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Exfoliation with coffee: questions answered by the expert

Exfoliating with coffee is a homemade recipe widely publicized on the internet as a simple and inexpensive way to treat the skin. After all, coffee has several emollient, moisturizing and even antioxidant substances. However, can it be used on the face? And in the hair? Beautician Beatriz Antunes clarifies all doubts on the subject. Check out!

What is coffee scrub?

Exfoliation is a method that stimulates skin renewal and removes dirt and dead cells from the most superficial layer of the dermis. Among its benefits are increased collagen production, hydration, increased nutrient absorption and prevention of the appearance of blackheads and pimples.

However, when it comes to exfoliating with coffee, beautician Beatriz Antunes is very clear and emphatic: “we soon remember the homemade exfoliation with coffee grounds, which despite being very popular, is not recommended for use on the skin. Currently, we find on the internet several people who use and recommend coffee grounds for aesthetic and dermatological purposes, which is a big mistake. I do not recommend the exfoliation with coffee grounds, as it can bring various harm to the skin. Coffee is only welcome as a skin care ingredient when it is found in a product.”

Is coffee scrub recommended?

As pointed out by beautician Beatriz Antunes, exfoliation with coffee is only recommended if a specific skin product has this ingredient as its main or secondary active. The caffeine found in cosmetic products has been prepared and conditioned for aesthetic and dermatological purposes, so it is beneficial.

In the words of the specialist, “I do not recommend or recommend the use of homemade exfoliation with coffee grounds. What few know is that this method can cause several negative effects on skin health. The coffee we use at home was produced for food, that is, its beans were ground randomly, containing sharp edges, which can cause serious injuries when used on the skin”.

There are alternatives. Beatriz recommends exfoliating with clay, because in addition to bringing several benefits, it is affordable and does not harm the skin. So, you know, keep the coffee grounds well away from your face.

Top questions about coffee scrubs

Faced with so many articles and videos recommending the use of coffee both on the face and in the hair, it is normal to have doubts. Next, beautician Beatriz Antunes answers the main questions. Check out!

1. Are there any benefits to exfoliating with coffee?

Beatriz Antunes (BA): Studies on the use of coffee on the skin are scarce, which does not prove the effectiveness of the beans applied directly to the skin. There are several cosmetics on the market with scientific proof for this purpose.

What damage can coffee scrubs do to the skin?

(BA): among some harmful effects that coffee grounds can cause to the skin, there are: redness, allergy, atopic dermatitis (“bubbles” on the skin) and, in more extreme cases, it can cause the skin to peel, bring burns or , even to cause scars by its strong abrasion”.

Does a coffee scrub lighten the skin?

(BA): any exfoliation can lighten the skin, as the objective is to remove dirt and dead cells accumulated under the skin, bringing a clearer and softer effect after use.

Does coffee scrub help fight cellulite?

(BA): when used in cosmetic products, caffeine can have positive effects in the fight against cellulite. Applied on the face, coffee grounds bring several harm to the skin, however, if applied on cellulite, the risks of aggression decrease, since the skin where they are formed is usually more “thick” and resistant. Even so, there is no proof of the positive effects, since the coffee in question was produced to be ingested and not used as a topical medium, and its benefits may not penetrate the skin.

Contrary to what is widely publicized on the internet, coffee grounds are not an exfoliant. In addition to not working as such, as the skin does not absorb nutrients, the use of this ingredient can peel, attack and hurt your face.

Coffee scrub on the hair schedule, does it work?

In addition to being used to exfoliate the skin (you already know that doesn’t work), coffee grounds are often used as an ingredient in the hair schedule, in order to leave hair soft and stimulate hair growth. However, as with the face, the use of coffee in the hair does not bring any benefit and can also be harmful, especially for those with light hair.

It is worth mentioning the explanation given by the beautician: “there are no studies proving that exfoliating the hair with coffee can bring benefits. I would recommend other types of exfoliators in this case. Also, coffee can loosen its color in the strands. Thus, those who have light hair can end up staining the wires”.

Before using any popular recipe from the internet, it is very important to consult an expert. Take the opportunity to learn about the benefits of green clay, with explanations and tips from a dermatologist.

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