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Braids in the hair: throw yourself into this hairstyle to change your look

Braids are very old hairstyles, they may have appeared 3,500 years before Christ and crossed the minds of all regions of the world.

Versatile, they can add more beauty to our hair and take us out of the routine of basic hairstyles.

Check out some tips and tutorials to get inspired and let braids take care of your hair!

5 cornrows for you to learn

We’ve selected amazing tutorials for you to rock the braids!

1. Box Braids

This afro braid style is gorgeous, not only for its aesthetic beauty, but for the history it carries in its long strands. They are usually used by women who are in the process of hair transition and do not want to keep their hair short.

2. Side braid

This side braid has many uses, it can be used in more formal occasions, such as wedding and graduation, or for a casual outing. Change the face of any look!

3. Crochet braids

The crochet braids are a variation of the Box, the difference is in the way of fixing the braids to the natural hair. While in Box Braid the synthetic thread is braided together with the hair, the crochet ones, as the name suggests, are almost “sewn” together with the threads, resembling the stitches used in crochet.

4. Unicorn braid

Upgrade your look with unicorn magic! This braid, made on top of the head, resembles the horn of this mythical animal. It’s beautiful and suits all hair types and occasions!

5. Boxer braid

The boxer braid is a model that emerged in antiquity and has been adapted over time. Until it reached the heads of boxers, who launched this trend. It’s practical and great for the summer, as it leaves all the hair tightly tied to the head.

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There are braids of all types and for all types of hair. All you have to do is choose a model that you like the most, leave your laziness aside and indulge in this beautiful and diverse hairstyle!

20 pictures of cornrows to inspire you

We separate some more photos that show other ways to use the braids. We’re sure you’ll get out of here straight to the dressing table!

1. We love these pink cornrows!

2. The boxer braid was a charm with this sidecut

3. Look at these box braids with red fiber, how beautiful!

4. This thick braid is different and amazing

5. We love this braided hairstyle!

6. These braids went great with the ponytail

7. Mix braids at the root with loose hair at the ends

8. Incredible effect of box braids joined in another braid

9. Cornrows with different finishing at the ends

10. Look how cute these braids are!

11. More pink cornrows!

12. The boxer also looks beautiful in small

13. Side braids in short hair

14. Look at that length!

15. We love these skinny ones too

16. Boxer with bare roots

17. The boxer braided inside is also a charm

18. Box braids with curled ends

19. We love those short cornrows!

20. Look at that rainbow of braids!

With so much beautiful braid it makes you want to do it! In addition to being beautiful, they give a differentiated look like no other hairstyle. Let’s braid too!

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