THE shot formula is a new type of product to assist in the slimming process recently launched in Brazil. It promises to make the person lose weight without going hungry, and thus ends up contributing to food reeducation.
What is it and how does it work
THE shot formula for weight loss It has the look and feel of yogurt and is made up of water, palm oil and oat extracts. The product acts directly on the intestine, creating a protective layer that makes the absorption of calories less. In addition, it also prolongs the feeling of fullness through the release of hormones, thus decreasing the chances of you wanting to eat again for up to eight hours.
O formula shot price to lose weight is approximately R$190 reais, with a total of thirty shots.
How and for how long should it be used
Its consumption should be done with meals. It is recommended to take two cups of shot formula per day during the first week of treatment, such as one cup for breakfast and another for lunch. In the following weeks, just one cup a day is enough.
To know the right duration of consumption of this product, the ideal is to seek follow-up from a nutritionist. In this way, you will have a nutritious diet, supervised by a
professional, and as a consequence you will have good results.
THE shot formula is a natural product, which has no effects on the brain and is not addictive. Therefore, it can be taken without fear of side effects. But it is worth mentioning that consuming the shot formula does not work miracles. You have to have willpower and be disciplined in food reeducation.
If you want even better results, you can combine the consumption of the shot formula with physical exercises accompanied by a professional in the field. It is recommended to practice physical exercises such as pilates, yoga or functional gymnastics.
You can start a new rhythm of life, always looking to have healthy habitssuch as sleeping at least eight hours a day, not going too long without eating, avoiding fried foods and very fatty foods (especially at night) and escaping from stressful situations – which can reduce your quality of life and your health, consequently.
If you want your healthy weight loss plan to be even more likely to succeed, encourage everyone who lives with you to experience this healthy lifestyle as well. Or, if you live alone, invite a friend or partner to get into this rhythm with you. This way, you feel more encouraged and less likely to give up on your new life.
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.