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Happy birthday! 140 best phrases to wish congratulations

Happy Birthday friend! My vows today are the same as every day. Much peace, love, light and success to you!

Happy Birthday! What do you wish for that special friend, who is fully capable of conquering whatever she wants? Keep being this amazing woman who captivates everything and everyone around her!

Friend, the day is yours, but the best gift is me: your sincere friendship. Happy Birthday!

Today, I couldn’t help but thank you for all the support and partnership as always. You deserve the world! Happy Birthday friend!

Congratulations on your day! Even far away, I want to send my affection and remind you that I will always be here for you. Happy Birthday my friend!

Happy birthday, dear friend! May your happiness have no limits and may God continue to bless you today and always. Congratulations!

Congratulations! May God enlighten you and keep you always like this: strong, wise and very special. Happy Birthday friend!

Today is a very special date. It’s the day of this friend who inspires me to always be better. Happy Birthday darling!

What a joy to celebrate another birthday by your side! I can’t wait to give you a really tight hug. Congratulations, my friend!

With each passing year, you become a stronger and more inspiring woman. You deserve all the best, friend. Happy Birthday!

I am grateful to God for sending someone so special to be my best friend. May the universe give you back all the light you spread around you. Congratulations on your day!

Happy birthday to this friend who makes my days lighter and happier! Today is the day to get back all the affection you deserve.

Today is the day of this amazing friend and companion, my partner of all hours. May your new cycle be beautiful and enlightened!

Our friendship is long-standing, and I look forward to celebrating with you many more anniversaries and victories. Congratulations, my friend!

Happy Birthday friend! Know that I will always be here for you and for the friendship we have built over these years.

Happy Birthday! Friend, I wanted to celebrate this special day by your side! For now, receive my heartfelt wishes for happiness, love, and peace.

Friend, may with each new birthday of yours, our friendship strengthens. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the new age, friend! May you keep fighting for your dreams and conquering your goals. You deserve too much!

Friend, today is all yours! Take the opportunity to share this joy next to those you love. Happy Birthday!

Beautiful friend, congratulations! I wish you the best of birthdays. May your new year be light and full of peace!

Dear friend, today the day even dawned more beautiful, because it’s your birthday. Much light and joy to you on this date!

Congratulations on your birthday, friend! May your day be enlightened and blessed, alongside the most special people. Love you!

Happy birthday, friend of my heart! Know that your friendship is the foundation of my life. Having you around is a privilege for me!

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