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Exercise to expand the chest and your emotions

most of movements that daily life demands They involve bringing the body forward. Hence the top of the back hunches and the chest sags.

The person in a certain way “coils” in on himself, which limits your ability to breathe and is associated with a more constrained expression of vitality.

By stretching the complex pectoral region, in which the pectoral muscles themselves are involved, but also the lateral ones, the shoulder rotators and the trapezius muscles, it is possible not only to improve posture but increase oxygen intake to the bodyrelease the diaphragm so that it works freely and therefore gain well-being.

From an emotional point of view, anxiety states are considered to get trapped in the center of the chest, causing a feeling of suffocation or difficulty breathing.

To open the chest is to open the heart

A yoga posture Particularly beneficial for expanding the rib cage and making the shoulders more flexible is the “fish pose” (Matsyasana)which can be done with legs straight or crossed.

In addition to favoring a deeper breathopens and stretches the throat area, which also helps to breathe better.

Also relieves tension in the upper part of the back, increases blood flow towards the head, increases mobility of the pelvic area and tones the organs of this region.

the fish pose allows emotional opennessperhaps because it makes the heart above the head.

It is also very useful “camel pose” (Ustrasana)in which, kneeling with hands on hips, arches back even, if possible, grab your heels with your palms.

It is, however, demanding postures for the back, so you have to start your practice little by littlewithout ever forcing the limits of each body at each specific moment.

An easy pose to expand the chest

Lying face upwith the legs straight and together, put the hands under the buttockspalms down. Breathing in, press on the elbows to enter the shoulder blades and push up the chest. Breathe.the head will spin little by little naturally. Do not lean too much on the vertebrae. When the opening is maximum, the crown will be placed on the ground.stay that way between two and eight breaths.With an exhalation, return to starting position.

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