Home » Horoscope » Can Aquarius and Aquarius get along in love?

Can Aquarius and Aquarius get along in love?

Anything can happen in a relationship Aquarius with Aquarius. If separated they are already unpredictable, imagine together!

I was content just to be your friend
But what happened to me?
Where did I go wrong?
Sometimes I wonder if I got it wrong
Great friendship with being in love
If that’s all it will be soon

But when the phone rings, will it be you?
Whatever I’m doing I stop doing
And if you don’t call me for a long time
I make an excuse to look for you
What a fool but I can’t help it

As in the song “Thinking of You”, by Pimentas do Reino, Aquarius’ love for Aquarius is born out of a great friendship. And often they will live this platonic love for a long time for fear of putting everything to lose by declaring themselves, since they value friendship more than love.

Aquarius matches Aquarius?

One thing is for sure: Strange things happen to Aquarians, on average, once a day and they don’t even notice it. That’s because for Aquarius natives, strange things are normal. It’s normal that it’s weird.

This is why Aquarius’ relationship with Aquarius seems strange to most people.

Aquarius is sloppy, brilliant and insane. Two aquariums together are twice sloppy, shiny and insane.

And no matter how messed up they are, not seeing what is happening in the present, only focused on taking care of their own lives, their businesses and the future, they manage to find each other.

There is probably a radar that makes an Aquarius feel the presence of the other.

Aquarius with Aquarius in dating

And when these two meet, is it possible to say that Aquarius matches Aquarius? The truth is, no. Because both are unpredictable, which will lead to an even more unpredictable relationship.

The only predictable thing about the union of Aquarius and Aquarius is that they will understand each other right away – which is already a miracle, let’s say in passing, since it’s almost impossible to understand an Aquarius.

And that will make one have immense appreciation for the other. It is an endless bliss for the Aquarius native to have someone to pick mushrooms with him on the hill without that person chattering endlessly about unimportant matters.

Finally, Aquarius feels he has found someone who is willing to punch every member of Congress for refusing to pass laws that will guarantee Indians’ land rights.

Someone who knows it’s time to heal this planet or say goodbye. A person who like him also wants to swim in rivers and climb trees. Someone who believes in homeopathy and is willing to stop the slaughter of animals that are used as guinea pigs by science.

If an Aquarius alone is capable of making great changes in the world and in humanity, imagine what two Aquarius men are capable of doing together.

So let’s say a silent prayer for more Aquarians to meet and connect.

What is the relationship between Aquarius and Aquarius?

When an Aquarius man enters an environment where an Aquarius woman is present, their eyes will immediately smile at each other. They recognize each other anywhere.

From that moment on, they will become close friends and live a platonic love for quite a long time.

This is because the two have a greater appreciation for friendship than love. Unlike many other natives, friendship is Aquarius’ main goal in life.

In friendship, they can trust with their whole being, but in love… romance is a little suspect for Aquarians.

The Aquarius hopes to find a wife who is much more than a lover, but a friend and partner for all hours, who will embark on all his madness, extravagances and impossible schemes.

He also wants his wife to like his friends, be good at math in her head, and know how to discuss any subject intelligently.

If the Aquarian he loves can do all of that, he’ll dedicate himself to doing some miracles for her.

And of course the Aquarius woman will demand the same qualities from him. She expects him to be much more than a bill-paying husband. Her wish is for him to be her guru, her mentor.

And even if they both find all these traits in each other, they may never marry, as they both find the requirements of eternal love too heavy.

Aquarius couple with Aquarius

When Aquarius and Aquarius finally decide to put the brushes together, they may have to face other types of problems that are strange to “normal” people.

For example, it sometimes happens that a couple fights because one of them doesn’t like the other’s friends. In the case of the Aquarius and Aquarius couple, the exact opposite can happen: both like each other’s friends so much that the house is always full, and there is no time for them to cultivate intimacy and moments together.

Another factor that can bring conflicts to this couple is stubbornness. When they brood over something they are very adamant. For example, the Aquarius man can be adamant about the fact that the dog has to sleep in bed with them.

And she, on the other hand, might not like that, as she would rather make love before bed than have a dog lick her face.

It’s just that it’s nearly impossible to persuade an Aquarian, whether that native male or female, to change their age about anything.

Therefore, the best thing to do to overcome the stubbornness that arise is for you to focus on mutual goals and not have time to discuss the inflexibilities of both.

Oh, and always remember to make those surprises you love. Surprising each other is the surefire weapon to remind you of the love that unites the two of you – and we know how good you are at surprising!

Aquarius with Aquarius in bed

Aquarius isn’t a sex fanatic sign, but that doesn’t mean they’ll live together platonically as brothers. Far from it. They have great chances of achieving sexual harmony together. And the more you make love, the more you will want each other.

Usually, sex between them is sudden. Things heat up unexpectedly and become explosive, without warning. It’s an instant need both of you feel for relief and satisfaction.

The Aquarius kiss with Aquarius is sensitive, delicate and light.

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