Home » History & Legends » Discover everything about the OFFERINGS TO OYA and much more

Discover everything about the OFFERINGS TO OYA and much more

In this article we will be highlighting the oya offerings, however other aspects of this deity will also be mentioned that are quite important to understand everything about it, especially if you are starting out in this religion, do not miss all this information, in the end you will want to know much more about her and the entire Yoruba pantheon.

Offerings to oya

In this segment we will highlight in great detail the multiple offerings that could be offered to this deity, since you cannot give him just anything, otherwise he could get upset, therefore many aspects must be taken into account.

Their rites, ceremonies, and other celebrations always have a lot of color, and there are various songs and prayers such as those indicated above.

Who is oya?

Let’s start by describing who this deity is in order to know about her offerings, this goddess belongs to the Yoruba pantheon, and is the one who has the power over storms and other tempests, she is the wife of Shangó, whom she does not abandon at any time, where is he? equal.

It stands out because it has possession over the entrances to the different cemeteries in the world and can dominate the winds, all of them.

Her attitudes are really outstanding, since she is voracious and brave and she is the one who allows water to have life or to keep it that way, so that according to this religion, without it we could not exist on the face of the earth, we owe that to her. . (See article: Goddess Venus)

It is important to highlight that since it is the wind, it is both positively and negatively, that is, it is also a storm, a waterspout and causes devastation in the world, for this reason it is said that when it is upset, these “natural” disasters occur. ”, which is why it is necessary to prevent him from getting upset.

Before becoming Shangó’s wife, she was with Oggún, but her current husband took her away from her due to a revenge that broke out between them.

For believers, this deity has a dual personality, since he can be as noble as anyone, but he also becomes violent if he is tempted.

His identification number is nine, as for his colors, he does not have any specific ones, but he really does not like black at all, the day of the week that is most favorable to him is Fridays.

Although she is not officially with Oggún, it is said that he is currently her lover, however there are other experts who claim that they are really enemies and do not tolerate each other.

What are their characteristics?

Let’s start with her physique, this being a beautiful, extremely slender woman, whom many envy, in addition to her features are not thick as is common among people of color, on the contrary they look like a white woman, although her skin tone is cinnamon. .

As for her personality, as we have already said, she is quite dangerous as well as her husband; It is even said that he likes wars and those types of fights where someone wins and the other loses.

Although he likes almost all colors, he is always represented in brown and red wine, but never in black.

It is important to mention that of all the days of the year the one he likes the most is the second of the second month, however in Cuba, one of the countries in which this religion is popular, it is celebrated in month number ten on the fifteenth. .

This is closely related to certain metals, among which are the following:




She serves Olofin and Orunmilla as secretary.

He always goes hunting with Oshosi and Odde.

He has two sons, one of them called Orona and the other is called Eshu Alakentú, and the father of both is Oggún.

In addition to her children, she also has two sisters, the youngest of hers is called Ayao while the other is called Alakentú. (See article: The soul alone)

Although its most popular name is Oya, there are places like Venezuela and Africa called Yanzán.

It is also noted that her crown does not allow her face to be seen, and it is made with pearls.

When celebrations, rituals or others are carried out, his dances are performed like strong winds, even the movements are quite abrupt, like when he fights with enemies, or attends wars, in this way his personality is represented, with his arms up and extended.

To take to the cemetery

Let us remember that it is always located in the cemetery, on the threshold of these, so the best place to offer it is there, this is due to its close relationship with Ikú, and he is the one who comes from beyond to come for the soul of those people who completed the cycle on earth, to take them to rest in eternity.

Therefore, the goddess in question is a murderer, and for this reason a lot of respect is owed to her, you can always see her in a red wine dress, very gloomy, but in addition to this she wears 9 skirts that have many colors, which she wears both on her head as on her dress.

He usually carries a yagua with him.

Before highlighting the offerings to oya, it is necessary to establish that the number in which it is offered is nine, that is, nine flowers, nine fruits, nine vegetables, or whatever the element is.

The main thing that can be offered to him when going to the cemetery is an eggplant since he worships them and they are fundamental for this deity. This can be placed on a tray, to which you should add a little rice, a little banana and sweet potato. It is important to mention that corojo butter is almost always placed on it, all of this because it likes to feed this way.

Just like the other deities, within the offerings to Oya, animal sacrifices can be made, this is usually used in order to give thanks for some favor granted, this deity likes: doves, chickens and birds. chivas. (See article: Umbanda)

In addition to animals and eggplant, certain herbs are also included, widely used in rituals and prayers, and very little is done without the presence of some herb, since these are used in order to cleanse those elements that are considered sacred. In the case of offerings to oya, the following herbs are included:

thousand flowers





cemetery flower


Apart from what has already been mentioned, nine glasses filled with water must be placed, of course it must be noted that the origin of the water in each glass must not be repeated, that is, one glass filled with tap water, the other with a river, the other with the beach, a well and so on.

