combing wet hair contribute to hair loss?
Combing wet hair doesn’t make the strands fall out anymore. However, this impression can occur, as it is natural for the threads to come off when untangled. What should be considered is the item used to comb the strands.
So, ideally, your hair is combed with a specific brush to untangle the strands and prevent breakage, keeping the hair in place, even if they are wet or dry.
How to take care of hair falling out a lot?
First you need to align your lifestyle: manage anxiety and stress, maintain 8 hours of sleep and, if necessary, supplement vitamins and minerals, as well as take melatonin supplements to aid sleep. Also, try to wash your hair more often and use essential and vegetable oils suggested by a professional.
You can also take a bath with oils once a week, but it is important to seek professional guidance, as there are several treatments, such as low-level laser and clay therapy, which will help especially if the reason for the fall is multifactorial and, for this, the treatment also needs to be like that.
In short, hair falling out can be a response of the body to trauma or vitamin deficiencies, as well as a reflection of the imbalance between the physical body and the mind. Consequently, the greater the balance between the two, the smaller the hair loss, which indicates a better quality of life.
What to do to prevent hair loss?
To prevent hair loss, you can start washing your hair more often. So, if you usually wash your hair only twice a week, it is recommended to increase the frequency of washing, alternating days or washing every 2 days, as this will make the treatment easier.
You can also use tonics with assets that will control this fall, such as those containing rosemary, mint and pepper essential oils.
In addition, a healthy diet, with a greater variety of fruits and less presence of processed foods, flours and sugars, is the secret to enhance the treatment and obtain better results.
After clarifying some doubts with the specialist, it is clear that hair loss can be controlled and is only considered abnormal when it occurs in excess. Below, see some more information that will add your knowledge on the subject!
Videos that outline the fight against hair falling out a lot
It is important to keep in mind…