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Horoscope of the signs for December 2022 |

Ufa! We have reached the last month of 2022. Although everyone already has an eye on 2023, we still have a December full of important astrological transits — including Mars and Mercury Retrograde. And since it’s time to finish cycles, plan vacations and think about new goals, pay close attention to the Zodiac horoscope for December 2022!

But don’t forget that your Ascendant deserves as much or even more attention than your Sun sign. To find out which one is yours, see your free Astral Map here.

After seeing and writing down everything about December, you can now check what each sign can expect from next year. in this zodiac sign predictions guide for 2023.

Zodiac horoscope for December 2022


Ruler of the sign of Aries, Mars remains in retrograde motion throughout the month of December and can manifest itself in empty polemics, loss of energy in arguments and other problems caused by aggressiveness.

Still due to the retrogradation of Mars, the ideal would be to avoid short trips, as there is a greater risk of small unpleasant incidents that can turn leisure into annoyance.

But not everything is bad news. On the 20th, after 12 years, the planet Jupiter returns to the sign of Arieswhere it will remain until May 2023. This transit is excellent for opening up opportunities and stimulating an adventurous spirit.

That’s why, at the end of the year, you can feel more energetic and optimistic about the projects, goals and achievements you aim for in the first half of 2023. And speaking of the new year, have you already checked out the 2023 Aries predictions – just click here.


Alert, Taureans and Taureans! The retrogradation of Mars, which has already occurred since the previous month, may indicate losses involving money for people with the Sign of Taurus. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid impulsiveness in order not to commit unnecessary expenses.

As Mars represents conflicts, fights over money can occur and, therefore, it is not advisable to lend or borrow. But above all, the most important thing is not to buy expensive things right now, as the risk of them being defective is quite high.

From the 7th, the transit of the planet Mercury encourages long trips, as well as favoring studies and courses. The planet Venus joins this movement from the 10th, adding a touch of pleasure to trips and outings.

Want to date? Enrolling in courses will increase your chances and will be a more efficient procedure than going to parties, at least in this last month of the year. And if you want to know the luck in love will follow in 2023, see here the predictions for Taurus in 2023.


Throughout December, the critical transit of Mars retrograde through the Sign of Gemini follows, which signals the importance of reviewing one’s own priorities, as there is a risk of wasting energy and unnecessary aggressiveness.

The first week of December can come with love conflicts, due to the opposition between Venus/Mercury and Mars, especially for those who are already involved in a relationship. These are, however, conflicts that are easy to overcome with patience.

Known for their powerful ability to communicate, the Gemini sign may not be able to solve problems with arguments and dialogues. The best news is that everything gets better on January 13, 2023, when Mars’ retrogradation ends.

Want to know more about next year? Everything about Gemini in 2023 is in this article.


December will be an astrologically favorable month for Cancer people with regard to love relationships, but also work relationships, such as partnerships.

Mercury and Venus in complementary opposition to Cancer stimulate dialogue, the ability to listen and the search for harmony. That is, finally, it should be a good month to resolve conflicts.

However, Mercury begins its last retrograde movement of the year on December 29th, that is, from that day on it will be necessary to resume matters that seemed resolved, but were not.

And speaking of relationships, that will be the focus for Cancer in 2023. Therefore, it may be that you have to resolve disputes in the family, with your partner and friends. See the full Cancer predictions for 2023 here.


December must be a complicated month for Leo people. While the others will be having fun and enjoying the end of the year, you will need to face a hard work routine, especially from the 6th.

The best part is that this will be productive allowing several things to be put in order. The reward will not come anytime soon, but it will be guaranteed for those who dedicate themselves to disciplined and persistent work. Take this moment to make your Professional Map here.

The planet Mars continues in its retrograde motion, which suggests conflicts with friends or in group activities. So avoid too much socializing and team activities. If this is not possible, think three times before reacting to provocations.

Otherwise, the planet Saturn continues to oppose the Sun in Leo, which can lead to reduced vitality. Especially around Christmas and New Year, it’s good to watch out for food abuse. And speaking of the new year, check here the predictions for Leo in 2023.


In December, Mars continues in its retrograde movement, which, for people with the Virgo sign, can represent some conflicts. You have to choose between resisting the temptation to act aggressively and knowing when it is absolutely necessary.

