Only give rewards – like treats, for example – if your dog is well behaved.
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Overturned cans, pee in the wrong place, bitten objects… Sometimes your dog or cat has not very polite attitudes, right? And if you spank, then you get pity.
If you want to educate your animal without trauma, trainer and zootechnician Alexandre Rossi gives the tip: “Gain the animal’s respect by showing that nothing is free and that it will only get rewards if it behaves well”.
While they don’t invent a Supernanny of animals, check out the tips for educating your dog or cat with affection and respect.
How to educate your pet without violence
Make noise or spray water
Always have a water sprayer or a pet bottle full of coins on hand. When your dog or cat misbehaves, spray them with water from a distance or make noise with the bottle. “It’s the most effective way”, says the trainer. This solution causes discomfort, but does not hurt the animal.
reward him
Instead of just noticing the things your pet does wrong, start paying attention to what he does right. Every time he does something right, she gives him a nice cookie, treats him, or brushes his fur. Petting is good for both of you: he will be more polite and you will be able to show him your love.
pee out of place
You arrive tired from the street and, as soon as you open the door, you already see that yellow stain on the carpet or sofa. Looks like they’re having a tantrum, right? Contrary to what many people think, hitting the animal or rubbing its muzzle at the “crime scene” is no use. “He won’t know why he’s being beaten”, warns trainer Alexandre Rossi. It’s best to prevent surprise: get your dog used to peeing during a walk from a young age. In general, they do this after meals.
chewed plant
To prevent your pet from turning the plants into a salad, spray water with cloves and cinnamon in the vases – they hate the smell of these condiments. And spread vases with catnip around the house: this he can eat.
overturned trash
If you left the trash can lid open, you have nothing to complain about. Before you change your pet’s habits, change yours: place a brick or door weight on the lid of the garbage can. And, if you catch your dog in the act, speak harshly to him.