As the new year approaches, we make new promises of change, and there are always people wanting to acquire healthier eating habits and lose weight. For those who are in this, breakfast is a fundamental step.
Eating a healthy breakfast every morning speeds up your metabolism and gives you energy to get things done for the day, so paying attention to what you’re selecting for this meal is a great way to kick-start your efforts.
There are different ways to create a nice breakfast, whether with orange juice, bread, cheese, coffee with milk, fruit, cereal. But the truth is, if the desire is to lose weight, some foods can’t be missed. So check out these tips and towards new habits!
eat immediately
Studies have found that eating breakfast helps keep your metabolism revved up, so eat it within the first 30 to 60 minutes of your day. In this way, you will harness your body’s total fat burning potential by allowing it to immediately regulate your blood sugar and insulin levels and kick-start your metabolism. Another benefit is that you avoid making bad choices for lunch or dinner.
But what if you’re one of those people who skip breakfast? If the thought of eating something early in the day turns your stomach or doesn’t excite you at all, one option is to have smoothies. The important thing is to take advantage of the timing and have breakfast.
Capriche in proteins
A high-protein breakfast — eggs and Greek yogurt, for example — can stave off hunger pangs, help you eat less and, ultimately, lose weight. Protein increases satiety and decreases hunger, as it is digested more slowly. Consequently, your intake helps you consume fewer calories throughout the day and feel satisfied and energized for longer. A study of women found that those who ate eggs for breakfast lost twice as much weight as those who started their days with bread. Here’s the tip!
Don’t forget the banana
Including bananas at breakfast is the solution to ingesting an early dose of resistant starch (RS), a type of carbohydrate that behaves like a fiber within the body. It is responsible for helping you feel full (satiated) and burn more calories as it prompts your body to use fat as a source of energy. Resistant starch is found in foods like bananas, oats, avocados, pears and almonds. Try a few combinations for a diet-friendly breakfast that’s also delicious.
Did you see? It’s not complicated to adjust your habits to have a healthier breakfast. Include these tips in your everyday life now!
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.