Retrogradation also continues to indicate domestic problems, whether with broken objects, machines that malfunction, etc., or in your relationship with people who live with you in the same environment. Without conversation, it will be difficult to live together, eh?

December can also be especially irritating for Virgo as it represents issues that clutter up the agenda. But keeping a calm mind, it will be perfectly possible to deal with these unforeseen events.

And speaking of planning, how to prepare for the new year? Read all about Virgo 2023 predictions here.


The last month of 2022 lights up an alert for people with the Sign of Libra: there is a risk that you will make serious errors in judgment due to pure impulsiveness. The problem is that Mars goes retrograde, so even the most righteous people tend to make mistakes in judgment.

But not everything is dangerous. For most of the month, Mercury and Venus align in a way that benefits home organization and encourages family adjustments. Staying at home, enjoying life with intimate people and giving a general home can be great!

From the 21st, the planet Jupiter will oppose the sign of Libra. This movement lasts and marks the sign throughout most of the first half of 2023.

In a positive sense, there may be more opportunities to meet new and interesting people. In a negative sense, there is a risk of conflict with people in authority.

Want to know more about next year? Everything about Libra in 2023 is here.


The last month of 2022 is favorable for short trips and walks that break the routine, because Mercury and Venus align harmoniously for people with the Scorpio sign. Interacting more with people, communicating and having good times with friends, in addition to deepening your studies, will be great!

The tendency is for it to be a mostly peaceful month, with some occasional turbulence as a result of the retrogradation of Mars, which is one of the rulers of Scorpio. There is a certain tendency to impulsive and even radical attitudes. Careful!

From December 20th, the planet Jupiter encourages more positive attitudes towards health and habits. It also allows the routine to be less tiring and more joyful.

This cycle lasts for most of the first half of next year. The complete guide for Scorpio 2023 is here.


In December, Mars Retrograde is in opposition to the sign of Sagittarius, so you are noticing a decrease in your vitality. This movement lasts until the end of March 2023, but improves substantially in January.

Therefore, you better avoid overloading yourself with unnecessary tasks that can lead to physical and emotional burnout. As far as possible, invest in rest, leisure and light food.

But most of the month is very positive for organizing (or reorganizing) your financial life. Proposals may arise that involve material gains and the possibility of resolving debts.

In addition, Jupiter’s movement from December 20th, which will last for most of the first half of 2023, favors fun, parties, dating and sex life. Read all about Sagittarius in 2023 here.

It is also worth mentioning that December is the month when most Sagittarius people have a birthday. Therefore, it is important to check your Solar Return and verify the strongest inclinations for this new cycle that begins.


For most of the month, the alignment between Mercury and Venus will be very interesting in terms of allowing difficult agreements to be reached through conversation. An excellent moment, therefore, to make adjustments in relationships – especially academic and professional ones.

On December 6, the planet Mercury enters Capricorn. This planetary transit favors mental clarity and communication for Capricorn people. However, on the 29th, Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, which indicates that decisions taken before that day may be revised until January 2023.

On December 10th, it is the turn of the planet Venus to enter Capricorn. This transit favors love life. For those who are alone, the chances of meeting interesting people tend to be high.

Not everything is positive, however. The last month of 2022 maintains a negative astrological cycle for Mars that suggests unforeseen events and disruptions in everyday life until the beginning of next year. And by the way, see all about Capricorn 2023 in this guide here.

And as some Capricorns have a birthday in December, it is recommended to check your Solar Return, which will reveal the general tenor of the coming year.


In December, Aquarius people can be especially introspective. Venus alignment with Mercury favors this, as a way to rethink and evaluate gains and losses experienced in 2022 and even before.

Furthermore, the transit saturn by aquarius, which only occurs every 28 years, is indicative of maturity for people of this sign. Even if it hurts, it’s for the good. A new year unfolds and it is better to start with maturity. The complete guide for Aquarius 2023 is here.

There’s still Mars retrograde, which can affect leisure, so December is unfortunately not a fun-friendly month for Aquarius people.

At a time when most people are having fun, traveling, enjoying the end of the year, Aquarians and Aquarians will need to deal with unpleasant tasks, charges and responsibilities. It’s part of…

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