Tattooing something in honor of your son or daughter is a beautiful demonstration of unconditional love. The foot tattoo, tattooed with the foot test design made at the birth of the baby, represents the bond between mothers and children and is an exclusive idea for a tattoo. Get inspired with beautiful photos to immortalize all your love!
1. There are many styles for you to tattoo
2. There are the classic black ink ones
3. And the colorful and full of details
4. You can tattoo on different parts of the body
5. The foot tattoo on the forearm is evident
6. You can think of a big tattoo on your back
7. Or small and delicate
8. The foot tattoo with the date of birth is even more symbolic
9. It’s super exclusive
10. Want something different? Bet on Roman numerals
11. The baby foot tattoo with name is even more special
12. Do you agree?
13. But betting on a version that looks like the stamp is also symbolic
14. After all, this tattoo represents an unforgettable moment
15. And register your baby’s birth
16. You can adapt the tattoo by making it very small
17. Or exactly like the test!
18. The arm region offers a good space for a tattoo
19. It can be on the wrist, with your love
20. Or how about a little foot tattoo on the shoulder?
21. On the forearm with heart, it looks super cute
22. And neat with black ink is traditional
23. It is possible to add the baby’s name
24. Or get a baby foot tattoo with phrase
25. These words form amazing drawings
26. With ink dots, you get an original tattoo
27. And, with geometric features, it is modern
28. The baby foot tattoo with wings is so beautiful
29. You can highlight the name
30. Or leave exclusivity for the design
31. The arm is a good area for larger tattoos
32. Just like the baby foot tattoo on the calf
34. Or in a stroke that mimics the registration stamp
35. Those passionate about astrology can complement the constellation of the sign
36. Or, how about tattooing the heartbeat?
37. They are ideas for different styles and body regions
38. Classics and Realists
39. Modern ones with color
40. They are tattoos to immortalize the birth of your baby!
Branding your skin with a tribute to your family is a great way to show your love and undying admiration for these people. Check out the amazing selection we made of family tattoo options and get inspired to make your own!