To be clear, it is necessary to repeat that none of your offerings should be black, any other color is permitted, therefore your altar should be very colorful.

Coconuts can be placed on the altar, each one painted a different color, for example, one green, another yellow, blue, orange, up to nine coconuts.

You can offer him red wine without any problem, as well as any number of sweets since he loves them, for example a cake on which you can place his image, cupcakes, pudding, candies and much more. (See article: Chilam Balam)

What fruits are offered?

This deity loves certain fruits, so do not hesitate to offer him one or more of them, he would be very grateful and could grant you your favor quickly and safely.

His favorite fruits are the following:

Ripe Cambur





Other foods of offerings to oya:


Bean Buns


Corojo Butter Cocoa butter.



Custard apple

Plantain (See article: God Ares)


Let us remember that she lives in cemeteries, a place where there are usually many flowers of multiple colors. This goddess loves certain types of flowers that you should not hesitate to bring to make an offering to Oya. These flowers are the following:




dead scare

Pacific Ocean



Change voice.

Any of the offerings described above must be delivered with certain dances and songs, the latter preferably in the Yoruba language, as described in the following segment.

Who is Iku?

When you hear about Iku, you are really referring to death itself, since this is the one sent by the God of the Yoruba religion called Olofín, in order to search for the people who have completed their stage on earth. After he completes that mission, it will be Oludumare who establishes the place where they will finally go.

In principle, he was an orisha but due to his arrogance he had to stop being one and be the one who commanded the warriors of evil, such as: aro, akobá, egba, among others.

Their clothing is always black, sometimes it can be seen as ash or a very dark brown.

He also had a duel with Orunmila, therefore he can only go looking for the children of that deity when he decides, since they are untouchable.

No type of offerings are given to this deity, and no one even worships him alone, but rather through other deities such as Eggun. (See article: Japanese Horoscope)

Songs for offerings to Oya:

Below we will describe two very common songs when making an offering to Oya, since it is not correct to do it in silence or with boredom, it should always be happy offerings, with drums, songs and prayers, on this occasion we bring them in English the first with its subsequent translation, and the Second in Yoruba also with a translation into Spanish:

Even if I feel the sun on my skin everyday
If I don’t feel you
Even if I see the most beautiful thing up in the sky
If I don’t see you

Take me hear, take me hear
Take me hear, take me hear

Even if my hand’s skin catches the wind
Catch the cloud, if I don’t see you
Even if I feel the sun on my skin everyday
If I don’t feel you

Take me hear, take me hear
Take me hear, take me hear

Toi, le soleil, l’Uni, toi qui parles à mon coeur
Toi, le soleil, l’Uni, mais qui pars sans moi
Toi qui pars sans moi

Take me hear, take me hear
Take me hear, take me hear

Oya Wemilloro and
Oya Wemilloro and
Oya Wemilloro and
Oya Wemilloro and
Oya Wemilloro and

Translation to Spanish:

Even if I feel the sun on my skin every day

If I don’t feel you

Even if I see the most beautiful thing in the sky

If I dont see you

Take me oya, take me oya

Take me oya, take me oya
Even if the skin on my hand catches the wind

Catch the cloud, if I don’t see you

Even if I feel the sun on my skin every day

If I don’t feel you

Take me oya, take me oya
Take me oya, take me oya

Toi, le soleil, l’Uni, toi qui parles à mon coeur

Toi, le soleil, l’Uni, mais qui pars sans moi

Toi qui pars sans moi (See article: Bastet)

Take me oya, take me oya
Take me oya, take me oya

Oya Wemilloro and

Oya Wemilloro and

In this first song it can be seen that its lyrics imply that they have a lot of faith in this goddess, since it establishes that even if they do not see her physically, or do not feel her when they wake up every morning, they want her to protect them and always be with them. , a very important issue in any aspect of the deities, since faith is above all.

2-. Omode dara oba orum
Omode alayo oba okum
o aye dara yeye osun
dara oba orun
dara yeye osun

Omode dara oba orun
O aye dara yeye osun
alayo oba okun
dara yeye osun

Omode alayo oba okun
O aye dara yeye osun

Quem deu ao som o dom de ser canção
And a voice, quem deu a nós to sing
and enchant
capable of revealing peace
and reveal to light
ao ser o som OM..

Oh please allow

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